Do you worry that your baby is not gaining weight properly?
- Welcome to the club! A study says that 85 % of Moms fret over their baby’s weight and are always searching for healthy weight gain foods for their babies.
- It’s time to fret no more! Little Moppet has created a worry free, mom-friendly recipe book that will both delight your little moppet’s taste buds and cure any worry about proper weight gain and nutrition!
- This is just a SAMPLE of our Full Version Book that will be launched later this month!!
In the Book, You Will Discover:

All of our recipes are extremely high in nutritional value which will dispel any worry and encourage healthy growth and weight for your little one!

Many of our moms, (like you!),who worry about their little ones achieving healthy weight gain have already read informative articles and have viewed our YouTube videos on how to create amazing foods!
Now, Little Moppet has developed a mom and moppet-friendly recipe book that will guarantee smiles from cheek to cheek and put mom’s worries at ease!
Sound amazing? We’ve put together five of our yummiest, nutrition-packed recipes for you to try right here!

Check out these awesome recipes
- Dry Fruit Energy Bars
- Paneer Omelette
- Sweet Potato Balls
- Coconut Peach Pudding
- Sathumaavu Jamun
Want even more for your adorable moppet?
Try any of the recipes in the free version and send us a picture! You'll receive a discount on the full version!!
* You can send the picture to info@mylittlemoppet.com and do write us how your bub enjoyed it !!

A Little Background about this Super-Secret Sample Ebook of Recipes
Our inspiration: Moms like you who worry about healthy weight gain and are searching for nutritious, organic foods for their moppets!
The Author: The Doctor Mommy- Dr. Hema!

My Little Moppet's Super Secret Sample Ebook of Recipes

A Mom’s Worry-Free Recipe Ebook Created with Love for your Little Moppet