“A baby nursing at a mother’s breast… is an undeniable affirmation of our rootedness in nature.” – David Suzuki
When it comes to nourishing my baby, I firmly believe that breast is best. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to choose breastfeeding as my preferred method of feeding. Not everyone has the same option or makes the same choice, and I respect and understand that. For me, it has been an amazing journey filled with joy and fulfillment.
I vividly remember the early days when my little one first latched onto my breast. It was a beautiful moment that solidified the bond between us. From that point on, breastfeeding became a natural and instinctive act for both of us. Sure, there were challenges along the way, as is the case with any motherhood journey. But despite the ups and downs, the rewards have far outweighed the difficulties.
As I look back on these past five months, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. Breastfeeding has not only provided my baby with essential nourishment, but it has also created an unbreakable connection between us. It’s a journey I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.
Of course, I’ve had my bad days, where I feel little more than a food factory and then there are the days when it hurt and I was sore, and just didn’t understand what was happening. Looking back, the first month was the hardest, when I actually had to use nipple balm! But after that it got easier and I’m incredibly thankful to have gotten through that phase. I’m not sure if any of you felt this way – every time I nursed my baby during the first month, I felt the urge to cry!! It probably sounds silly now, but it’s true – I guess I’ll blame my hormones!!
But one thing I realized during that trying time was that this process, this sweet, sweet process would only last for a short while, and soon my little baby, who gazes up at me with wonder and love, would no longer require me on such a basic level. My lap wouldn’t be his seat; he’d have a high chair, and I wouldn’t be able to stare down at him and see my reflection in him several times a day. He wouldn’t grab my arms or my gown or playfully chat with me while feeding.
And just like that, all my discomfort and pain melted away and all I wanted to do was to wake him from his slumber and feed him – all day, every day! Till he let me, or nature did. So in my quiet time, when I think about my breastfeeding journey, I’m just incredibly thankful that I could relish every bit of this amazing process, and here are a few reasons why I think that breast is best.
5 Golden Reasons Why I Think Breast is Best
1. It’s the perfect time to bond with my baby
In those precious moments of breastfeeding, it’s just my baby and me, creating our own temporary world. The stillness, the peacefulness, and the overwhelming love between us form a bond that is unparalleled. It’s a time of pure connection, where trust and safety thrive. That’s why I firmly believe that breast is best for fostering this intimate bond with my little one.
2. I can feel his trust in the way he looks at me
There’s something heart-wrenching about those big brown eyes, which look up at you and straight into your soul. They are so open and trusting, and you feel the urge to protect him forever. That eye lock seals the unwritten contract between mother and child, that this is his safety, comfort zone for the rest of his life.
3. I am his go-to pacifier
I love that no matter what the problem, I am the only one who can comfort him at this stage. Whether he’s sleepy, hungry (obviously), afraid or whether he’s in a new environment or waking up from a bad dream – breastfeeding has the magic touch to soothe him, almost instantly.
4. I keep him safe
There’s a reason why experts say that ‘breast is best’ – it builds immunity and keeps my baby safe from all kinds of illnesses. So even if all the above reasons weren’t true, this reason alone would seal the deal. My liquid gold provides my little bundle with all the vitamins, strength and nourishment required to be healthy and grow well!
5. It’s a limited time offer
These early months with my baby are fleeting, and I know they won’t last forever. Soon, he’ll be walking, running, and chasing after his dreams, while I’ll be indulging in Chinese food and sipping on a glass of wine without any interruptions. The time when I’m his sole source of comfort is precious and short-lived. That’s why I firmly stand by the belief that breast is best during this precious period, embracing the irreplaceable bond we share and nurturing him with the vital nourishment he requires.
Chandni Bhagat is a new Mommy and a Child Psychologist who runs a popular day care chain, ‘Jumping Genius’ in Bombay. Her blog covers her take on mommy hood and her life between two cities – Bombay and Dubai. She’s an enthusiastic, avid reader and loves spending time with the two main men in her life!
It was such a lovely article
truly heart touching.. I could connect to each and every point.. I exclusively breastfed my daughter for first 6 months and still feed her at 1 year
it’s been an amazing journey for both of us.. Breast is the best for your baby!!
Thank you D Shruthi for your valuable feedback