Breakfast is considered as one of the Best Meal of the day!!!
I can count the number of times my hubby has had his breakfast after coming to Raipur 🙁
When we were in Chennai there were so many Breakfast Buffet restaurants that even if he skips the breakfast at home he has his breakfast in a good restaurant.
Oh How we miss those Breakfasts in Chennai !!! If I feel wary to cook, after sending my school (my son has breakfast at school) we just pop in to the nearest Sangeeta restaurant to have a lip smacking full South Indian Breakfast and both of us leave for work from there.
Benefits of Breakfast
According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat breakfast perform better in classroom and in playground. This holds true for adults too…
Unfortunately many kids skip breakfast in the morning and are deprived from the important benefits of a morning breakfast.
Here are the benefits of breakfast for children
1. Children can concentrate better.
2. Children who have breakfast have better cognitive development.
3. Children who eat breakfast have prolonged energy levels and do not get tired easily.
4. It has been estimated that four out of five children do not get the essential vitamins and minerals from lunch and dinner alone.
5. Also children who do not have a healthy breakfast in the morning tend to eat a lot of junk food throughout the day to appease the hunger pangs.
6. Breakfast Boosts Brain Power.
7. Often breakfast is skipped to save time to get ready to school, but this may backfire and it may lead to easy fatiguing due to a empty stomach.
8. Eating Breakfast may help the heart, digestion and bones and helps meet the daily dietary requirement.
Happy Breakfasting!!!
If you visit Chennai, you can search buffet restaurants in chennai either through or here are my top restaurants for Breakfast in Chennai.
1. Sangeetha Restaurant
2. Adyar Ananda Bhavan
3. Saravana Bhavan
After relocating to Raipur, if I tell I am from chennai, people exclaim ” Oh, you are from Chennai!! How you live there?? Nobody speaks Hindi and people are downright Rude!!! ”
Hey that’s not true. Yes, not everyone speaks Hindi (there is a valid reason behind it ) and we are not rude!! We are down to earth and friendly 🙂
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