As Indians, superstitions are practically a part of our daily life. Right from the time we’re born, we’re subject to all kind of superstitions, which continue through our educational life, career, marriage, kids, old age – even death isn’t spared! Many of us end up rolling our eyes when we hear superstitions like these, and even Biswa was stumped when he heard what ‘Gemstone Uncle’ did to grow his money!! Don’t know who we’re talking about? Check out this video!
Hilarious isn’t it? Unfortunately, this is how so many fake Godmen or ‘Gurujis’ make their money, in the process preventing you from building yours! Like your education or career, choosing the right investment option is also a critical decision, and not one that should be left to the alignment of the stars in the galaxy or an assortment of rainbow stones!
One reason many people end up making the wrong choices with their money is the fact that they know so little about the various options available. Most people don’t understand financial jargon, and even words like ‘portfolio’, ‘equity’ or ‘stocks’ are enough to send them running to their nearest Guruji! After all, he won’t intimidate you with complicated financial terms; he’ll solve your problems with magic stones!
But when it is your hard earned money you’re talking about, you need to stop and think if what you’re doing makes any sense. For any person, it is crucial to have clear financial goals and a well defined path to achieve them. And for this, you need expert advice, not colored stones!!
If financial terms intimidate you, a great place to get started on learning about investing is the site, an Investor Education Initiative by Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund. Basic financial concepts are explained in an interesting format using common language. Enter how much money you can save every month and a calculator will show you how much money you can make in the long term. With FAQs, trivia and a very user friendly interface, this is one website you need to visit if you’re serious about building your wealth!
You probably want to plan for your kids’ education, a second home, a world tour with your spouse or a comfortable retirement. Whatever your long term goals are, would you blindly trust colored jewellery or would you rather study all your options carefully and make an informed decision? Like Biswa says in the video, #JanoTohMano – forget superstitions, invest smartly and give your money a chance to grow – you can then buy all the jewellery you like!!
Nice article! Thank you very much for introducing us to such simple way of understanding financial terms. I also have a lot of confusion understand financial terms and this, definitely, does help. Thank you
Dear Nayana,
Great to know it is helpful 🙂