So, let me guess.
You are a new parent, right?
You are overwhelmed as how to take care of your new baby ?
You don’t have a family around to help you, guide you , shoulder your burden of raising your little bundle of joy?
You are bewildered to start solid foods for your baby, reason being you hear so many suggestions on the weaning process !! Thanks to the nosy neighbours and internet!!
You are about to start work and have no clue as how to manage your baby’s diet requirements while you are away?
You are feeling guilty that your little one is not getting the adequate nutrition he requires.
Lots of new mommies are struggling with in raising their baby without a proper person to advice or nurture their feelings.
After seeing so many posts about caring and feeding babies from distressed new mommies in Facebook Mommy forums.
I’ve finally decided to do something about it !!
I want to guide and hold your hand while you raise your little one and be there for you when you want to know if the poop color is ok or if the carrot puree he threw up can become a life long allergy to carrots.
Yep. Everything.
I started MyLittleMoppet to guide you how to care for your little one, how to start solids, what food to give when, whether to give a vaccine or not, home remedies for every possible ailment your little one may suffer — everything you need to know about raising your baby.
By the time we’re done, you will be confident in making the right choices about health needs, nutrition and everything that is needed to make your life easier with a baby.
You will not worry over your baby’s food strike, nor about his everlasting fussiness for foods, temper tantrums and you will be One Cool Mom !!
Hi I am Dr Hemapriya
The first thing you should know about me is
“I’m not a parenting expert. In fact, I’m not sure that I even believe in the idea of ‘parenting experts.’ I’m an engaged, imperfect parent and a passionate researcher. I’m an experienced mapmaker and a stumbling traveler. Like many of you, parenting is by far my boldest and most daring adventure”
I am a mommy two times over, a naughty 5 year old son and a bubbly 1 year old daughter. I have been where you are now, twiddling my thumbs as what to feed the baby today, how will she react and many other mommie troubles.
Things were just the same for me too. I had my share of anxiety, and apprehensions in spite of being a qualified doctor.
This when I started applying my own tried and tested methods on my babies and learnt along the way as what works and what doesn’t. Being from a medical background let me explore the cause of the problem and design a workable solution for it. Be it weaning, toilet training or handling a toddler or anything related to raising a baby I am confident enough now to dole out advices, help new parents like you.
But enough about me. Let’s talk about you.
You came here because you want to know how to feed for your fussy baby, right?
Well, I want to help you, and here’s why:
I know what it’s like to force feed a reluctant baby. I know how it is when your baby is suffering and you don’t have any clue to make him all right.!!
I know how guilty you feel if your baby refuses food and you are able to do nothing to make him eat.
You and me, we’re going to turn it around. Together.
All you have to do is subscribe, and let me share with you what I know. Fill out the form below, and I’ll email you how to take care of your baby, starting solids, handling food strike, tolerating a fussy toddler and tantrums, everything that a new mom needs to hear.
Oh, and by the way, it’s totally free.
and before I forget we have many FREE RECIPE EBOOKS for babies and toddlers in our blog, if you wish to download, click below
Browse, Read, Download, and Ask… after all, I am just a comment away.
Our Brand New Venture – Little Moppet Foods
Many mommies were asking me to prepare sathumaavu and other instant porridge powders for their babies as it was difficult for them to prepare by themselves. But I couldn’t manage it because of my busy schedule.
Then came the move that I had been waiting for.We finally moved back to my hometown in September 2015. I was thrilled about being ‘home’ for many reasons. One of them was that I could now make baby food in my own kitchen, thanks to a better support system. That way I can personally make sure that the highest standards of quality and hygiene are met every single time.
And thus was born Little Moppet Foods! A brand of wholesome and pure homemade baby food products, made without preservatives, added flavors, added sugar or salt. 100% Organic & Natural.
How safe is our Homemade Baby Food?
100% Safe for your baby and toddler.
All our food is made in my own kitchen, using carefully picked ingredients from our preferred organic partner Organic Mandya. And I am a stickler for cleanliness (a side-effect of being a Doctor). Every person who handles the food is required to wear disposable gloves and cap. So you can rest assured that there will never be any compromise on hygiene with Little Moppet Foods.
Wish me Luck
If you are new here, swing by to check out our popular and most helpful posts
How to make Homemade Health Mix/SathuMaavu.
Top 20 Home Remedies for Cough and Cold
Hope to see you around
Happy Parenting!!!!
Have any personal queries? reach me at info(dot)mylittlemoppet(dot)com
Lots of Love,

Hi Doc ,
I’m actually worried about my child she’s 14th month old. She’s unable to gain weight. Till 8th month she had good weight however when she started turning 9th month she’s still on the same weight 8kg . Being 14th month she’s still 8 kg. Kindly advise, would highly appreciate
In general, baby should have tripled the birth weight by 1 year. Even if there is variation, it’s not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy :). Keep concentrating on healthy feeding.
Hi Dr. Hema
My son is 4 year old.He is feeling stomach upset often and pooping 2-3 times everyday.This symptoms for last few months.Took to Dr also but still showing these problem. ANY REMEDY ?
Hi Nandhini,
Frequent poop is normal and not to be worried if the consistency is normal.If it’s watery you can try homeremedies. Here are the detailed links to home remedies. Please opt asper the baby’s age. If diarrhea doesn’t get reduced please have a word with your pediatrician.
For babies above 1 year
For babies below 1 year
Hi Dr Hema,
Hi, when you write chart for 7th month, do you mean chart for 7 months old baby who is into 8th month running or 6 months old baby who is into 7th Month running?
7 months food chart can be followed, when the baby completes 7 months and steps into 8 months.
My daughter is 12 yes old and she is 52 kgs weight and I used to give her only veg salads and minimum quantity of rice no junks hardly twice a month that too with limitatio is only.I feel very bad as am very conscious in her weight and look to it regularly.Hiw to reduce that any tips in that.Suggest me doctor plss..
Hi Anuradha,
The weight of the kid also depends on several factors like gene, physical activities, sleep pattern etc. So try involving the kid in physical activities, set proper bed time and do not skip breakfast. You can also have a word with your pediatrician regarding the same. But it’s definitely not to be worried if your kid is active and healthy.
Hello Mam,
My kid is 4 years old. He doesn’t eat solid food. He doesn’t want to chew or keep food in mouth. He just swallows or spits if any big bite or solid given to him. I tried giving him small bites, snacks, namkeen, fruits, chips, cake, French fries like snacks. Everyday without miss i am giving and he just take in mouth and spits. From last 6 months I am giving him chewing tube as well but he just licks honey /sauce applied on it but don’t want to chew if i put piece of food inside it as well. I have visited dentist as well just to get checked if there is any issue /cavity but dentist everything is fine. I am not sure what next step i should take.
It’s important to give lots of finger foods. Keep practicing. That can help in improving the feeding ability. And also talk to your child and try doing it in play way method. You can mimic like chewing with funny gestures and make the kid chew. Even if he doesnt show interest, keep giving finger foods of his favourite foods. There will definitely be a gradual change. No worries
Hello Ma’am
My baby is 6 months old and she has too much constipation. I am giving just home made food which is suitable for this age group. From fews days I am giving sweet from ragi flour, juices of banana, blueberries, grapes, wheat flour siro and few pulse’s puree. I am not sure which foods is responsible for this problem. Please help me out. Thank you
Hi Mamta,
Please try following a food diary. That can help in identifying the cause. And also balance the diet with fiber rich foods. Have a check on water intake as well. All these can help to prevent constipation.
Hii my baby is 2 year old she hand a worm problem I had gone through the deworming medicine twice in last 6 month and now again this problem has occurred can u plz suggest me some parmanent solution or medicine for this problem
Hi Afiya,
As you have already given the deworming medicine twice, we would suggest you to check once with your pediatrician and then proceed.
My child face has white circular spot which has become bigger and many tiny spots are developing on his face
Please help Doctor
Hi Rachana,
Sorry that we will not be able to help you with the accurate details without physically examining the kid. Please get it examined by a skin specialist.
Mam my 7month child suffering from runny nose,,give me any tips
You can try our age specific homeremedies Pavithra :). Please check here –
Hi mam, my 3 yr has asd with adhd. When he was a baby he used to take food properly, when I left for work he stopped eating properly from the elders from the house. I had fed him everything from egg to veggies and milk and mutton. Three time I made him 1.5 yrs, 2 yrs,2.5 yrs eat proper all foods which he avoided when elders fed him. Now it’s imposkajusible for me to train him back. He eats only dosa without anything or only ch
apati. He likes kathli, tea cake and milk bread. I’m not able to make him eat like the older times. Do you have any suggestions or recipes to revive his interest in eating. Thank you
Hi Shivani,
It’s common for kids to deny foods or to change their preferences. Try giving lots of finger foods and encourage selffeeding. Self feeding can help in increasing thefeeding ability and interest in foods.
