Oats is one of the best nutritious food loaded with fiber and proteins.
Check out these Diet charts to know when to give oats for your baby.
How to Make Oats Porridge for Babies?
- Organic Oats – 1/2 cup
- Water – Required Quantity
How to select Oats for your baby?
There are 4 types of oats available
1. Oats Groats – They are very thick and not suitable for babies.
2. Steel cut Oats – They come in varying thickness and take around 30 minutes to cook, very longer than the regular oats.
3. Rolled Oats – They take around 15 minutes to cook and sometimes available as flaked ones too, rolled oats can be given to the baby by powdering the oats in blender or food processor. It is better to give rolled oats for babies as it is better than the instant oats that are highly processed.
4. Instant Oats – They are very fine and thin. They cook within 5 minutes. They can be also powdered or used as the whole. (as they are very thin)
Whenever you buy any oats for your baby, check that the ingredients listed on the label should be Oats or Rolled Oats.
3. After the water comes to boil, add the oats allow it to cook.
4. Any fruits can also be added (Apple Oats Porridge)
5. When the oats are fully cooked, remove from flame to the serving bowl.
6. Oats Porridge is ready.
7. After 7 months, dry fruits powder can be added to the porridge to make it more nutritious.
If you are unsure as what Oats to buy for your baby, check out our Homemade Oats Powder prepared with utmost safety and hygiene conditions by me
(Apple oats Porridge and Dry fruit Powder recipe to be posted soon.)
Nutritional Information of Oats
Health Benefits of Oats for Babies
- Oats contain more soluble fiber than any other grain. It is low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol and sodium.
- It is rich in manganese and a good source of thiamin, magnesium and phosphorous.
- Oats are the only cereal containing a legume like protein as their storage protein.
- Oats protein is equivalent in quantity to soy protein, meat, milk and egg protein.
If your baby has recently started on solids, you might also be wondering what kind of feeding chair is best for your baby. Check out our detailed post – High Chair Vs Booster Seat: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Feeding Chair.
1 Lasztity, Radomir (1999). The Chemistry of Cereal Proteins. Akademiai Kiado (English). ISBN 978-0-8493-2763-6.
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oat
3. .http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/cereal-grains-and-pasta/5708/2
photo credit: Gary Thomson via photopincc

Oats Porridge for Babies
- Oats - 1 cup can either be powdered or whole oats can be used
- Water - Required Quantity
- Boil adequate amount of water.
- Add the oats and stir so that they don't stick to the pan.
- After the oats is cooked well remove from stove and serve
How much quantity should I give my 7 month old baby?
He has lot of constipation after starting solids.
Please advise.
Oats is good for constipation. Please check this for more details on quantity per feed
– http://bit.ly/3tqyXA8
Hi.. love your recipes.. iam a first time mom.. my baby is 9 months now and Iam still not sure on how much quantity to feed him per meal time.. things that he likes, he’ll keep eating and over feed himself and throw up, things he doesn’t like very much, he’ll have a few baby spoons and close his lips tightly!! For instance, this recipe, would half a small Indian katori (almost 1/3 measuring cup) be enough for breakfast/to keep him full for 2-3 hours? His hunger cues are also confusing coz he chews on everything he finds interesting, all the time.. (teething I guess)
Doctor said his weight and size is that of a normal baby..
Hi Divya,
Thank you for the appreciation
Happy that your baby eats well. Let your baby eat until his tummy is full. That’s completely fine. If suddenly he refuses food, stop for some time and feed again that would be okay
Chewing everything is also common during teething. You can give him frozen carrots or cucumber for soothing the teething pain. Here are few more remedies for teething pain. Hope you find it helpful. Link – http://bit.ly/37AZ5xU
Hi doc,
Can you please recommend good brand for organic rolled oats for my 6 months old baby?
