Muskmelon or Kharbuja is a common summer fruit and super healthy! Here is an easy Muskmelon Puree recipe for babies over 6 months.
The flesh of muskmelon is juicy and succulent and is the perfect food for summer. It can be given as small pieces or as puree for Babies. Find out more on when you can introduce muskmelon here.
The muskmelon is loaded with nutrients and has many health benefits
- They are rich in antioxidants.
- They help relieve indigestion and have soothing effect on the digestive system
- They are rich in fiber help prevent constipation
- They are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Potassium.
Muskmelon or Kharbuja can either be given as
- Muskmelon Puree
- Small cut Pieces of Muskmelon
- Muskmelon Milkshake with breast milk or formula since babies under one cannot have cow’s milk
How to make Muskmelon Puree for Babies
- 1 Small Ripe Muskmelon
1. Peel the muskmelon and cut into small pieces
2. Mash them either with spoon or fork to form puree.
3. The Puree can be thinned out by adding breast milk or formula.
Travel with Ecoware
We went on a short road trip last week and my daughter hates taking muskmelon as small pieces so while travelling in the car, I cut the muskmelon and made a puree in the Ecoware Bowl and fed my baby. Easy!!! If you want to use eco friendly disposable tableware during travel then Ecoware is a great choice.
Does musk melon and pumpkin cause cold in babies? My baby loves them both. How many times a week can I give her pumpkin and musk.
Thanks in advance