One of the most important bonding sessions between babies and mothers is during feeding. Not only when breastfeeding, although that’s obvious, it’s also when feeding baby solids. And this beautiful journey of introducing new foods to baby needs to be enjoyed by both mother and baby. Unfortunately, the joy often gets marred by a big challenge – why is my baby not gaining weight? and the search for healthy weight gain foods for babies begins
After getting the hang of breastfeeding, weight gain in babies is one of the biggest challenges faced by new Moms, and this problem can extend well into toddlerhood and even into the school years. It could be that the baby’s weight does not meet the mother’s self-made expectations of how much her baby should weigh. Or it could be because of pressure from relatives and friends who continue to voice their opinions on the baby’s weight. Or it could be a genuine concern, brought to light by the baby’s doctor or a simple weigh-in. And many simply ask us how to make baby gain weight fast or help baby gain weight faster ?
Is your baby really underweight?

As a medical professional, my advice to all Moms is just this – ” Look at the Baby, Not the scales “. Many Moms whose babies look healthy, feed well and reach all their milestones properly still unnecessarily worry about their baby’s weight. In most cases, the perceived lack of weight gain is usually purely superfluous, and nothing of any concern. Rather than stressing about a daily or weekly weight gain, it makes more sense to look at the broader picture.
The child’s weight should be considered across months, and a slight drop from one month to the next does not require any attention. Besides, the baby’s weight also depends upon the genetic constitution of the parents. Children’s weight is usually measured within a range, and not as a hard and fast number. You can check our standard height and weight charts for babies to know how your little one is doing. Here is a simple chart from the Textbook of Pediatrics by OP Ghai, that show the estimated weight gain for children according to their age.
Weight gain according to Age
- Gain of 175 to 210 g per week from birth to three months
- Double the birth weight by 5 months
- Gain of about 400 g of weight every month till one year
- Triple the birth weight by 1 year
- 4 times the birth weight by 2 years
- 5 times the birth weight by 3 years
- 6 times the birth weight by 5 years
- 7 times the birth weight by 7 years
- 10 times the birth weight by 10 years
On average, a child gains 2 kg every year between 3 to 7 years of age and 3 kg per year after that till the pubertal growth spurt begins. Please remember that this is just a generic chart, and your child’s pediatrician is the best person to assess your child’s individual case. Check out the WHO Standard Height and Weight chart for Babies to know if your baby’s growth is proceeding within the normal range.
If your Child is Really Underweight
In some cases, particularly if the child’s weight is below the third percentile, lack of weight gain can be a genuine concern. In such a scenario, the first thing to do is to follow the doctor’s advice. A failure to gain weight can be due to multiple reasons – Congenital Heart Disease, infections, digestive issues like GERD, malabsorption or some kind of food intolerance.
Along with the doctor’s advice, it is important to ensure that a high calorie diet is designed for the child. The reason is that even though calories are burnt during exertion, the extra calories will help in weight gain. When planning a high calorie diet for your child, it is absolutely crucial to ensure that it includes healthy and wholesome foods, rather than heavy foods that are full of empty calories.
Unhealthy high calorie foods may lead to some gain in weight, but at the cost of nutrients. Moreover, when the child is full of unhealthy food, he or she won’t have the appetite for healthy foods. It also creates a dangerous addiction for high sugar or processed foods that can lead to various lifestyle diseases. At the same time, it is also important to include a good amount of protein, so that the extra calories are in the form of muscle mass and are not deposited as fat.
General Tips for Introducing healthy weight gain foods for babies
- Try introducing a new food every week, and follow the 3 Day Rule to watch out for food allergies.
- Continue to breastfeed exclusively till 6 months and for as long as possible after that
- Introduce the foods in the list below only after the baby has started a solid diet, after 6 months
- Don’t stress. Babies can catch on to this stress and fuss more when feeding
- Be patient and don’t expect immediate weight gain.