Hi… I am a mother of two daughters. Younger one is 8months old. She is only 7.7kg. Little skinny. Still did not introduce fish or egg…once given, but she had digestion problems. How can she gain weight. Can I give her protein biscuits. Can she have Bengal gram sattu in her diet. As a snack what shall I give. She likes sugary foods. Doesn’t like rice. She likes curd, bananas and sago. And cerelac twice a day
Hi Rinku,
Weight is not to be worried, as long as your baby is active and healthy. However if you want to increase her weight, Try adding avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, coconut oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc to her diet. All these are weight gaining foods and feeding with these would give better results. Our website will help you with different recipes with these ingredients. Yes, you can also add weight gaining health mixes like sattu for best results. Please don’t give protein biscuits without your pediatrician’s guidance.
Hello I am a mother to twin girls and they are 2.8 years olds. I am very worried with their weights as they weigh only 10 kgs. I give 3 meals to my babies and two times formula milk with Nestum adding to the milk. Although my babies can bite biscuits, chocolates , dry fruits but when it comes to rice I have to make puree very time in the grinder and feed them. Also with fruits the condition is same. Although my babies are active and naughty but I am concerned with their food intake as turning everything into puree breks the fibre content and reduces the food value. Seek your kind advice. Thanks in advance
Hi Susmita,
Weight is not to be worried, if the kid is healthy. Please avoid grinding food. Gradually shift the consistency from pureed to mashed, then to partially mashed and so on. Try giving lots of finger foods. Self feeding is most important for increasing the feeding ability and interest in foods. And also try adding varieties in kid’s diet.
Hi… My girl baby is 20 months now and she is 8.8 kg in weight she doesnt gain weight for long… Slowly increasing her weight. What should I do.. She is eating good enough but not gaining weight
That’s completely fine if your baby is active and healthy Revathi
However if you want to increase her weight, Try adding avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, coconut oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc to her diet. All these are weight gaining foods and feeding with these would give better results. Our website will help you with different recipes with these ingredients. You can also add weight gaining health mixes for best results.
Hi, my baby girl is hoing to be 10 months on 6 th dec. She has to 2 teeths coming up below and above in her mouth. I want to know what should be the texture of food at this stage. Further if i give her proper solod food like egg or pratha or chapati will she chew it or swallow it as it is. Does gums allows the babies to chew food. I am giving her 3 meals solid like cerlac and khichdi and 3 times formula milk. I am very much worried about her nutrition at thie stage the reason of which i would like to share with u personally, if some mechanism is there loke whatsap or messenger.
Hi Manu,
Finger foods can be given after 8 months itself. Baby’s gums can chew the basic foods like rice, dal etc, so it’s not to be worried. Yes, please watsapp to 9786834655. Happy to help
Hi Hema
I have a toddler who is going to reach 3yrs by December. My girl used to swallow foods and she don’t show any interest in finger foods . She wont even touch the food if it needs to be chewed or grind by teeth. she use to throw in dustbin. I use to keep foods in between the teeth (at the sides to help her chewing and grinding, as Dr suggested). she used to swallow that and now am trying with baby fresh food feeder but she is not showing any interests in that. please give some suggestion to make her grind the food by teeth.
She just needs practice Iswarya. You can keep finger foods made of her favourite ingredient (eg, if she likes poha, you can make poha vada) in reachable place, you take from it and eat, do not offer. Your baby would get curious to eat the same
Try varieties and offer it in a playful way. Please check the link for more ideas –
Hi Hema, you are doing great job and thanks for helping us by giving your recipes. I need your help regarding my daughter.
My baby girl born on 02.04.2020, normal delivery with 3100 gram weight.
After that she didn’t put up weight much. Now she is 7 months old and weights 5700 gram. She is still breast feeding and also eats puree and we have started milk powder as well.
She doesn’t want to drink or eat anything after 20-30 ml.
What could we do? Her blood report and urine report are good as well.
Waiting for your Reply.
Thank you
Hi Kajal,
It’s not to be worried as your baby is active and healthy. If baby doesn’t take big meal, it’s completely fine to give small volumes of nutritious foods in regular intervals. No worries
You are doing an amazing job.
I am a mom.of little 4.5 months old boy.
A friend suggested your website. I went through it and your informations are so detailed and vast. Biggg thanks to you.
I don’t have to look in multiple places for recipes, contents, meal plan etc etc..
Wishing you good luck & big thanks to u on behalf of loooooot of mom’s
Thanks a lot for your lovely words of appreciation Kruthi, This really motivates us. Thanks a lot for your love, trust and support
Hi, for preterm baby, should I wait for completion of 8 months adjusted age or can I go by actual age? Thank you in advance!
You can follow the adjusted age Pavithra.
Hi Ma’am ,
I loved the food planner and the recipe book . thanks a ton for sharing it .
could you pls guide me if cow’s milk can be added to the baby food instead of formula milk . My bay is in Breastfeed and have not introduced formula to him. To prepare food for him my breast milk is not sufficient.
Thanks a lot for your appreciation
Cow’s milk can be added in baby foods if your baby is above 1 year. For babies below one year breast milk or formula milk can only be added.
Very useful.. Thank you so much.
My Pleasure Sonali
HI Dr Hema,
My little one is 15 months now. he likes foods and he eats pretty well. His weight is 10.5 kg now. Nurse said that his weight is growing up and is on average according to the ratio chart. is his weight actually okay? He looks thin. are there any special foods or vitamins to put some weight on him. Thanks
Your little one is perfectly fine. Weight is not to be worried if baby is active and healthy. But if you wish to see him chubby, try adding the nutritious weight gain foods regularly in his diet
My 6 month old has a lentil allergy. We are shocked and kind of worried what next.
Can we introduce millet , will it help in anyway?.
Hi Chintu,
Please check with the pediatrician if baby is allergic to grains. Confirm and then proceed according to his guidance dear.
Hi ma’am,
My 15 month old boy is refusing food from past 12 days. I am trying to feed him new variety of foods but he is continuously keeping his finger in mouth and not eating properly..I feel very bad when he does not have food properly. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong. Please advise.
Hi Gayatri,
It might be because of teething dear. Try giving lots of finger foods. Self feeding can help in increasing the feeding ability and interest on foods.
Hi Dr,
Loved all your recipes .. I follow your page it is very helpful. My baby is 15 months she has stopped drinking formula as well as cow milk. Please suggest what to do?
Thank you for the appreciation Snehal
Try adding natural health mixes to make the cow’s milk more convincing and nutritious dear.
My baby is 3months old he had fever for 3days after his vaccine and now he refuses bottle milk during the day but at night he drinks well when he is asleep and he has become very cranky any reason why he is behaving like this.
There might be pain in the injected area. You can give warm or cold compress in the area. He will be alright soon. No worries.
My baby completed 15 months. His height is 73.5 CM. I’d it normal
Yes dear, Please don’t worry of weight if your baby is active and healthy. a mom of two girls.younger one s 2.10 yrs she weighs only 10 kg.she eats on her own but quantity v less.elder one s 8 yrs .she s pickton eater worried as they weigh to improve weight.i need some real good way to increase weight and immunity. I cook all types f food.and use healthy ingredients guide
Hi Rekha,
The quantity is not to be worried if the food you provide is highly nutritious. You can give so many things to boost immunity and gain weight in natural way. Please add green leafy vegetables, squash, pumpkin, pulses, peas, nuts, ghee, cheese, dry fruits, ragi, potato, sweet potato, milk, natural health mix like sathumaavu, kerala banana powder, pear, peas, avocado, paneer, banana, coconut oil etc to their diet. Use turmeric, garlic, onion, ginger liberally while preparing food. These foods would help in increasing immunity and to gain weight. You can also try the Immuno booster health mix of my little moppet which has the goodness of all the required nutrients for boosting immunity.
I’m in tears reading about u.Coz I’m a Homeo doc n I feel every thought every feeling U have experienced and explained here, I literally can feel the same. Thanks to u for all this efforts in making new moms lives a little more simpler.
Hi Swathi,
Hugs to you dear
Thanks a ton for your lovely words of appreciation.
Hi, my LO is 19 months old. She eats very less, mostly have her milk and protein powder only. Initially she used to eat everything but now very choosy. We are worried abt her growth. Can u suggest ..
Hello Mayuri,
It is quite normal for children and babies to refuse food that they once liked the food to eat. You can make This preference is likely due to the ease and familiarity of sucking from the breast or bottle versus the hard work of swallowing solid food. As long as your baby gets the nutrients he/she needs during this phase, there’s no real cause for concern. You can follow the following steps for encouraging your child to return to solids – 1.Feed enough breast milk/formula milk 2. For picky solid-food eaters, stick with foods that pack the most nutritional punch in a small volume. Best choices are avocado, yogurt, tofu, eggs, veggies 3. Upgrade your cuisine offer finger foods and different colored foods 4. Continue to put a wide variety of foods in front of your child and then TOTALLY IGNORE what he/she does with the food. No comments, no begging, no cajoling 5. . The important thing is not to react or turn it into an emotional issue or a power struggle.
