Fussy Eating Driving you Crazy??
Brought to You by MyLittleMoppet
I know the feeling dear Mom, I’ve been there too.
There are many reasons why your fussy eater is behaving this way, and it has been researched by experts across the world. So you already know all about that, so the next question is what to do about it?
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Well, in my own personal fussy-eating-and-ultimately-gone-mad experience, I’ve found that as with most problems, the solution lies in planning.
One of the biggest reasons kids run away from food is because of boredom and lack of variety, and the best way to solve that is with a plan – a well thought out MEAL PLAN.
Trust me, making a monthly and weekly meal plan has saved my sanity! Here are just some of the advantages I’ve had after I’ve started meal planning:
- The stress of ‘what do I cook’ is eliminated from my life.
- Making a meal plan helps me be more conscious about how many servings of protein, dairy, fruit and vegetables my child is having.
- I can space out the foods my child doesn’t like and include his favorites in different forms
- Dishes aren’t repeated frequently, and I have the freedom of including some new and exciting recipes
- Consulting my plan helps me shop accordingly, choosing healthy options and avoiding junk – also saves money in the long run
- For things that aren’t available at my local store, I can order ahead of time and be ready; and I can make the most of special offers and sales
- I can spend a few hours once a week to prep everything I’ll need so I spend minimal time in the kitchen for every meal
- I can completely avoid eating out since I know I have everything I need to put together a healthy meal in minutes
- In case I’m not well or there is some emergency, another family member can immediately take over – no need to resort to ordering in from outside
And the result of this is that I’m now a much more relaxed Mom, and have more time to spend with my kids and do what I love. Definitely beats staring into an open fridge without a clue as to what to do next!
If you’d like to enjoy this kind of peace and calm in your family, no problem – it’s as easy as pressing a button!
About Dr Hema
I am Dr.Hema, a.k.a the “Doctor Mommy”. I am a medical doctor by profession, no longer into active medical practice as my two little moppets keep me pretty much busy. I love to help and guide new parents through their journey of raising healthy babies...
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