Here are 20 healthy weight gain foods for babies
20 Healthy Weight Gain Foods for Babies & Kids
1. Breast Milk
Breast milk is the best source of weight gain for babies till one year. Follow the WHO recommendation of breastfeeding your baby exclusively for the first six months and frequently after that. When breastfeeding, make sure you empty one breast completely before moving to the next. This is because the milk the baby gets at the beginning of the feeding is the thinner fore milk, and the fat-rich hind milk comes after that. Food for 6 month baby to gain weight is mostly breastmilk at this stage. But after the completion of 6 months you can start slowly increasing the below foods.
How to increase baby weight with Traditional Indian Baby Foods ?
Your baby is more likely to take to the traditional food of your area, and most of these are excellent for weight gain. Here are the most popular weight gaining baby foods listed below.
2. Ragi
Ragi or Finger Millet is a traditional baby food that’s quite popular in South India. While being rich in protein and calcium it is also one of the best weight gaining foods for babies. Ragi is also a good source of dietary fiber, protein and Vitamins B1, B2 and B6.
These recipes are easy ways to feed your baby ragi:
- Ragi Porridge
- Apple Ragi Porridge
- Ragi Cake
- Ragi Dosa
- Ragi Idli
- Ragi Ladoo
- Ragi Kheer
- Ragi Roti
- Ragi Cookies
Sprouted Ragi Powder is doubly nutritious, since the sprouting makes the nutrients in ragi more bio-available, which means your baby’s body will be able to absorb them better. If you’re a new Mom and don’t have the time to prepare this powder from scratch, you can order 100% Organic Ragi and have it delivered to your doorstep.
3. Health Mixes
Our grandmothers relied on health mixes they made from home, sprouting, roasting and grinding a variety of wholesome ingredients. As you can imagine, they were far nutritious to commercial baby food mixes, in both taste and health. They are also more effective in helping baby gain weight. These mixes combine the goodness of cereals, nuts and pulses, and can be modified to make different variations.
Sathumaavu Health Mix is an immensely popular health mix powder, made with over ten ingredients and a careful process of roasting each one of them separately before grinding. Click here to get the mix delivered to your home.
Sprouted Health Mix or Sprouted Sathu Maavu Mix is another healthy version where all the ingredients are sprouted and ground to a powder. You can spare yourself the trouble of sprouting and grinding and get homemade Sprouted Sathumaavu Mix delivered to your doorstep
Millet Sathumaavu Mix includes different kinds of millet among its ingredients, making this a great option for weight gain in babies. You can get this the easy way by ordering it here.
No time to buy all these ingredients and make this powder at home? Don’t worry, we prepare it hygienically and ship it to your doorstep
4. Kerala Banana
When looking for healthy high calorie foods, you needn’t look much further than Kerala bananas or green plantains. Besides, they are also rich in potassium, calcium and phosphorous and have a good amount of dietary fiber to add bulk and aid digestion. These bananas are also quite versatile, and there are many Kerala banana recipes you can make with them, out of both the raw and ripe versions.
If you are worried about giving babies bananas during cold , then you can try making a raw Kerala Banana powder for your little one. If you have trouble finding the bananas or don’t have the time to spare for preparing it, our Raw Kerala Banana Powder can make life much easier for you.
Check out these Raw Kerala Banana Powder Recipes for your baby:
- Banana Halwa for Babies
- Banana Fritters for Babies and Toddlers
- Coconut Banana Kheer/Payasam for babies
5. Pear
You can feed your baby pears in the form of a plain Pear Puree, or in Apple Pear Puree with cinnamon twist.After 8 months, you can offer it as finger food or in pancakes.
6. Banana
Bananas are among the most popular first foods for babies for a variety of reasons. They are naturally sweet, can be mashed without any equipment and don’t require cooking. They’re also an excellent travel food for babies and kids. Being an energy dense fruit makes it ideal for helping babies gain weight, and it also provides dietary fiber, potassium, as well as other minerals and vitamins.
The best way to introduce bananas to babies over 6 months is as Banana Puree. Bananas can also be added to other fruit purees like strawberry or kiwi. After 8 months it can be given as pancakes or mixed in porridge, or you can try out one of these banana recipes for babies under one year.