Hi Dr i have a 7 month old son
He is active bt he is not taking too much food
I have introduced food apple banana Dalia suji kheer
Vegetable soup
Bt whole day he’s not taking milk at all
Plz help me he’s getting week by health day by day
He’s taking breastfeed in night only
Plz give me some suggestion what to do for him to getting healthy nd how to improve his immune system
It’s time to introduce new foods one by one dear. What he eats is enough, please don’t compel and stop feeding when baby denies, feed after 2 hours. You can try following the 7 month food chart. You can also include immunity increasing foods in his diet regularly.
My 1 year old is suffering from Post Nasal Dripping. I can hear the sound of mucus in back of nose but not in chest.
How to treat this? Very troubling during feeding and sleeping and while playing also. He has to open mouth sometimes to breathe.
Hi Himani,
You can give jeera water or tulsi water instead of normal water dear. It will have good effect on cold. Please check on the links for effective home remedies. Hope you find it helpful. Links –,
Hi Dr.
It’s a pleasure going through your website,
I have a 6 month daughter,she is so sweet that I have no words for it,she active and a complete blessings to me.
Buttttt her weight is is just 5.5 I tried formuly milk she takes only 2 ounces in whole day, I tried Rahi she takes just two spoon,she wants just bf.
I m trying my level best to eat good food, even milk is coming fine
But why so less weiy.
Second my son is 6.6 he is a very picky eater and falls sick Evey month recently he got dengue, before that viral before that cold cough.
What shall I do?
Hi Richa,
Thank you
Your 6 months daughter can be introduced to new foods now. You can check on the food chart and plan accordingly. Weight is not to be worried if baby is active and healthy dear. For your son, add lots of immunity boosting foods like green leafy vegetables, squash, pumpkin, pulses, peas, nuts to his diet. Use turmeric, garlic, onion, ginger while preparing food. Immuno booster health mix of my little moppet has the goodness of all the required nutrients for boosting immunity. You can add this with the nutritious diet plan. Hope you find it helpful.
Hi Doctor,
My 3 year old son has been falling ill frequently
with fever, cough, cold chest congestion ever since he joined school in June(4 times to be precise). He is a fussy eater as well. How do I help in improving his immunity.
Hi Rebecca,
It’s normal for kids to become sick in initial schooling days. Please don’t worry. Increasing the immunity would keep the sickness away. Some foods have immunity boosting qualities. Please add green leafy vegetables, squash, pumpkin, pulses, peas, nuts to his diet. Use turmeric, garlic, onion, ginger liberally while preparing food. These foods would help in increasing immunity. Immuno booster health mix of my little moppet has the goodness of all the required nutrients for boosting immunity. Hope you find it helpful.
Hi m baby is 9 month weeks old . Feeding him solid 3 times n soup evening n bf 2 times in day n night 4 times. He wakes up again n again in the night n need latching wen eve he wakes up or else he keeps on crying m exhausted n sleepless since months dunno wat to do . I try to feed heavy dinner like veg oats or dal roti rice .
Hi Kajal,
The sleeping pattern of the babies keep on changing dear. Filling your baby’s tummy with nutritious dinner would help him to have good sleep. Please check on our diet plan. Try these recipes for your little one
Hello doctor mom, my son is 2&1/2 years old now.. I need daily meal palnner for him.. could you please send me..
Hi Sushmitha,
Your son can be fed with all the family foods dear. Please check on this toddler’s daily meal plan, this can be taken as a base plan. Different recipes can be tried from our website.
hi Dr Hemapriya
I am DR Poonam Sambhaji Pediatrician by profession, and and a full time mother. I really loved the way yoy have arranged your website. Very much kid friendly food and parent friendly website.
I have gone through the maximum recipe and its really to be appreciated that you have taken the trouble to note down smallest of intricacies.
May I ask you the permission to forward your website details to my patients (parents) because it will help them a lot. the details are easily followed.I did inform some parents. But I FEEL I SHOULD ASK YOU PERMISSION
awaitimg your response
Hi Poonam,
Thanks a lot for your lovely words of appreciation dear
Yes, you can forward our website details, it’s absolutely our pleasure ?
Hello Dr. Hema,
I stumbled upon your website while I was looking for homemade dates syrup reciepe. I have a question, if you can kindly answer. I have a one year old who is very thin and does not like to eat at all !!!! He eats may be 3-4 spoons for breakfast, lunch and dinner and after that he plain refuses to eat. I don’t try force feeding as I don’t want to develop a bad habit for him. He is otherwise active. Even milk he drinks just 3 or 4 ounce only at one go. He is underweight when compared to most kids his age. He is just 17 pounds. His doctor said he is meeting the milestones so I should not worry, but as a mom I can’t help it. If you can give me some tips on how to increase his apetite it would be great.
Thank you so much.
It’s definitely not to be worried dear. Try giving him lots of finger foods. Self feeding will help in increasing his feeding ability. Give small volumes of nutritious foods instead of big meals. Weight is not to be worried as the baby is active and healthy. Relax and enjoy motherhood dear
Thank you so much pr. I will look for ideas for finger foods and hopefully self-feeding will help him. Thank you so much.
You are most welcome dear
Your words of experience and wisdom are a treasure…
Can you plz help me with a diet chart for my 8 month old baby?
Thank you..
Hi Irfana,
Thank you dear. Please check on the link for 8 month baby food chart. Link –
Dear Dr Hema
visited the website for the first time and instantly subscribed and writing back to you ,
would appreciate if you please suggest some good recipe for my son 18 months old weighing 11 kgs , first thing he doesnt take solid foods and secondly this winter suffering from flu cough and cold and fever well fever gone now but still runny nose and cough is there , kindly suggest a best home remedy … regards
Salman Lakhani
Thank you
You can find different recipes from our website just by typing in the desired recipe keyword in search option. Give lots of finger foods to your baby. Self feeding will improve feeding ability. Please find link below with home remedies for cold and cough. Link –
Hi dr. Hema ,
First of all, I love you for all the help you provided with my twins … I am thorough with your guidance given in the website and very much enjoyed Shopping various products. Touch wood my kids are healthy and have a well balanced diet all because of you.
Only one thing upsets me and no one is able to help me. hope you will relieve my tension. My twins are 3 years old. Boy and girl. They used to have 300 ml milk/day/child but via bottle. On my paed advise, I stopped their bottle and tried giving them milk in sipper. My boy has rejected milk completely despite all my efforts , putting all kind of flavours, sippers, glass,cup, telling stories, soy milk, almond milk, phone etc. The girl was ok with sipper for sometime but now they both are just not having milk.
Now this is a month or 2 back story. I have tried compensating milk by a compulsory bowl of dahi in afternoon and a slice of cheese in the eve along with food. Yes, I give them milk cornflakes, Dalia milk, sprouted ragi dosa, egg.
Now they r not keen on dahi or cheese which worries me . I need to know what’s the daily calcium requirement and how much min should they have from various food.
Also, pls advice me how do I make them have milk? Oh yes, yesterday I gave them milk in bottle and they were thrilled and had it in one go!!!!
Thanks in advance
Hi Nidhi,
That’s great to hear from you dear. Thank you for those lovely words of appreciation
700 mg of calcium is the daily requirement. Cheese, curd, butter can also be included if babies are not showing interest on milk. Milk can be made more appealing by adding nutritious health mixes. Please don’t give in feeding bottle dear. Even if they don’t drink. Because this might make them to wait until you give them feeding bottle.
Hiii Dr Hema
I m mother of 14 months baby .my lo is not walking properly yet ,she walks only with the support of objects and if we took her outside that time too she want us to hold so wht to do i m worried .
Hi Priti,
Each and every baby is different dear. Some normal and active babies take 16 to 17 months to walk. It’s normal. Your baby just needs practice. Encourage your baby a lot. She will pick up very soon
I recently bought choco ragi pancake for my son ,thats the organic one with no sugar ,baking soda/powder or any kind of chemicals preservatives.which is very safe for children’s , where it contains finger millet,whole wheat flour, natural cocoa powder ,i truly recommend this for all mommies out there, more over it is made by hema mam she s a dr and mother of two you can ? believe and feed ur babies….???
Hi Aishwarya,
Thanks a lot dear
This means a lot to us.
Hi am Dr Muthulakshmi….thanks for your sharing receipe through mail….truly inspirational act . All the best Dr.
Thanks a lot dear
Hi Dr. Hema,
Am praba, mother of two boys. One is four and half years old while other. is just 4 months old.
My elder one is not taking food properly, he loves to have curd, he. snot taking any veggies
Please suggest me what to do
Hi Prabadevi,
Try adding little of curd in the boiled vegetables. You can make tadka and add curd. Try different recipes dear. Our website will help you with different nutritious recipes for your kid. Ask him to select the recipe and make the dish for him. This would create interest.
How do I get my breast feeding 6 month baby to have formula . Tried nan pro and similac advance .. he doesn’t like both . I start work next month and I am already stressed . I do not want to pump BM
Please check once with the pediatrician for formula milk brand suggestion. You can also start giving nutritious semi solid foods to fill his tiny tummy. No worries please.
