Brown rice is very healthy for babies and toddlers, and it makes a fulfilling food rich in minerals and vitamins.
Organic brown rice is recommended. For buying it online Click Here.
See How to make Home made rice cereal powder ?.
Please follow the 3 Day Rule for introducing new food for babies.
How to make Homemade Brown Rice Cereal for Babies?
No time to prepare this powder at home? Don’t worry, we prepare it hygienically and ship it to your doorstep
1.1/2 cup of water.
2. 2 tablespoon of home made rice cereal powder.
1. Bring the water to boil.
2. Add the rice powder and stir it continuously to prevent lump formation.
3. Stir it till it becomes thick and creamy.
4. Breast milk or formula feed can be added to make it a little runny.
Homemade rice cereal is ready!!!
It can be given to toddlers also, I add a little sugar and give it to my 4-year-old son.
Fruit purees, vegetable purees can also be added to improve taste.
Nutritional Information
100 gms of rice yield about 365 kcal of energy
Brown rice is rich in selenium, magnesium, fiber, and is a natural antioxidant.
No time to make this at home? Never mind, you can buy homemade organic brown rice cereal powder from our store!

- Ingredients
- 1.1/2 cup of water.
- 2. 2 tablespoon of homemade rice cereal powder.
- Bring the water to boil.
- Add the rice powder and stir it continuously to prevent lump formation.
- Stir it till it becomes thick and creamy.
- Breast milk or formula feed can be added to make it a little runny.
- Homemade rice cereal is ready!!!
Brown rice cereal upma and Brown rice cereal kheer for toddlers coming soon……
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Hello Docter,
Can I give Ragi milk porridge and rice porridge for a 5-month-old baby?
Hi Durga,
Exclusive breast feeding or formula feeding is only recommended till baby completes 6 months. After 6 months completion the first foods can be introduced dear.
How can we make rice cereal powder at home?
Please check the link for recipe
Link –
Dear Mam,
Hope it is not required to cook this cereal. Just we need to add boiling to rice powder is it. Please confirm. In the same method can we use raw rice? Which rice is better? Raw rice or brown rice? Kindly reply.
You can make it as an instant mix as well. Brown rice is highly nutritious but you can also use the normal rice.
I am getting lumps when rice powder is added to boiling water. I am using while soma telengana rice..
The rice is small in length becomes sticky when I cook as per recipe.
Kindly suggest
Try to add water little by little to the powder and stir it well. You will get lump free mix. If you feel that it’s thick add little more water to get the desired consistency.
Hi mam,
Should we need to introduce rice to 6 month baby in this cerelac way of thing or well cooked boiled rice?
Hello Subsenthil,
You can introduced well cooked boiled rice water/chawal ka pani initially then later you can feed pureed rice. The recipes link is provided below along with the food chart of 6 months old babies.
Food Chart –
Chawal Ka Pani –
Hello doctor
I would like to know if I can give this brown rice cereal powder to my 6 month baby?
Hi Neelam,
Yes dear, it can be given for your 6 month old baby. Kindly follow 3 day rule while introducing any new food to baby.
Hello doctor,
I have been giving home made brown rice cereal to my 7 month old since two months. She has no issues. But recently I heard that brown rice has more arsenic content than white rice. Every article suggests not to give brown rice.
Please guide me whether to continue with brown rice or to switch to white rice.
Thank you
Hi Niveditha,
Brown rice is a nutritious rice option with 67% more nutrients, fiber and fatty acids than polished white rice. You can also introduce white rice in between so that baby can taste different varieties
Hi Doctor,
I started following your website recently and am really loving it. Appreciate your articles… coming to my question… I have a 3 months old little one. Thinking to prepare rice cereal at home, but not sure how long this powder is good for. Could you please let me know?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Priya, I recommend starting solids for babies only after 6 months. Until 6 months of age you should give only breastmilk or formula to your little one.
Would brown rice be hard to digest for a 7.5 month old?
You can start with very small portions to see if baby is comfortable. It should not be an issue though.
My baby is 7.5 months old. she takes only 2 and half table spoon of boiled rice. She is so active and always playing. But as compare to that her food intake is very small.
What should I do? I want to increase her apatite as her weight is always on the lower side.
More than appetite it is essential that baby feels healthy fit and active. You can check some weight gaining foods or immunity boosting foods from the site and try them out please. I am sure it will help.
Hi Madam,
My son is 2.5 years old & his weight is 10 kg he is not eating properly I try many different recipes but he is not interested to eat I also followed 3 day rule.
Still I am facing same problems
Please suggest me how to increase his weight.
Hi Manimegalai, check the weight gain recipes in this website and dont’t worry much about his weight as long as he is healthy and active.
Hi doc,
My pedestrian asked me to start with cerelac and it’s been four days I am giving it to my little one. I started with cerelac rice my son is six months 10 days old and after reading and consulting few friends I want to stop it and start with homemade things, please suggest what food should I start with? Is brown rice ok to start as first food
Hi Panchi, you can search for first food recipes in our blog itself. Also check our homemade cerelac powder recipe which is a healthy alternative to cerelac.
Hi doc,
I’ve introduced fruit and vegetable puree and now I want to introduce her to brown rice as well as cereals. Must I stick to the 4 days rule; meaning i should intro brown rice alone for 4 days before adding any fruit or vege together?
Hi Julie,
You can first start brown rice alone then if she tolerates well then next day you cna add any tried fruit or vegetable
Hello Dr. Hema,
I follow most of your recipes for making home made cerelac for my baby. These recipes are really good and healthy. This time I have made the Brown rice cerelac, but my question is why it requires to be cooked before giving it to babies.
Whereas in another cerelac recipe of raw rice and bengal gram , it can be used directly without cooking.
Waiting fo your reply.
Thanks in advance.
Since brown rice takes some time to cook, it is better to get it cooked over stove
i tried organic sonamasuri brown rice and i found it very hard to get it cooked in pressure cooker. If we are using the same as powder. How we will get to know if its cooked properly
You will get a nice aroma if it is cooked well and you can try tasting it for raw smell
My baby is 7 months 2 weeks and gets constipated by white rice can I add brown rice instead white rice and if she is constipated by white rice whether is it OK to give banana and apple as they r heavy to digest.
Hi superna,
It is difficult to predict which food will suit your little one, as each baby is unique and will react differently for each food
hello doc
My baby is 7month n 21days old .
Whenever I gave her water or medicine she refused to drink n coughs.sometimes she get choked.what can I do
Hi Jasmyrah,
You can try giving in a medicine dispenser,
Hello Doctor,
Is it compulsary to add milk in rice cereal? if i keep simple water made cereal thenis it fine? is it good for baby? how to make it more teasty?
Hi varsha,
yes you can add water only also
Hi Dr.Hemapriya
My baby is 5 month 15 days old. Shall I start brown rice cereal now. To make this cereal is it necessary to dry brown rice in sun. it is not possible in this rainy saeason.
Hi varsha,
If he has all the signs as per this article then you go ahead and start solids, yes it must be dried in the sun, or if you get the rice from a reputed brand you can directly dry roast and powder it
What is the alternate of sundry ? I stay in hk m we have no option to keep food for sun drying
Hi kanika,
You can dry under fan in a dry place
Hi.. Please can I know from which month brown rice can be introduced to babies…. Is it easily digestible? My baby is 8 months now
Hi Varshini, you can start brown rice now, each baby is different and they will respond differently to different foods, so please follow the 3 day rule before introducing any new food
can add apple pieces with brown rice cereal
yes you can add apples