Once your child turns one, you can try out a variety of banana recipes:
- Banana Sathumaavu Muffins
- Banana Omelette
- Ragi Banana Pancakes
- Banana Coconut Oats Porridge
- Banana Oats Pancakes
- Banana Breakfast Bars
- Banana Coconut French Toast
- Banana Oatmeal Cookies
7. Avocado
While avocado isn’t native to India, today it’s quite popular in many Indian homes. Also known as butterfruit or Makhan Phal, avocado is a fruit with numerous health benefits, which is why nutrition experts across the world recommend them. The creamy buttery texture makes it palatable for babies and the healthy fats encourage good growth and development. Avocado can be introduced after 6 months of age as puree, and after 1 year as milkshakes and smoothies.
8. Peas
Peas are among the most nutritious vegetables that can be introduced as baby’s first solid food, after crossing 6 months. It is very high in dietary fiber, thiamine, vitamin C and high in magnesium, niacin, phosphorous and Vitamins A, B6.
Peas can be given as Peas Puree, Peas Khichdi and as Vegetable soup.
9. Potato
Potato makes an excellent first food for babies. It has a soft consistency, is easily mashable and is also the least allergenic food.Start with a small quantity as some babies may develop tummy upset due to gas.
The potato is rich in minerals, vitamins and also an assortment of phytochemicals such as carotenoids and natural phenols. Potatoes are best known for their carbohydrate content, with a medium sized potato containing about 26 gms.
Potato can be given as puree, in khichdi or in soup.
10. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes are an excellent first food for the baby. It can be given from 6 months of age.
Sweet Potatoes are very low in saturated fat, high in dietary fiber, magnesium and potassium, vitamin B6 and very high in Vitamin A and C. They can be given as purees, sweet potato khichdi, pancake and as soups.
11. Dry Fruits
Dry fruits include almond, pistachio, fig, cashew are energy dense and non-fattening.
The dry fruits can be powdered and mixed in almost all the foods, other forms by which it can be given are almond milk, dry fruit snack bar, dry fruit laddu.
You can either make the dry fruits powder at home with this recipe or order homemade dry fruits powder online.
Please note, dry fruits may cause allergy in some babies, follow the 3 Day Rule while introducing any new food.
12. Cow’s Milk (after 1 year)
Milk is one of the healthiest foods for children over one year, with a single cup having a multitude of beneficial nutrients. Please remember that infants under 12 months cannot digest milk. Whole milk is recommended till the child turns two, since the fat is essential for proper physical and mental development. About two servings a day is ideal for kids under four, which is about a cup of milk or yogurt.
Dairy products like cheese, yogurt and others also help in a healthy weight gain, if used judiciously. Here is a look at the most commonly used dairy products in our homes.
13. Ghee
Our Desi Ghee is one of the best foods for weight gain, along with adding several other health benefits. Traditional medicine recommends having a spoon of ghee a day for optimum health. Ghee is 32% MUFAs, or healthy fats that helps promote brain development in kids. It’s also anti inflammatory and good for a strong immune system.
Ghee can be added to all baby food once the baby turns 7 months old. Start with a few drops of ghee at first and slowly increase the quantity, taking it up to a teaspoon per meal. Ghee can sometimes be very heavy for the baby, so please be moderate in its usage. For best results, make your own homemade ghee that is free of preservatives and chemicals. You can also try our ghee rice recipe for babies.
14. Paneer
Paneer is a form of Indian cottage cheese, and is quite popular in Indian households, especially as an alternative to animal protein. All kinds of cheese can help babies gain weight, while also providing important nutrients like phosphorous, calcium and selenium.
Cheeses like paneer can be given to babies after 8 months. It can served simply, as finger food, or mixed with pieces of fruit and vegetables. Other paneer recipes babies can try are Paneer Vegetable Puree, Pan fried Paneer Cubes, Fruity Paneer Puree or Flavored Paneer Cubes. For best results, make your own paneer at home.
15. Healthy Oils
Studies show that babies are more familiar with flavors that the mother consumed during pregnancy, so feeding your baby the same foods helps him digest it better. That’s why it’s recommended to use whatever oils are common in your region, since they are ideal for the weather and your baby’s body constitution. For instance, gingelly oil is popular in Tamil Nadu, coconut oil in Kerala, mustard oil in West Bengal or sunflower oil in Punjab. The oil you commonly use in your household is the best cooking oil for your baby, and should help in weight gain and easy digestion.