Hi , am Swati – mother of two sons -9 yrs n 8 months -just ordered your trial packs n received them- thanks for making real instant food powders- my elder one was a cerelac baby so was easier to travel – my younger one does not like it at all-
All scheduled for my Singapore trip from 9th October I was just so nervous as to how to travel / your instant food powder is been a saviour.
Thank you so much?
It’s our pleasure dear
Pls my twin boys are 18months an they are not gaining weight but they eat too
Hi Jemila,
Please don’t worry about weight dear. It’s okay if the baby is active and healthy.
Hello Mam,
I would like to thank you for the efforts your taking to help out the new Moms like me
God bless u..
I’m a Dental doctor by profession and a mother of a 5 months old baby boy, I mean he has just started his 5th month.. Can i start solid foods for him?
Thank you
Hi Dear,
Exclusive breast feeding is recommended for babies, till 6 months of age. After 6 months you can start solids.
Thanks a lot for your appreciation
Hello doctor,
I discovered your products through Fit tuber on YouTube, and I’m straightaway ordering your noodles. I’ll also be ordering your stuff for my kids(19and 20 years) who are staying in paying guests in Bangalore. I’m delighted to discover your products. I’m from Nagaland. Thanks
Hi Dear,
Thanks for those lovely words. This means a lot to us
Hi my son is 8 months old he is not gaining weight from 6 mons can pls suggest some tips and healthy snacks for babies
Hi Ramya,
Weight will automatically increase dear. It’s not to be worried as long as the baby is active and healthy. You can add few foods like avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, bananas, raw Kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato to her diet which would increase her weight. You can also give her health mixes like sathumaavu. Please find link below with healthy snack recipes. Happy cooking
Link –
My lil one is 13 months old her weight is 10.4kgs n height 83cm . paediatrician prescribed calcium , iron and vit D3 for my lil one it it necessary to give all these syrup? Tia
Hi Sapna,
Please follow your pediatrician’s advice. But try adding lots of veggies and fruits in her diet. Please find below link with dates syrup recipe. Give dates syrup or dates powder, dry fruits powder,, milk, panner, greens, curd, egg regularly, so that the toddler would receive the nutrients needed through natural foods. Link –
Hi i need help wit my little one he is 2 months n suffering from eczema any remedies pls help i have tried aquos cream bt its no different
Hi Makhosi,
Apply mild alcohol free moisturizers at least thrice in a day. You can also use coconut oil to moisturize baby skin. Avoid hot baths and scrubs. Please use chemical free soaps. You can try oat milk soap from our organic product range. Please find link below to get more details on this product. Oat meal bath can also be tried ( Put a handful of oatmeal into a sock and hold it under the tap, let water run through it. You can see that the bath water turned to milky appearance. Bath the baby with it) Hope this helps
I am a mother of 14 year old teenage boy. I came to know about your blog as was searching for teenage parenting. My son is in 9th std and have height issues. He is 4.8 and weighs 51 kg. Have consulted the doctor as well. Please guide me what to include in his diet to improve height.
Hi Nazia, It’s normal for his age and there will be a good change in growth after 14, when he reaches adolescence. You can add avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc regularly to his diet.Nutrition and genetics play important role in growth. You can also try adding organic health mixes to his diet. The below link would help you with.
Hi, i m working mother of 2 kids, 4 yr boy n 7 months baby girl. I followed ur site since my son was 6 month old. Tried so many of ur recipes. Buttt i missed to teach my child how to chew as my motherinlaw take care of him wen i m at work. His immune system is weak, he often gets infection n fever. These days m on leave as my 2nd child born so m giving my full time to him, started with egg n banana as he love fruits too much Now we are trying hard to make him chew food but he s using only front teeth for banana n eggs, rest all he jst swallow.. He s mostly on khichdi n any milk porridge in breakfast. He keeps moving food in mouth for so long but donot eat. My email id plz reply me wat can b done to develop his motor skill.
Hi Anita, Don’t worry, he will get through this phase when his feeding abilities develop. Try making him watch other children munch food. You can also make it as a game “munch munch, munch like mama “(and show munching) and ask him to repeat, let him enjoy munching food with mama, step by step he will improve. But never try to force him munch, as that might end up as aversion. Please wait patiently. Add almonds, citrus fruits, spinach, yogurt regularly in his diet for immunity, The below links would help you with few ideas on immunity boosting foods and ready mixes to strengthen his immunity.
Mam my daughter is 5 years old she has white pathches on face what to do for it
Hi dear, Baby has to be examined before coming to conclusion. Kindly take her to a dermatologist.
My name is CHETNA. Mum of triplets. It’s a challenging time to feed my fussy bubs. They r now 15months. Pls suggest me to feed them easy ideas.
This is completely normal dear, babies do refuse food. To get over this, try eating together, let them see the other children of the family eat, encourage your children by talking about the food’s color, shape, aroma, texture and taste, make the food appealing by adding some extras, your babies like. If they hate vegetables in one form like mashed, try steamed or roasted. You can even take them to kitchen and make them excited to watch foods getting prepared. Don’t get upset if one doesn’t work. Be patient and experiment different nutritious recipes. Hope this helps
Hi I m Shaki…. I have one year old girl baby. Her birth weight was 2. After one year she is 6.2kg. Just I worried about her weight. Is this normal or not? Now can u please suggest me which kind of food I should provide her?.
Hi Shakila, No need of worrying as long as your baby is active and healthy. However, if you want to increase her weight, try adding avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc to her diet. All these are weight gaining foods and feeding with theses would definitely give best results. Our website will help you with different recipes with these ingredients. You can also add weight gaining mixes Hope this works
Is Johnson baby powder harmful to babies..very Lil amount went into her eyes. Is nythin ll happen..plz help dr
Hi, Powder is not at all necessary for babies dear, if you like to use it on baby, you can take some powder on your hands, rub in your palm and then slightly dab it on the baby. Please never apply directly on baby’s face.
Hii.. My baby is of 2 year old and her weight is 10.2kg..i would like to know whether the weight is adequate to her age or not? And which are the weight gaining foods for 2 year old?
Nothing is there to worry about the weight dear,Only what matters is whether the kid is healthy and active.However if you want to increase the weight add avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc to her diet. You can also add weight gaining mixes like sathumaavu, Here is a list of weight gaining mixes – this is helpful
Doctor, my son of 2 month old is not passing bow for last two days.
He is breast feeded & he is fed with formula 2 times everyday.
Please help us with your valuable suggestions. Thanks…
Hi Sanjith,
As the baby is just 2 months and in breast feeding there will be only little wastage after digestion. Some babies who are exclusively breastfed poop once in two weeks, as the BM is highly nutritious. So no worries please
I have two boys
Age 4years
And 6.5years
Both of them are under weight
Pls guide
Hi Sal,
There are many foods that you can feed them to gain their weight some of them are Ghee, Avocado, Bananas, Raw Kerala Banana, Milk, Egg, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Ragi, Sathumaavu, Badam Pisin, High calorie energy dense nutritious foods,Pear, Meats (Cheicken/meat), Cheese, Dry fruits, Whole wheat etc can be given in any form to them to gain their weight. And also proper meal and rest do help in increasing their weight.
Hi Ramya,
Good to see this website!
Hope you and your family doing Good!
My lo is 2 years old.He was having food when I started solids in 6 months after that slowly he was not having much.
Now he is not having anything..only having milk..he is asking only milk..
I am very stressed becaz of this..i am working women…eventhough I am running behind him to feed food but no luck!
I went to paediatrician also he said in this age kids will be like this only..But still I am worried no solid food only having milk..
he is an active kid only.
Saranya Perumal
Hi Saranya,
hope you’re doing good!
This is totally NORMAL.
But to get him more nutrition for his everytime active body, I suggest you make smoothies and milkshakes. Try not to force your kiddo on eating and give him some quickly made but healthy bites. Try these tricks and let us know.
Hello Hema,
My daughter is 7.5 months old but shes a fuzzy eater. She’s pretty much dislikes everything I give her. Tried veg and fruit purees to podrigres. She dislikes everything. Kindly share few ideas to feed her
Hello Chitra,
Between 6 and 12 months of age, many babies or even toddlers go through a passing stage of refusing solids and favoring milk—either from the breast, or formula. This preference is likely due to the ease and familiarity of sucking from the breast or bottle versus the hard work of swallowing solid food. As long as your baby gets the nutrients she needs during this phase, there’s no real cause for concern.
Here’s how to keep her healthy and encourage her to return to solids:
1. Feed enough breast milk
2. For picky solid-food eaters, stick with foods that pack the most nutritional punch in a small volume. Best choices are avocado, yogurt, tofu, eggs, veggies (such as carrots and squash)
3. Perhaps your baby is trying to tell you that she wants an upgrade in cuisine! Give her more finger foods Just let her eat with her hands and clean up when she’s finished.
4. Continue to put a wide variety of foods in front of your child and then TOTALLY IGNORE what she does with the food. No comments, no begging.
5. The important thing is not to react or turn it into an emotional issue or a power struggle. Then you will get a picky eater for sure!
And this is the food chart of a 7 month old baby. There are many new recipes that you can try feeding your little one.