Hello Nitu,
There are many brands available in the market dear. Do check the back label before buying. If you want you can also try our organic rolled oats powder for your baby.You can check our product in the given link – https://bit.ly/32AF5I3
hi mam,
can i use steel cut oats for my 1yr daughter.it says require 20 mins to cook. if so, can i directly use it or needs soaking.
Soaking of oats is not required. You can cook it directly.
Hello Doctor.
My baby is 6m and I am giving him Ragi Slurry and pureed fruits and vegetables. If we give him oats, since it is not like paste he gets them in his mouth as it is, he tends to puke as it ends up in his mouth/throat as he still does not know to swallow the same. What to do in such a situation? TIA
Hi Rashmi,
Oats can also be powdered and boiled, but baby has to gradually be used to other consistencies too. So try boiling it for some more time (until it becomes very soft) and feed the baby. Slowly baby will learn the art of swallowing.
My baby is 1 year old , with one tooth so how can I add fruits to oats?
Hello Rini,
You can add fruit purees to the oats porridge or can give fruit juices, smoothies etc. Make sure that these juices,purees and smoothies should be smooth and devoid of waste to avoid choking in children.
Hi Doctor,
My Daughter isn’t gaining weight, i regularly follow your site to add all mentioned options to increase weight. Can you please guide for 18months baby how much measure of oats/rice/fruit should be given to have healthy weight gain. Thank u.
Hi Shruthi, The quantity depends on how much fills her tummy.Never worry about weight as far as the baby is healthy and active.Try adding avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc to her diet. You can also give the nutritious mixes for weight gain.The below link would help you withthe details – https://goo.gl/GXv2sq
hi, i wanna ask if quick cooking oats is instant oat? is it same?
yes dear,both are same,
Hi Dr,
My baby is 10 months old. Can i give him Cereal Kitchen masala oats Veggie Twist? I have never introduced him oats yet.
I stay in USA, so do you recommend any brands which i can use.
Thanks in Advance
Hi Roopali,
Any organic oats which is 100% free from added flavors, sugar or salt can be used. Steel cut oats are least processed, but they can take much longer to cook. Rolled oats is the next best option which gets cooked easily. You can also check ‘the organic oats cereal’ pack from our products. Please find link below with details – https://goo.gl/oUqbTe
Hello Doctor,
Thank you so much for the recipes you offer in this site. It’s very helpful to feed my 9 months old baby girl.
How can I add orange in oats porridge ?
You can add freshly squeezed orange juice in the porridge
Hi,till what age is it advisable to sterilise the feeding equipments?
Personally I did it till the kids were almost one year. However some parents wish to continue it a little longer.
Hello dr.
I am travelling abroad for a week and won’t have access to gas. My son is almost 8 months old. I am looking at options where i can just mix it with water and serve..i have dry roasted and powdered organic rolled oats. I plan to mix it with boiled water and serve. Wondering if it’s safe to feed him the same or should oats be cooked irrespective of being dry roasted?
Certainly oats is a good option, however you have to ensure they are reoasted very well. Not all but some of the options from the list can come handy https://www.mylittlemoppet.com/homemade-travel-food-ideas-for-babies-and-toddlers/
hi Dr. Is it OK to give quacker oats to my 6month 25days old baby. Can I mix apple or banana wid it. &which time i” ll choose .
Yes dear you can. To start new food, best is it to give mid mornings, later oats can also be served as evening snacks or dinner.
My son is 8 months old, i am planning to start oats for him. When should i give oats ie for breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Hi Subhashini, oats can be given for babies preferably in the breakfast or lunch
Hi Hema
I bought little moppets ragi powder. Texture is still powdery even when i cook it for 20 mins. Please advise
Hi Roohi, the Ragi powder texture will stay powdery after cooking, the nature of ragi depends upon where it is sourced from. If you find it uncooked then cook it for longer.
Hi Dr,
Can i use Horlicks oats to my 16 months baby ??
Best is to use organic oats dear.
Can I add jaggery syrup in the porridge for my 6 months son
You can rather start with dates syrup dear. Please check the website for the recipe.
hi my Baby is 1 year old , can she eat raw oats with mixed fruit ??