We do recommend using cold pressed oils while cooking for your baby and for the entire family too since refined oils are highly processed and stripped off a lot of nutrients. Here are some cold pressed versions of the oils you generally use in your household:
16. Health Drinks
There are plenty of store bought options when it comes to health drinks; in fact it’s a complete industry in itself. However, nearly all the health drink powders you see on supermarket shelves are laden with added sugar, artificial flavors and loads of preservatives. While these may aid temporary weight gain, they also have several harmful effects on children’s health.
Stay away from these and opt for a health drink powder made with whole grains and lentils and is completely free from harmful additives and preservatives. Not only do these promote healthy weight gain and provide energy for growing children, they also enhance the taste and encourage fussy toddlers to drink milk. Many of these health drinks also have additional health benefits like healing effects during cough and cold, making up for nutrients lot during fussy eating, etc. There are several options you can try:
- Multigrain Health Drink Powder
- Banana Multigrain Drink
- Immunobooster Drink
- Sprouted Ragi Malt Drink
- Dates Smoothie Mix
- Natural Dried Dates Powder
- Masala Milk Magic
- Turmeric Milk Masala
You can also try some easy recipes with these health drinks. Here are some simple recipes with the Multigrain Health Drink Powder:
17. Eggs
Eggs can be given after 8 months of age, and are little powerhouses for nutrition. A single egg contains lots of protein, iron, choline, fat and other vitamins and minerals that your child needs for overall growth and development. Since the egg white has a higher chance of causing allergies, it’s best to start with the yolk first, and then introduce the white gradually.
One of the big advantages of eggs is that they are very easy to cook and can be included in a variety of recipes. Eggs are high in proteins and saturated fat. They can be boiled or scrambled, added to batter for toast or pancakes, or just tossed into any other dish. Here are some easy egg recipes for babies:
You can also check out this full list of egg recipes for babies and toddlers.
18. Lean Meats
Chicken is one of the best sources of lean meat for babies, and it has several health benefits besides helping babies reach a healthy weight. The high protein content aids growth and development, and the magnesium, phosphorous Vitamin B6 and B12 help in growing strong teeth and bones and in healthy functioning of the kidneys and nervous system.
Chicken can be given to babies once a week, and it’s best to start with boneless pieces like chicken breast. Chicken pieces can be boiled and fed as chicken puree, chicken stew, chicken soup or chicken rice. You can also make chicken stock and use it in baby’s dishes for extra taste and nourishment. Do check out our list of healthy chicken recipes for toddlers too.
19. Whole Grains
Whole grains are unrefined grains that have their outer layer intact, which means they add bulk to the diet and also help in better digestion and smoother bowel movements. The most commonly used whole grain in our country is likely to be whole wheat flour, or atta. Whole wheat is also available in the form of broken wheat, also called dalia.
Babies can start having wheat early, unless there is a known history of celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Whole wheat can be given as Wheat Porridge, Wheat Soya Porridge, Broken Wheat Porridge, Groundnut Wheat Porridge, Green Gram Wheat Porridge, Wheat Dalia Porridge or Wheat Halwa.
If you’re strapped for time but still want to feed your baby a whole grain meal without compromising on nutrition, you can stock up on our whole wheat mixes for babies. It’s the perfect solution for busy mornings, tired evenings or when you aren’t well or need someone else to take over. Here are a few healthy options to try for babies under one:
For toddlers, you can check out these healthy wheat noodles and our full range of whole wheat recipes, from pancakes to parathas and snacks to desserts.
20. Oats
Oats has been hailed as a health food the world over, and it’s the top recommended food to treat a number of common ailments. Despite it’s reputation as the ideal food for weight watchers, it is actually perfect for indirectly improving weight gain in babies.
Oats is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in manganese, magnesium, thiamine and phosphorus. Oats is the only cereal containing a legume-like protein, and the immense fiber in oats help to add bulk to dishes. Babies can have oats after six months, and it is a food that can be enjoyed throughout life.