Link –
Hello doctor pls what can i give my 5 month old baby for costipation he has been struggling to pass bow for 4 days now
Hi Uche,
If your baby is 5 months old then only breastfeeding will help your lo. And after starting solids in 6+ month, you can feed water in sips with every spoon of food. Avocado, prunes, plums, apricot can be given to your lo to lessen the constipation problem in babies. If you are feeding formula milk to your lo ask your pediatrician to change the formula milk. Do not feed cereals, carrots etc. to your little one during constipation.
Hello Doctor,
My kid is 2yr 3 months and weighs 10.8 kgs. He is still a lot below the average weight for his age as per the growth graphs. He is active all the time and good at other developmental fronts but is notoriously a NON-EATER. This worries and saddens me a lot! Does not eat at all most of the times. Looks like he is not interested in food at all – no matter how interesting the food looks and tastes. He drinks milk up to 400 ml a day. But, is stubborn towards taking any solids. We have to divert him to get him to eat and most of the time he eats when he is only VERY VERY hungry and that’s usually one time a day. He used to eat fruit at least in a day earlier but now, stopped taking that too! He doesn’t show interest in eating snacks either (like bhujiya, sweets). What do I do about it? Could you please suggest a diet chart for him? Thanks a lot for your time.
PS: He is about to join school and I really need a fix for his food habits.
Hi Gayatri,
A toddler usually follows these changes of not eating food. You can present a wide range of foods which he likes and dislikes let him be the judge of the food. And also tell him frequently how food is good for his health via informing him or via playing though videos. You can feed him finger foods so that he has the knowledge of eating with his own hands. Try various recipes whether he likes sweet or savory. Try going from there. Feed Milkshakes, smoothies, Dark chocolate, banana, oats, ragi, sathumaavu, coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, peach,peas, pear etc.
Thanks a lot for your response, doctor. Will try my luck again with finger food. Looks like he is not a Chewer. So, as you suggested will try to develop that by giving him more finger food.
Dear Dr Hema
I am bit stressed and i seek your advice in how can i feed my little one. He is fussy,doesn’t eat from spoon , i need to forcefully feed him. He wont even open his mouth.
l purchased few products from little moppet,i know its very good and healthy but still he doesnt open his open.
I tired to play with him will eating he takes two spoon and then same old story.
He is 7.1 kg now, i even spoke to my ped. all advicing me to feed him forcefully, But i dont feel its right to do.
Please help me, Am i wrong anywhere, am i cooking wrong. whats the problem i am not able to understanding.
I would be happy if you respond to me.
Hi Anjali,
If your little one is less than 1+ year old then you can feed him finger foods, let him feed himself give the spoon to him. Explain him slowly everything even show him some of the videos explaining the importance of food, bribe him with his favorite food or stuff to make him eat.Put a wide variety of dishes in front of him and let him eat play with food and do not disturb him but let your little one know the texture of the food. Feed him finger foods, which are easy and also can be eaten while playing.
Give your little one energy packed food, even if he takes 2-3 bites the energy should be high. And try feeding a small portion of food in every 2 hours.
Dear Hema,
My daughter is about to complete 6 months. I am a working mom and would like to know whether fruit purees can be prepared and kept before me going to the office ( maybe 2 hrs prior to her feeding time ) or need to be prepared just before feeding her.
Thanks in advance
Hi Priyada,
Any food prepared to feed your little one should be given within 2 hours and should not be kept in refrigerator. If there is some one who is taking care of your little one ask them to keep the materials ready and when the time comes to grind and prepare freshly and give to your little one. If not you can prepare and keep the puree’s, khichdi and within 2 hours the food prepared needs to be consumed by lo.
Dear Hema ,
My daughter is about to turn six months. I was on the search for food charts and recipes and found your website. I believe it’s going to be quite useful for me. I am a working mom and I would like to know whether the fruit purees can be prepared and kept ( maybe 2 hr prior)? Or is it need to be freshly prepared?
Thanks in advance
Hi Priyada,
Happy to know that our website is helping young mothers in their parenting journey.
Yes any baby food prepared should be fed within 2 hours. After 2 hours the baby should never eat the food.
Hi Dr.Hema,
Can I give 10 pcs Almond or cashew to 8 month.She likes it with mixing fruits.
Thank you
Hi Anita,
You can feed your little one dry fruits powder and not the whole almonds since eating whole almonds may choke your baby.
I am Darshit Shah From Gujarat.i Need some information from your Dr.Hemaji. My child is 6 month old.and his wight is just only 5.800kgs. my Pediatrician said his weight is very low.if his weight is not gain then it will be a problem in future in his growth.can you please suggest me or guide me that what to do for his quickly weight gain.i have already order your product like sathumaavu mix,raw banana powder,and sprouted ragi. waiting for your reply asap.
Thanking You,
Darshit Shah,(Vadodara,Gujarat)
+919825060819(whatsapp number)
Hi Darshit,
Apart from these products, you need to feed your child avocado, peas,pear, peach, dry fruits powder (8+ months), ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, sathumaavu, bananas, eggs(8 month),plain meat – soups for less than a year old, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc needs to be fed to your lo.
Hello mam
Really happy to see you being such a support system for new mothers like me.
My baby is going to turn 4month old on 5th feb. And the delivery was Caesarean. My weight has gone up to 80kgs. Kindly help as in how to shed those extra kgs. As i dnt want to be exhausted when the baby needs me.
Hi Jyoti,
It is better if you consult this with your dietician since they will help you gradually loose without making any damage to the body and also will give you an appropriate amount of foods that needs to be fed to loose the extra pounds.
Your amazing … Thanks for all the receips and advice that you give. Can totally relay on your website for any concerns.
I am so happy to read this. thank you dear.
Hello Dr Hemapriya Here is my Problem since my Kid will complete 4 years . her wight is 12 kg , She is Active Healthy & no issue at all as a parent we are worried why her weight is not increasing please advise mam
Hi Deepa,
There are foods which can be fed to increase weight of your toddler. Like Peas, Peach, Sweet Potato, Potato, Ragi, Banana’s, Milk, Nutrition dense fruits, Avocado,Coconut oil, Olive oil, Oats, Ghee, Sathumaavu, Raw Kerala Bananas & Powder. Even after eating all these foods the child has not shown improvement in weight but is active and completing her milestones well. Then there is nothing to worry about.
There are certain children who gain weight in adolescent age. Even then they are unable to gain weight then it totally determines the genetics of the baby.
Great seeing your website and recipe book. I need your advise, I am planning to travel to Malaysia with my 11 month old baby but he only eat pureed food. How will I feed him there, I feel it will be difficult to get food and cook for him and blend it and all.. Can I give him food from restaurant that is not pureed.. ? We are leaving after a month and the only thing am worried about is what to feed him since he is already used to pureed food.. Please advise .
Travelling with kids is certainly a little tough dear. Check some of these options, also m sharing link to our shop where you can get some travel packs for convenience Also check this
Hi my angel is now 4th month old.. can i start purees n water? M breastfeeding to her but too i want to start other food also so .. can u plz suggest me wat to start 1st to my daughter? N since from 1month i am giving balgutti along with breast milk..
Dear exclusive breastfeed till 6 months.
Hello doctor,My boy baby is 120 days old around 16 weeks and weighs 7 it overweight.. how do I overcome this. He is EBF baby.his birth weight 2.795 his height 63 cms
As long as your little one is active then everything is alright. And also children have the tendency to loose the baby fat and muscles when they reach toddler hood or adolescent age.
Hello doctor.. My boy baby is 110 days old around 16 weeks and weighs 7 kg.whether it is normal or overweight. How to overcome this .he is EBF .his birth weight 2.795 kg.waiting for your reply
Dear how is the baby otherwise- active? and if you are exclusively breastfeeding the baby, there is not much to worry about.
vanakkam dr. my son is 14 mths old i tried cow milk. but he is not drinking. i have to force and feed him. i found no allergy. but every day i dont like to force him so i stopped giving milk. he is still breastfeeding. he is not drinking enough water. everyday i worry wt to giving him in the morning time before breakfast. he wil woke up at 5-30- 6 clock. i am giving idly then ragi porridge.
can i give him apple juice r veggie juice in the morning before breakfast.
daily can i give him ragi for his calcium requirement.
plz guide me wt to give him in the morning time.
Yes you can feed him Ragi, Sathumaavu, Raw Kerala Banana Powder/fruit, since your lo doesn’t like the taste of milk then try adding dry fruit powder, turmeric, fruits as smoothies, chocolate for milkshakes etc.
There are many recipes that you can feed your toddler and it is mentioned in the below given link.
Link –
Hi doctor , this is vigneshwari from Usa . My baby is 8 months old . She has diary allergy and also severe silent reflux so I am taking it slowly regarding feeding her solids and she is still on purees twice a day , some times only once. I have given her Apple , pear, avacado , sweet potato , rice , moong dhall , chicken , carrot , beans , banana and pumpkin . Now that she has completed 8 I am wondering if I can start finger foods at the same time worried that should not aggravate her reflux more . Also I feel she might just play with finger foods rather than eating them so I am in a dilemma whether to continue with purees or start finger foods and also pls suggest me few more items that I can introduce to her without aggravating her reflux . Thanks ?
