How to Boost Immunity Naturally in Babies and Kids?
1. Breastfeed
Breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your baby’s health in many aspects, immunity included. The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of an infant’s life and such babies have shown to have a better developed immune system.
The magic of breast milk is such that it naturally contains contains immunity-boosting antibodies and white blood cells that protect against a range of illnesses, including diarrhea, allergies, ear infections, meningitis, colitis, pneumonia and urinary tract infections. It also protects against illnesses in adult life, like diabetes and cancer. Ensure your baby gets all kinds of breast milk, from colostrum to the foremilk and hind milk.
In addition to these, it is important to get your child into healthy habits right from a young age, particularly pertaining to personal hygiene. Brushing twice a day, taking a bath at least once a day and washing hands frequently with soap and water are all life saving habits that can keep us safe from common pathogens. Keep baby’s clothes, toys and utensils clean and well maintained, and use baby-safe cleaners and detergents.
Thank u so much it is a very important and useful information video
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