Introduce pomegranate juice for babies safely and deliciously. Following the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months. Afterward, limited pomegranate juice can be introduced as an alternative to whole fruit. Explore six easy methods to make pomegranate juice for babies.
When Can I give my Baby Pomegranate Juice?
According to the AAP guidelines, juices can be given to babies after 1 year completion. However, for babies aged 6-8 months and older, pomegranate can be fed safe (due to choking nature) by removing the seeds and mashing the pulp with its juice, then offering it in small quantities.
Health Benefits of Pomegranate for Babies
- Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants.
- Pomegranate juice has anti inflammatory properties.
- Pomegranate juice helps in control of Diarrhea {Top 10 Home Remedies for Diarrhea }
- Pomegranate juice have a soothing effect on stomach and help prevent gastritis.
- Pomegranate juice can be used as soothing agent during teething.
How to make Pomegranate Juice for Babies?
Half Medium sized Pomegranate
1. Begin preparing pomegranate juice for babies by cutting the pomegranate into halves. This step is crucial in creating a homemade and nutritious pomegranate juice suitable for your little one.
2. With the assistance of a wooden spatula, gently tap the pomegranate to release the vibrant pearls. This technique helps to extract the juice-rich pearls, an essential step in making pomegranate juice for babies.
3. Blend the pomegranate pearls in a blender or mixer to create a smooth and nutritious pomegranate juice. This blending process ensures that the juice is well mixed and ready for your little one to enjoy.
4. Pass the blended pomegranate juice through a fine sieve to remove any remaining pulp or seeds. This sieving process ensures a smooth and pure pomegranate juice for babies, free from any undesirable texture.
5. The pomegranate juice can be given to the baby as is, without the need to add sugar. This natural and unsweetened juice is a healthy choice for babies, providing them with the goodness of pomegranate without any additional sweeteners.
6. It is important to offer pomegranate juice to babies in a cup or sipper, avoiding the use of bottles. This practice promotes proper development of oral motor skills and prevents potential dental issues. Opt for cup or sipper feeding when introducing juice to your baby.
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- Half Medium sized Pomegranate
- Cut the pomegranate into half.
- With a help of wooden spatula tap over the pomegranate to spill the pearls.
- Blend the pomegranate pearls in a blender or Mixer
- Sieve the blended juice through a fine siever.
- The juice can be given as such to the baby without adding sugar.
- Always give the juice in a cup or sipper, never use bottles for feeding juice for baby.
My son is 2.6 months. Some times getting diarrhea. How can you help us..
Hi Rashmi,
You can try the home remedies mentioned in our website. But if the kid faces stomach upset very often, please have a word with your pediatrician.
My baby is 4.5 months old and she used to have loose motions every month for approx 10 days. She is taking cow’s milk and totally dependent on that. We have consulted to many doctors and tried giving formula milk-Similac, Similac Isomil and nusobee, but of fm or medicines are working. Can u pls suggest waiting for response
Cow’s milk is not to be given to babies till they turn 1 year. Kindly check with the doctor and start using formula milk and totally avoid cow’s milk.
Can i give my 5 n half mnth baby chikoo….rice soup,..i have started apple puree for him frm 5 days once daily…wat else can i give him
Hi Simi,
Exclusive breast feeding is only recommended till baby completes 6 months of age.
My baby is 18 month old I am given 2 tablespoon pomegranate juice to him it safe ??
Hello Esther,
After 1 year old a child can eat all the fruits and it’s juices so it is completely safe but feed it in morning. If you are feeding fruit make sure your child know how to grind and chew to avoid choking.
My baby is not using straw cup yet. Can I know why juice can’t be given in a bottle?
Hi Swathi,
Feeding juice in bottle would result in tooth decay. So it’s better to use sipper cups.
Can I give pomegranate juice to my five month old baby
Only exclusive breast feeding is recommended till baby completes 6 months of age. Pomegranate juice can be given after 8 months of age.
My lo has 8 month old his poo ib green colour his weight is6.3 only plz help dr.what to do?…
Are you breastfeeding dear? Green poop should not be a worry unless accompanied with any other discomfort. It could be due to change in food given.