Oats is incredibly versatile and can be added to sweet or savory dishes. Here are a few oats recipes for babies under one:
- Oats Porridge
- Oats Kheer
- Apple Oats Porridge
- Oats Pancake
- Oats Khichdi
- Carrot Oats Porridge
- Savory Oats Porridge
Babies over one can have many more recipes with oats in different forms. Check out more easy and healthy oats recipes for babies and toddlers for more ideas to include in your little one’s diet.
To help your baby get the full benefit of oats, make sure to use 100% Organic oats in all your baby’s dishes. You can easily order it here, and get it delivered to your doorstep. Here are a few convenient Oats mixes that your baby can have when you’re too busy or tired to create a full meal from scratch:
Wondering whether you should buy a high chair or a booster seat for your baby? Check out our detailed post – High Chair or Booster Seat: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Feeding Chair.
A One Stop Solution for Healthy Weight Gain Recipes for Babies
The Chubby Cheeks Recipe book is an eBook, which means you get it instantly, as soon as you place your order. Order now and you can get 20% percent off the price of the book!
We also have a Chubby Cheeks Combo based on the recipes in the book, including the best of our healthy weight gain products.
You can download a list of these healthy weight gain foods for babies in a handy pdf format here.
For more healthy recipes for every meal of the day and for every age group, please check out the Recipe Index.
Check out our Quick Energy Boosting Tips for your Baby/Toddler which will help your baby get the extra nutrition she needs. You can download it here.
Common FAQs on Healthy Weight Gain for Babies
Which food is best for baby weight gain?
For babies less than 6 months, Breast milk is the best weight gaining food.
For babies above 6 months, along with breastfeeding , you can introduce these weight gaining foods listed in this article
How can I increase my baby’s weight?
Ensure your baby has a high calorie-dense diet . The reason is that the extra calories will assist in weight gain, even though calories are burnt during playing, being very active et. It is critical to ensure that your baby’s diet includes healthy and nutritious foods rather than foods with empty calories. You can refer to high calorie energy dense healthy weight gain food for babies in this article.
What foods help a child gain weight?
Healthy energy dense foods like ragi, banana, eggs, meat, oats etc, more foods are covered in this article
Does PediaSure gain weight?
We do not advice Pediasure for babies and kids as they are loaded with additives, sugar, and many other ingredients that you wouldn’t want in your baby’s food. Reference article
Which syrup is best for weight gain in babies?
Instead of relying on syrups for weight gain in babies, offer your baby high calorie natural healthy weight gain foods listed in this article.
What is your greatest concern regarding your baby’s weight gain? Do let us know by commenting below.
Babies problem gain weight ago long yea fat
You can include all the above said weight gain foods in baby’s diet regularly for healthy weight gain.
I have twins but one wants breastfeeding but another don’t , what should I do for dis one who doesn’t want so that she can gain wait
Please let us know your baby’s age. Kindly send us your query to
my baby when he was 3month he weight 6kg then 6month he weigh 5.9kg then now 7 month he weigh 6.2kg but in my eye he is not gaining weight he can eat …..
Weight is definitely not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy
Food advise for low Hb levels<9 .. 5th month pregnant
Hi Amitha,
Please add iron rich foods in your diet. It’s important to check with your gyneocologist and take supplements if necessary.
Thank for teaching me how to help my baby gain weight at 9months.
My baby don’t eat that much, he prefer breast feeding milk?’
Hi Juliet,
It’s definitely our pleasure. Try not to breastfeed during meal time so that baby accepts solids well.
Where can find all of this food in Liberia
Hi John,
We deliver our products overseas too. I request you to drop an email with your product list and address details to Our team will revert back to you with the shipping charges and product charges :).
Hi Mam,
May daughter is 3.10years old and her weight is 21kg. Kindly guide me in redcuing her weight.
Hi Gayathri,
Please avoid oily foods and junk snacks. Try giving lots of veggies and fruits. Please have a word with your pediatrician.
Dear Dr. Hemapriya,
First of all I appreciate your efforts for putting in the useful information in the website.
My kid is turning 2years old in a couple of days and her weight is 10 kg. Birth weight was 2.7kg. She refuses most of the foods. She eats only plain rice and chapaties without sabzi/daal. I give her veggies in the form of soup, but the amount of soup she consumes is less. So I wonder if that is adequate for her in terms of nutrition.