It is best to offer organic oats , sure you can add veggies and fruits dear.
Thanx. But I want to buy ots porridge.so how to…
Please check these options dear https://shop.mylittlemoppet.com/?s=oats
Hi Dr
My baby is 7 months in giving ragi porridge morning. shall I give oats at night time ?in oats what should I add with water for sweetness can I add any fruits?like banana
Rightly mentioned you can add fruits for sweetness or veggies while giving salty. You can try oats and also here is food chart for 7 months baby. https://www.mylittlemoppet.com/diet-chart-for-7-month-babies/
Hi dr,
Can i make it with oats cereal?
Yes you can try dear.
Are oats help to increase weight in babies?
Oats are nutritious and babies enjoy eating it. Weight gain foods are different and you could pick from site dear.
How to identify the instant one and regular oats. I bought the plain Quaker oats where 3 min cook is written. Is it d instant one
Yes it should be quick cooking oats
Hi mam,can I give Patanjali oats and wheat Dalia to me 7 month old.plz help me.
You can give any product that is organic and homemade to your baby
Can I give saffola oats ????
dear Bharathi,
If it is plain saffola oats then you cna give, please do not give the flavoured ones
1 cup is normally 240 ml. It is too much for 1 serving. How much is exactly 1 cup in this recipe? Thanks.
Dear Gopi,
You can halve the amount for this recipe, thanks for pointing it out
Hi mam can I give Quaker oats for my 7month lo dono how to choose n ingredeint t is given like oats ~ alone nothing else given as Cook’s in 3mins
Dear Sharadha,
It is better to avoid instant oats, you can try our Organic Rolled Oats Powder that is being prepared from whole rolled oats.
Hi Dr
Can I use patanjali oats for my 7 months baby
yes you can
Hi thanks for the interesting recipes! My LO stays with my FIL while Iám away at work. Is it possible that I cook the oats/ragi with water and store so that he can mix formula milk to it and feed the baby a few hours later? Please suggest any tip on these lines. Thanks a lot for your time.
Dear Gayatri,
You can store in refrigerator and then heat it up before serving, but it is always best to feed babies only fresh meals
Have started with rice cereal for my 6 month baby. But she has to struggle to do her potty.
Is this because of the solids that have started.
Dear Hetal,
Yes, when the baby is introduced to new food, there might be some digestion issue, stop solids for a couple of days and exclusively breastfeed him, he will be back to his self in a few days
Quaker has many types.. Eg instant oat meal, oats plus etc. Which one should be given for babies?
You can try the instant oatmeal but without flavour
My baby is 9 mnths nw can i give oats in night to him
Yes you can give Priya
Should we dry roast the oats before making into a powder?
Also, I have traditional oats but they say it can be cooked for 5 minutes. Should I cook it for same amount of time even after powder form?
Dear poonam,
No need to dry roast the oats, it powdered as such, yes you need to cook the same time as mentioned
Hi pls suggest which oats to buy for babies..
Hi sharada,
You can buy normal Quaker Oats or any good brand
my baby is now 7 months. Can I give her Quaker rolled whole oats. Would be the same cooking process for that too?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Malleswari,
Yes it is the same procedure
Can I give Quaker oats to my 7 month LO?
yes you can Anamika, not the instant one, you cna give the plain quaker oats
can i use milk instead of water for my baby.she is of 10 months. can we use banana with oats.
Hi Shilpi,
You can mix milk and water in ratio 15 : 75, yes you can use banana with oats
Just wanted to know can we give quaker oats (plain one) to babies?
Hi, Yes you can
hi dr , is it ok to give flavoured oats to my 11 month baby ? whenever i make it for me , he loves to have it .. I’m hesitant to give them since i’m not sure if it can be given .. can you please clarify…
Hi Priya, Commercial flavoured oats have lots of preservatives in them which are not advisable for babies, better prepare them at home for your baby. You can add any type of fruits to the oats to make it more tasty