Hi. Can I give pomegranate juice to my 8 months old daughter during winter?
Yes you can, preferably give during mid mornings and in small quantities to check if the baby is comfortable with it.
Hi, Dr. Im serving my 1month baby with pomegranate juice daily 2spoons. Is it safe or not ?
Please exclusively breastfeed for first 6 months.
hi baby was going to complete his 7 thmonth in 20days.shall I give dat pomegranate juice?
Sure you can give, but start in small quantities to see that the baby is not allergic. A total of 4 to 6 ounces of juice can be given for babies per day
mix juice of pomegranate and orange, can i give 3.5 yrs old baby,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,plz rply
Yes sure it can be given to kids of that age. You can also give whole fruit.
PLZ..Do not mix pomegranate with any other fruit or vegetable. Always follow the four-day rule before introducing any food into your baby’s diet. And keep an eye for the allergic reactions.
Hi Nidhi,
Thanks for your precious input dear.Pomegranate can be mixed with citrus fruits. It’s actually a good combo of vitamin C.
Hi doctor
My toddler s two years old.. I m givin pomegranate juice daily to him…is it OK??
Best is to offer variety of fruits/foods. Hence its best to offer different fruits every new day. How about giving whole fruit instead of juices, give apple, banana and all other options too now.
can I give my 1.3 year old baby to pomo granate seed ? instead of juice
Do you mean by the fruit? or seed alone?
hi… ma baby s 1 n half yr old… but does not drink or eat anything
.. plz do giv some suggestions n tips… I’m worried
how can my baby will be more healthy…now he is 7mnth old…plzz dc suggest me some home made remede
hello dr.i m giving pomegranate juice for my 6 month kid..just now i saw ur post that it shud be given only after 8 months..but he has not shown any bad symptoms after having it..shall i continue giving or wait for one more month..he is going to complete 7 months by next week
It is ok, since you have started you can continue
Can this be given when baby having cold?
Hello Dr.
Can I feed banana and milk to my toddler during cough and cold?
Can I give Orange juice to my 11mth baby ?
Can i give promoganate juice to my 5 month old baby for everyday
Hello dr u r my super guide my lil one like grapes but she have now common cold can i give? N how much ml should i can give all juices
thank you for your guidence
Dear Durga,
It is always better to give whole fruits instead of juices, try to give whle fruits every day and juices thrice a week around 4-6 ounces per serving
Hi Hema,
My son is 15 months old. Is it safe to give mango and jackfruit to him?
Also he like puffed rice. Is this also can be given?
Thanks in Advance!
Hi Nithya,
After 1 year toddlers can be given almost all the food that the family eats, with less salt, sugar and spice, and do avoid deep fried snacks
Hi Dr can I give my 11 month baby pomegranate seeds instead of juice?? Is it safe?
hi ruchi,
it s not safe to give pomengranate seeds as it is a choking hazard
Thanks a lot hema….I was planning to give this to my 8 months baby..It helps me..and could you please reply to my mail also??
Sure Bhagya, have replied to it, please check
1. Why we should not use feeding bottles for feeding jices like pomegranate?
2. Why we should avoid using sugar in juices for babies?
Hi Rajeev,
There are many reasons, one being if babies get used to bottles then it will be very difficult to wean them from bottle also, drinking sweet liquids in bottles have been to proven to cause tooth decay in babies.
Answering your second question, hopw this article has answers to it
Hi Sathiya, Thank you
Yes you can add a little water while grinding. Yes you can give papaya and chiko fruits also
My baby is 9 months n ur blog is really a treasure for me.U do a great job.
Should we add water to pome juice or shall we give as such? Can we give papayas n chiko fruit?
Hi Hema,
Firstly thank you for the informative blog you have here. I just blindly follow each and everything you mention in ur blog. I am happy to have found you and your blog. I have two kids elder one is 7 years and younger one is 10 months. Being a nuclear family there was nobody to guide me during my first born. But I am really glad to have a virtual helping hand from you constantly.
I have a querry about the pomegranate juice. How often can I give my 10 month old this juice?
Hi Vinita,
Thank you, good to know MyLittleMoppet is useful for you
You can give this juice once in a week