Second important thing is she is on syrup Relux 10ml since last 4 months for constipation. And my paediatrician has prescribed it for another 2 months. I want to stop this syrup gradually so am giving her castor oil massage on belly. Kid refuses prunes. Can i get some ideas how to include prunes in her diet. I tried adding to sheera, kheer, but she refuses that as well.
Thank you for your patience and reading till here. Awaiting your valuable inputs. Have a great time ahead?
Hi Madhavi,
Thanks a lot for your lovely words of appreciation
Try giving different varieties, even if baby doesn’t take big meal, try giving small volumes of nutritious foods at regular intervals. Weight is not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy. You can try the other constipation remedies given in these links,, Hope it helps.
My baby is 8 month old and is only 7 kg. He is formula fed and eats solids but doesn’t gain weight
Hi Neethu,
Please don’t worry about weight if baby is active and healthy. Try concentrating in healthy feeding. That can make wonders.
Hello Dr.
My baby is 2 years and 3 months old, and his weight is 10.4 kg but he is active. I try to provide him all the food you suggested.but maximum foods he refused. When he became sick , it takes time to get well. can you suggest to me how can I improve his weight?
Hi Rucksana,
You can try giving the above mentioned “super healthy weight gain foods”. It will definitely be helpful
Hello Doctor
My baby is 8 month old ..she didn’t drink formula or any other milk..only breastfeed 2-3 time in night..
How much solid food should I give her?
I m trying to give 4 meal half bowl per it ok..her weight is 8 kg and she is very active
Hi Babita,
The quantity depends on the baby
But I can provide you the general information. Please check this – Hope it helps 
Hi Dr
My baby is 8.5 months, girl,her weight is 6.6 kg, she is taking very little amount of feed, her birth weight is 3.3 kg, how can increase the weight, she is active.
Hi Renju,
Weight is definitely not to be worried as your baby is active and healthy. Please try adding the weight gain foods regularly in your baby’s diet. That can help in healthy weight gain
Excellent link – I came across this when I was searching for some mother friendly site to refer to my patient with an underweight girl of 5 years. Liked the lay-out. Liked the content. Thanks
Thanks a lot for your love and support. Your appreciation means a lot to us
Can I give cornflakes to my 1 year old
Hi Manasa,
It’s better to avoid processed foods. You can add if it’s natural with no preservatives.
My baby is in 7th month started. now I started solid food in these month she must be enjoying eating Apple puree. When I supposed to introduce banana puree as here i m in my native place sudden environment changes. So my Question isthat she never feel cold or cough .if I introduce banana.
No Sheetal, It’s not to be worried. Bananas can be given
Hi I would like to know if a 9 month old baby can have sathubmavu mixture and what is the best possible way to introduce it to a baby
Sathumaavu can be introduced to babies after introducing the first foods like rice, dal etc. Please give little and then gradually increase the quantity. You can make it into porridge and feed the baby
Hi dr
My baby is 8months old and for the past 2weeks now she has refused every of her food except breast milk
And she have lost a lot of weight
Pls what can i give her to increase her weight and to make her big
Hi Daisy,
Weight is not to be worried if baby is healthy dear. Try giving lots of finger foods. That can create interest. And also try giving small volumes of nutritious foods in regular intervals instead of one big meal. If you want the baby to be chubby try including the weight gain foods regularly in diet dear. That can help.
May Baby is 2.5 years old he eats every thing given in your article except 2 or 3 , but he is not gaining weight
he is very active but his height and weight is not increases
Hi Komal,
It’s great that your toddlers takes most of the foods mentioned. Height and weight is definitely not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy dear.
My baby is not a healty he is active but he is very thin give me some suggestions…iam literally very sad for this
Hello Devi,
If your child is healthy active and completes his milestones on time please do not worry about weight. If your child is above 1 year old then all the foods given in the article include at least 3-4 items daily in your child’s food. After having a meal it is important for a child to have a proper rest. Along with meal and rest a child will gain weight and growth appropriately.
After a meal if your child is active and is using loads of energy then the weight gain will be slow so proper rest and meal is important for weight gain dear.