Hi Vigneshuwari,
Yes you can start feeding her finger foods. Start with a small portion of it. Let her play with it but she will get to know the texture of the food and will eat it in future.
My son is 2 years and 7 months. i am facing the problem to feed him. he is not at all interested in eating. Every time he refuse to eat. What should i do. I tried variety of food as well as we went to park for eating. but he is not eating. And now day by day he is very screaming and shouting on me.
Toddler tantrums are a phase and soon settle down. You are doing good by offering varieties. Try food art, make shapes of food and fancy plates etc. Encourage eating with family/siblings and check our options of weight gain foods also to ensure complete nutrition.
Hi hema Priya i have 11months old kid .He is not gaining weight .He is having cold and cough .so tell me what type of food mostly prefer to my kid.
Hello dear, you can give hot porridge, soups and dal to the little one. Also try to check our link on home remedies for cold and cough so that you can ease the baby more. Offer steam etc.
Hello Doctor,
I am Rajeswari. I have a kid (1.5yrs old). I have taken my daughter to germany since i have work here for 4 months. But i took tourist visa for her so she will be leaving this november back to india along with my mother. I have stopped feedinf also. Can you please tell me which food we can take during flight journey (12 to 13hrs)?
Also, can we give junior horlicks alomg with water to her during travel? Please help.
Would not recommend horlicks dear. Here are some food options you can give during travel. I am glad you have already stopped feeding so that the little one has no issues. At one year, baby can have many other foods like mashed potato, boiled veggies, rice, fruits home made ladoo cookies etc also.
Thanks for your suggestion doctor.
But for a long travel, can we take mashed veggies? If else which milk powder i can buy so that we can mix it with water and give her.
How old is your little one dear? (Milk will depend on that) you can carry mashed veggies if its few hours journey. For long one, this can be used for the first meal during travel. Also check the site for wonder travel food options for babies and toddlers.
Thanks for your suggestion doctor.
But for a long travel, can we take mashed veggies? If else which milk powder i can buy so that we can mix it with water and give her.
You can feed the milk that you otherwise give. Also carry other travel foods which have longer shelf life. (fruits, veggies, ladoos, dry snacks) you can check the site for recipes. Or you can even pick from our online store.
Thanks for your suggestion doctor.
But for a long travel, can we take mashed veggies? If else which milk powder i can buy so that we can mix it with water and give her.
You can carry mashed veggies, potatoes and fruits. Milk powder if you are giving formula to the little one you can carry that. You can also check from our range of travel foods.
Can we feed store brought all natural (without preservatives and artificial color) Greek yogurt for babies
How old is the little one? There are many other food options we can serve.
Do we get my little moppet stuff in Mumbai ?
You can order all the things online dear. Currently our store is in Madurai and rest we have all products online.
My baby is 4 months old. Since I have to go for work, I am forced to start formula for my baby… Tried Nan pro… He spitted out… Then brands like Similac is tried…. Finally end up in lactogen….seems that tasted better. He takes only 20 ml and then starts crying… He was on exclusive breastfeeding before. Can I wean baby early… If so what all foods to start.. Is it safe to add sugar in formula..
Weaning can be done after the baby is 6 months.
Hi Dr. Hema, my son is 14 months old. Could you please suggest what all could be given during lunch and during 5-6 in the evening as a snack. this food chart should help.
Hi Dr my toddler is 15 months old n does not eat n I am very worried Wat should I make him so that he will eay
Hope the little one is learning to eat new things, sorry missed your message. You could try some weight gain and other wonderful recipes from the blog especially designed to suit toddler taste
This site is so helpful. My wishes to you. And I have a small doubt. I have a 14 month old boy. He is not in the correct weight what a one year baby should be. I ll check your weight gain receipe. And my doubt is my feeding procedure is correct or not? At morning 8 I ll gv 50 ml milk. He won’t drink in bottle so I ll gv him through spoon. At 9 idly. At 11 to 1 nap time at 1 lunch and 3 to 5 nap time after 5 rice kanji or fruits or cerelac. After 8 again idly. At 11 one glass milk. This is my schedule. Please check am correct if not please correct me in this.
I think you are taking good care, you can also attempt to feed with sippy cup now it will be good, we have an article on that too to help moms switch over. Yes continue this and you can pick some more variety of food from food chart for toddlers post.
Hi Hema ,
This site is so helpful. My wishes to you. And I have a small doubt. I have a 14 month old boy. He is not in the correct weight what a one year baby should be. I ll check your weight gain receipe. And my doubt is my feeding procedure is correct or not? At morning 8 I ll gv 50 ml milk. He won’t drink in bottle so I ll gv him through spoon. At 9 idly. At 11 to 1 nap time at 1 lunch and 3 to 5 nap time after 5 rice kanji or fruits or cerelac. After 8 again idly. At 11 one glass milk. This is my schedule. Please check am correct if not please correct me in this.
Hi Priya, the schedule looks good dear. Please change the meal options some days and add more nutritive food. Do check our site for age wise food charts that ensure a balanced diet for little ones. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
Hi I m a mother of 9 month old baby boy.. I m giving homemade sathumavu from his 7th month.. I m not sure what is the right amount to be given per day.. Can u pls suggest me how many spoons can be given per day
Hi Ramya, You can give two tablespoons of sathumaavu powder with 2 cups of water everyday.
U r doing a amazing job. Ur site is so much helpful for mothers who r struggling to wean off their babies. Ur guidance is really helpful.
Such encouraging words, truly keep us going.
Hey doc can I give banana yougurd after lunch to my 1 yr old baby? Or I can give it 2 separately which is the best for him??? Plz let me know thanks in advance
Since the little ones take time to digest, best is to give after an hour of lunch, one by one. Hope you are checking our food charts for toddlers, it sure will help.
Hai doctor
I am veena praveen form abudhabi working as a Nurse.My concern is regarding the feeding of fruits as raw.can I give fruits as raw ? or should cook n give?some of my friends told me so.
If you have already introduced food purees or boiled fruits, gradually you can start to introduce raw fruits too. Please ensure you monitor kids as it should not cause choking. Depending on age you can grate or mash and give.
Finally I found a site that answers all my worries about my little baby. I will keep following this site now and keep checking for latest relatable information I need. You are doing a great job Hema garu!!
How lovely to read this. Thanks so much Madhavi.
Hi Dr…… My baby is 4 and half month old. She is not getting enough breast milk… Any other to fill her stomach healthy
Why do you feel baby is not satisfied dear, we recommend exclusive breastfeeding for first 6 months. You can pick clues from our article on how to boost breastmilk supply
Hi hema. .
we get started blogging.then how we earn money. Which means according what basis ,we earn one one rupee?
Dear please confirm if you want to start blogging?
Hi Dr. Hema i have a 6 month old baby & i have purchased the Saathumaavu mix sprouted and non sprouted one from your website. I would like to know if it can be given to a 6 month old baby and also can i add some Baby Milk Powder like Nan Pro in the saathumaavu mix ? Please let me know.
Thank you
Hi Vrinda, thanks for buying our products. You can give both the products to your 6 month old. There is no need to add any milk powder since it is a complete meal by itself for your little one.
Hi Doc,
I am mother of 4 year old daughter, she frequently suffering constipation even though she used to eating vegetable and fruits also drinking lots of water. Most of the time she hesitate to go for pee also controlling her stool always instead of passing. She said she scared of passing stool also most of the time passing stool in her underwear .
Can you please suggest me what kind of food is good ??? we tried fruits and vegetables any alternate food??
Have you checked with her if it pains her while passing urine or stool? if so a thorough check up is recommended. Else here are some home remedies
Do you ship your products to Canada as well?
Yes Malavika, we ship them in most countries. Please share order details and address on this id
Hi Hema…. good job kudos… is the little moppet foods available in all shops?
Thank you for your encouraging words dear. We are currently available online
Hi doc my son is 5 month old and he have 2 ear infections already what reason is that.
Could be due to cough/cold or several other reasons. Hope you are consulting a doctor about this dear.
Hi Dr. Hema
My baby is 6 months old and she is doing 20-25 times urine and 4-5 times motion. Her motion is green from last 2 months and our doctor is says ng nothing to worry this is normal.
Whatever she eats and drinks, sometimes she passes urine and sometimes motion.
She is still taking my feed.
Please suggest me what should i do in this case.
Hi Divya, it is normal for your baby to pass stools and urine frequently. Continue to give her your feed and other solids from the food chart that’s available she will be alright soon.
Hello Dr
My baby is 5 months and 14 days old, he was healthy when born and up to 3 months, but now my milk is not sufficient for him, and his weight is reducing, his weight is 6.1 kg , we tried giving him cow milk with bottle, but he is not accepting milk with bottle. He drinks water very well with bottle. We are trying to give him solids like fruits, rice and dal water, butter, he is not eating all this solids properly what else shall we start, please guide me I am very worried about his health n weight
Hi Dipti, I advise you to exclusively breastfeed upto 6th month or formula if your baby is formula fed. You can start solids form 6th month onwards. If your baby is otherwsise playful and healthy, you need not worry about his weight.
Thank you Dr Hema for the great job you are doing…
Thank you so much for your warm words Anaya.
I find this website very helpful dr hema i have an douby regarding my 6 mnth baby health, i started wheat n apple ceralac ,her chest is making khud khud sound,her breath is making sum diffrnt sound ,is it due to ceralac i mean she hot cold
Hi Nabeeha, please check with a doctor if you have any doubts about your baby’s condition.
Hiii milk and yogurt dono mix karke ek sath de sakte hai.koi problem to nhi hoga
Hi Sonia, milk aapko ek saal se kam umar ke bache ko nahi dena chahiye. Yoghurt aur milk ko na mix kare do behtar hain.
Hi Dr
My daughter is 2 and she has really bad constipation is the 7th day she hasn’t done a poo.
Really stressed out.she is feeling really tired from last 2 days.she just want to laydown or sleep.not a happy running around child now.pls help
Please check the constipation remedies by searching our blog
Hi Dr
My daughter is 2 and she has really bad constipation is the 7th day she hasn’t done a poo.
Really stressed out.she is feeling really tired from last 2 days.she just want to laydown or sleep.not a happy running around child now.pls help
Hi dear, please check the constipation home remedies by searching our blog.
Hi Hema garu.
This is chaitanya sruthi from visakhapatnam. I ordered sathumaavu mix on 16th of this month and I got it today. My lil one loved it. She is under weight actually 6kgs for 7 months. Iam sure she will be better after having sathumaavu product. Flavour is very good mam. I’m very very happy…thanks a ton…really amazing products.
Hi Sruthi, its great that your little one loved Sathumaavu mix. Feels good to satisfy mommies like you1
Can sprouted ragi be roasted after grinding it to the powered form.
Yes dear you may do that
I conduct cooking class in Bangalore. Can I advertise in your site? Please let me know the details.
Hello Dr hema. Thanks a lot for all your receipes it’s vry useful for me as a new mom.
My baby girl is 11 months old now,i have tried some of your health mix ,and my baby liked it much,
and I jus bought dry fruits mix,shall I include tat directly into cooked porridge or have to cook along with porridge?
Dear Mam,
I have read your site with surf a little and all the topics on above. Very interesting and impressive. However I’m badly facing trouble with my 6+ years daughter for weight less & skin allergy from her age 6 months. Still he is in under doctors prescription. But not improving any the food habit & skin allergy both. Just for example…her IGE rate come 1300 in last months report and she takes her food (diner or lunch) with minimum an hour. She is much thin than any other girl of this stage. She always like to deny to take food. Now I have plan to visit India but before that I seek your kind direction for her. It would be so kind if you allow me to send his all report has get from her doctors side. Also appreciate if you can give me your contact number / email / skype or other communication link to keep in touch with you this regards. Also if you allow then her Mom can communicate with you. We are in deep frustration about her situation. Cause some persons mad some negative talk about his health condition. Pls be so kind to guide us by return.
Hi Hema
My daughter is 20 months old . she is drinking lots of water but her stools are hard and big. What could be the reason for that and what to do to solve this?
Please suggest some home remedies for that.
Thanks in advance…
Do you have a diet chart or nutritious receipes for 5 year old? You also have 5 year old son, I’m sure you can recommend or write something for them
My son is 6 months old.he was born 1 month before due date.he was 2.1 kg at birth and now 6 kg approx. he is not feeding properly.even he is not rolling.he is very weak.m giving him lactogen 2.and breast feed him 3 times a day.I m confused what to give him in solid foods.plz help me what can I do to make him rply me plz.
Hello Doctor Hema!
So that the parents can talk to you or do come and meet you personally…????
I happened to stumble upon your site while I was looking for some into on ‘white patches’ that appeared on a friend’s kid’s face recently! I couldn’t bear look at the tension that is going through the parents! I am at Hubli, Karnataka and I want to ask you few queries, is it ok if I ask your contact number…????
Regards and love
today i see your web site first time,i like it.I need your advice for my son he 19 years old he dont like to eat any veg and lentil what can i do he start eat healthy.
Hello Dr Hema, i am really interested in your Products. Are these available in the US? I see the price in INR and dont see any option to change country in the cart. Is there anyway i get them here as well?
Dear Neelima,
Thank you for your interest in our store, we ship to US, please mail us at with your address details and the products you require
Hi.. Is ypur little moppet instant food range dairy egg and soy free? My son has cmpa and i wanted to confirm b4 purchasing
Hello Dr.Hema,
My son is 13 month old and his weight is 7.4kg,however his height and head circumference is fine…I m really concerned abt his weight.He was 2.8kg at birth and 6.2 kg at 6 months but after 6 months he had not gained weight much…I probably think because he had started weaning at 4 months as suggested by my doctor…on top of it he is a very fussy eater.evry visit to the pediatrician makes me feel vulnerable coz she keeps on stressing me to make his weight gain.
Dear Bhakthi,
As long as he is active and achieving his milestones well you don’t have to worry, check out the following links
How to know if you baby has appropriate weight gain?
Top weight gaining foods
Weight gaining health mixes
I have a 9 month baby, she refuses to eat solids.. Please give me some tips..
Hi dear thank u ao much Dr.Hema…very informative site
Felt very happy as i found ur site through a friend…thank’s alot…
Hema when I was searching for startng solid for six month old baby.
I came across ur blog. Its really helpful.
My baby is 4month 2 days old nd her weight is 6.3 kg.
At the time if birth her weight was 1.73 kg nd she is premature baby. My pead suggest me to start solid to baby from six month.
Hema can u plz tell me which are healthy and high calorie high protein recipe so that it will help my babys weight gain. I want my weight to be maintain in good way.
Plz help.
Hii…Im trying to give oats to my 6 months old baby.
But she refuses to eat, may b she does not like the taste.
Can you please help me with some other alternates for breakfast.
Also can you please suggest me some others receipes that I can give her for dinner, as she refuses to eat khichdi also…
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Hii…Im trying to give oats to my 6 months old baby.
But she refuses to eat, may b she does not like the taste.
Can you please help me with some other alternates for breakfast.
Also can you please suggest me some others receipes that I can give her for dinner, as she refuses to eat khichdi also…
Hai Dr. Priya,
I found your site while i am looking for baby weight gain food recipes. I think now I am join with right person. I am a mother of 17 month old baby girl in Sri Lanka. she eat too little per day & her weight now 9 kg still 2 month. not gain her weight even 1 g per day. what should i do. please let me know that your sathumave , dry fruits powder is good for my baby. and how could i buy this product.
Dear Nisansala,
We ship to Srilanka , pleas email us the details to
Hi …such a wonderful n informative site
Thanks a ton Rupa
Hi Hema !
I have been following ur site from past 3 year. It has been off great use for me . Having a 3yr old son and a infant all ur suggestion and tips work out really vel for me . I have even bought ur multi grain mix, itz realy gud my son drinks it everyday. ( even i lik it n i drink it ???) . Vil ping u if i have any query.
Dear Farzana,
Thank you for your appreciation and feedback, it means a lot to me
Hello doc…
my lil one is going to be a month facing lactation insufficiency my lil one feeds for a longer time sometimes even more than half an hour continously and still cries and wants to feed …he has gained about 2/3 of expected weight. . Don’t want to give formula feed am worried whether I’ll be able to mange till 3 months and start weaning. ..pls help
Dear Bhuvana,
Do try these foods that boost lacatation
Hi Dr.Hema,
My son is preterm (29weeks) 3+ yr old now but his current weight is 11kg.
What diet should I follow to gain his wt.
Dear Nidhi,
After 1 year of age, it is better that the toddler diet can be same as that of the whole family, do include the foods in this list to help him gain weight
Hi Dr
Really I felt very happy after seeing ur site . . . after along time browsing only I got this site . . I thk this s right time to find u . .
I m mom of 15 month old boy baby. . he was suffering from fever nd cold . . last 5 days d temperature increased upto 102° . but now fever was fully reduced .. . having cold nd having continues cough over nite even though given medicine . . feeling very tired . . .
Suggest me to arrest cough immediately (home ready). ..
Tel me food items to make energetic
Dear Yamuna,
Sorry for the delayed reply , hope your little one is doing good now
Take care
Hi.. I have a 10 month old baby boy.. He was born in 34 weeks.. At that time his wt ws 2.2 kg & his head circumference ws 31cm.. My concern is he is apsulutely active & healthy nw.. & also his milestone are on time.. One thing I am concerning is he is going to be 10 month old in couple of weeks nw & his wt is 6.4kg only & his head circumference is 43cm.. He is eating everything 3 times/day.. Every veggies every fruits purée rice cereals oats cereals indeed I am giving him formula 6oz/day(recommend by pediatric doc USA) or even he is on my breast feed also.. Bt I don’t know why he is nt gaining a proper weight.. Is that bcz he is digest easily?? Or his ailmentry system is over active?? Cz 4-5 times/day he does potty.. Thanx..
Dear Ankita,
There is nothing to worry, as long as he is active and healthy, you dont have to fret about his weight gain
Hi! My LO is 3.5 months. My family members suggest I give angoor juice in the it.ok?
Soaked dried grapes..smashed and strained in a bottle? Just once a day every morning.. They say good source of iron and prevents constipation! Your suggestion.
Dear Rati,
Please exclusively breastfeed until 6 months, after which you can slowly start with solids
Can i add apple while making khichdi for my baby.
yes you can , check our recipe on Apple Rice Khichdi
Hi Hema, I’m a doctor mom jus like u.. I hav a 8month old girl baby.. N also very lucky to hav a family support to tk cr of my baby.. My baby’s still in pureed fud stage since 2months..trying to introduce her to grainy porridge/cerelac, she starts to gag n finally vomits.. She hasn’t lost her tongue thrust reflex completely n also hadn’t gained mouthing.. So any fud in place her hand, she plays around with it.. She hasn’t developed any teeth still… Plz help me…
Dear Priya,
Great to know about a fellow doctor Mom
Try to start with little soft finger foods and slowly proceed to little chewy ones, do check our detailed post on how to feed finger foods for babies
Can I give sathu mavu two times in a day..?
Yes you can give twice
Hi my son is 8 years and his birth weight was 3.25 kg , he seems to be slow on growth his weight increase is very low as compared to her two year young sister she have reached 20 kg however
8 year son is only 17.8 kg we are very much worried , please help !
Dear Piyush,
Please do not worry about weight gain, if your son is healthy and active then he is perfectly fine
Hi i came across your page while searching for a home made healthy mix for my 7 months old boy. I am so happy to find this very useful website of yours . Most appreciated work your doing for the struggling moms( i am one of it)!!! Actually my baby s having cold since a week but i dont prefer to go to doctor, i want the cold to go on its own as i heard medicines dump the cold inside . He eats home made porridge (with rice dal n vegetables) but now he often vomits because of cold . I want him to get well soon, any home remedies you prefer ? Or i shall consult a doctor? Waiting for your reply
Hi Aysha,
Really sorry for the late reply, hope your little one is fine now
Hi Hema , I am a mother of 18 months old boy . He is very active kid but he is not getting used with his sippy cups. He is not picking up any food , chewing and eating . I have to give in somewhat mashed and semi solid consistency. I am so much worried and concerned. He is still drinking water in his bottle that too I have to feed him. Please help me.
Hi Archana,
I can understand what you are going through, hope the following tips help
1. Keep offering the food you are attempting to get him to eat. He doesn’t HAVE to eat it, but he should be exposed to it. He may pick it up and play with it and feel it. That’s ok. He’s getting used to it–it’s a process.
2. Offer soft foods cut up in small pieces. He might be more inclined to actually put a soft bite of banana in his mouth than a crunchy cracker. Bananas, cooked peas and carrots, avocado, plain cooked macaroni, etc. And cut them smaller than you think necessary.
3. Sometimes it helped to give a spoon and let him try to feed himself. He might have only gotten a couple of bites into his mouth, but he will more likely to keep it in his mouth, chew, and swallow it.
4. Offer the new food first when he’s really, truly hungry. If you want him to try a banana but you offer it after his yogurt or whatever, he won’t be hungry and will have little motivation to try something new. Maybe while you’re prepping breakfast, sit him in his high chair and give him a few bites of the banana to look at/play with/attempt to eat while you chop up the rest of the banana to go in his breakfast.
5. Remain calm. We know this is extremely hard because it can be frustrating and nerve-wracking when your child eats a diet of about three bites! But if you are anxious at mealtimes, he absolutely will pick up on that. I can tell you from experience that it will not help the situation. Keep working with him and see if he improves.
Happy Feeding
My daughter is 11months old she was premature by six weeks. Weightwise she is good but heightwise I feel she is low can you suggest me foods to be including in her diet for growth
Hi Saba,
Height is more of genetically determined and you don’t have to worry about it and she will attain the height as predicted in her chromosomes
Hi Hema, my girl is now 15 months old. Still facing problem to make her eat anything. She does not even touch milk and only breastfeeding. Hence she is only 7.3 kg underweight. Can u plz help me to make her foody. So that i m little free from tention.
Hai ,can u tell me is der any changes in nutritional changes in soaked n unsoaked almonds ?
Yes soaked almonds are nutritionally superior, though not proven
Hi Hema.
i accidentally came across your site.but every happy that i found this. i am a working mother with 10 months little angel. i leave her with my in laws. she is some what like fussy kid. she will not have any fruits, vegetables even some times refuse to drink water also. i leave home by 8.30 am and reach by 7.00 pm. iam in a position where i can not make her eat anything in morning because i will be busy with household work and in evening if i give any fruits she will not have her dinner . please help me .
Hi Bhavya,
babies at this stage are always fussy, try introducing new varieties for her dinner in the form of finger foods
Hema, I too have the same problem as Bhavya. By the time I reach home, there is no enough time for me to introduce new foods to her. Am worried if she will lack vitamins as she doesn’t have fruits at all. I have made Sathu Mavva from your site and she likes it a lot.
hi Vijiaya,
You cna ask your caretaker to feed some cubed fruits like apple, pear, watermelon ect
Hi Hema,
How are you? I was just trying to look for recipes for my 11 month old baby girl came across ur website. I have been told by the doctor not to start non veg until 1 year but my family is like start with non veg I am not sure which one to start with first and please if u could give good recipes to start with.
Will be really helpful. Thanks in advance.
Hi Fatima,
You can start with yellow of egg, chicken now, try this chicken soup first then you can give steamed and sauteed chicken pieces
This might be a usual problem with toddlers but my kid doesnt eat anything properly. What diet should I give her which includes lot of nutrients. I am working mother so I don’t get enough time to spend with her or feed her. How to cope up with such things? Can you suggest recipes which I can prepare before I start to office?
Hi vijaya,
Yes it is a common problem, give her dense energy rich foods like avocado, yogurt, tofu, eggs, veggies (such as carrots and squash) Better prepare fresh meals for the toddler, you can give her porridges with fruits to increase the nutritional value, finger foods etc
Hi hema
I have a girl baby.she is suffering from reflux and on treatment. Now she is four months complete. But in the previous month there is hardly any weight gain. My paed have asked me to start with solid foods.could you please guide me which foods are good and which ones are not to be given for babies with reflux.and also how much quantity be given to prevent over feeding inorder to prevent reflux.
thanking you
c fernandes
Hi clency,
Pear is agreat food to start with as it is perfect for babies with reflux disorders you can check the recipe here
Start with one tablespoon initially and see how your baby is responding then slowly increase it
My baby is 1yr old nw…pls tel me wen shud introduce eggs…also a heavy diet at nite so dat she doesnt get up frequently…also i hv got ur home made cerelac recepi bt hw many times a day shud it b given….i wil b very much thankful if u mail me a proper diet for her….tia
Hi sonali,
You can start whole eggs now, in the night you can feed sooji porridge, khichdi so that she feels heavy, home made cerelac can be given once a day, do mail me her current diet chart to will try to help you out with suggestions
Hi Hema,
My baby just turned 4 months old.Can i give Water with palm candy added to it.
Is it right time to start with boiled apple?
Hi Bhagavathy, please wait till completion of 6 months
liked the passion
Thank you
Hi Hema…
my princes is 6 month old now… Can i introduce dates syrup to her?
Hi abhinaya, please wait till atleast 8 months
Hello hema,
My baby z 6 months old and we started raagi for him…could you please also suggest can we give fruits to him if yes which fruit?
Yes you can start, you can start with fruits like apple, banana, avocado, pears
I have received the e book thank you so much for your reply and e’s very helpful..but I have a doubt..can I try different fruits every day to my kid? Is that ok?
follow the 3 day rule for new fruits
Hello Hema..
Felt very happy as i found ur site while browsing,as you said we have to face lot of hardships in motherhood,well me to gng in the same phase, am a mother of 4months old boy. Waiting for my Lo 6 month to feed him solids.. Thanks a ton Hema your food charts are awesome.will take ur help if still i have any doubts… Cheers..
Hi jyothi, thank you for your kind appreciation, do email me your queries to will get back to you ASAP
Hey Hema. Hope you remember me. Dint know you have so much talent other than studying well. Really proud to have studied with you in the same institution. Im a soon to be parent and will contact you for all the necessary info.
Hi Ashwin Sir, How are you and your family? How can I forget you ?? Thank you for your heartfelt wishes
great news, congrats!! I will message you in fb, take care, do let me know when the baby is born….
Im a mother of 9 months baby girl. From the time of birth i didnt have milk to feed my baby. initially for first 6 months i used lactogen-1 and later i started using amul milk spray as suggested by my cousins. Is Amul good for the baby. i dont see her vomiting and she is with good weight. Doctor suggests similac but im not sure that stops my baby hunger. please suggest. Thanks in advance
Dear Sridevi,
Please use Similac atleast till 1 year after which you can use amul spray