Check this link it contains some of our weight gain products list –
My baby is 13 months old.Her B.W is 4kg, C.W is 8.5 kg only. she is not eating banana n other fruits except apple. I m trying often… please give me suggestion to increase her weight… still on BF.My PD said not to give any supplements lik iron ,vitamin…concentrate on foods….but I m worrying much.pls guide me.
Hi Deepa,
Your doctor is right, weight is not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy. However if you want to increase his weight, Try adding weight gaining foods regularly in his diet. This can give better results.
hi kid is 6 years and just 15 kg.I am so worried wat to do
Hi Priya,
Weight is not to be worried if kid is healthy dear.Please feed your baby nutritious and that would bring healthy weight gain
Hello Dr,
my baby girl is 6 month now her birth weight is 3.1 and now she is only 7.8 kg .please suggest me what kind food should I give to him so that for her weight gain.
Hi Poonam,
As stated in the article you can feed weight gaining foods to your child. Foods such as oats, rice, ghee, paneer, ghee, coconut oil, potato, peas, raw kerala banana, sweet potato, avocado, banana, sathumaavu can be fed to your child initially. After 8 months and 1 year there are many options of feeding weight gaining food to your child. Along with the above mentioned food you can also feed our weight gaining products to your child the given link will provide the list for your perusal –
Thank for all the advise. My boy is getting to 2.5 years body weight is only 9 kg. Progressed well up to 1 and 8 months and suddenly stopped. Right now crawls but feeding a hutsle. please advise.
Denying food is a normal toddler behavior dear, try giving different varieties of food and instead of one big meal give small volumes of nutritious foods in regular intervals. Practice self feeding too. Self feeding will increase the feeding ability and also create interest on foods.Please don’t worry of weight if your baby is active and healthy.
Thank for all the advise.
You are most welcome dear
Hi Doctor,
My Baby is about 22 months her weight is about 7.8 kgs and very short , could you please suggest me how to increase her height and weight. I had given her breast feeding for only 3 months. can you advice me please. iam very much worried about her.
Please stop worrying of height and weight if baby is active and healthy. If you wish to make her chubby, please follow the diet ideas given in the article. For height, involve her in sports and outdoor activities and add nutrient rich diet including egg, milk, chicken, soybean, banana, oats, nuts and dry fruits, whole grains, fish, carrots and green leafy vegetables etc.
Hi my baby girl is 10 months old she doesn’t eat egg in any type any suggestions do you have
Here is the link with different lip smacking egg recipes dear.Hope your baby likes
Link –
Hi doctor
My baby is 15months her weight is 8kg. She cannot sit or walk.she is claft palate also. I am very worried about her weight gain.please suggest me what can I do.
Hi Aysha,
It’s fine if your baby crawls actively. Every child is unique and special. So please wait patiently for her day dear.Weight is also not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy. Try adding the weight gaining foods in her regular diet. That would give better results.
Hi doctor
My baby is 15 month but she cannot be siting or walking. She is very weak. She can’t take anything. She can’t stand strongly. When I am trying to stand her then her lag is brake and she sit down. I am very worried about this problem.I saw her many doctors but cannot find any solutions. Please give me a suggestion.
She can’t crawls also. For this reason I am worried
Hi Aysha,
It’s not to be worried as the doctors have concluded that the baby is perfectly fine. Just keep practicing and encouraging dear.
All required info given here n is very useful. Thank u very much for these detailed information.
Welcome dear. Thanks for the appreciation
my problem is that my child doesn’t eat anything or eat a few amount of meat or rice but not anything else and has reflux that take zantac twice per day.
Hi Melina,
This happens because of reflux. Instead of giving big meals, try giving small meals in frequent gaps. Don’t feed anything before an hour to bed. Let the baby sit upright after every meal. Please consult with your doctor so that he can help you with baby’s special diet plan.Try giving foods with high calorific value like eggs and cheese in small amounts.
Hello dr
My baby born at is 2.7 kg now 12 months he is 8.1 kg but my feed is very less but he is not drinking formula milk or other milk am giving solid food but at gain is less what to do but he is active now holding and stands pls guide me
Please don’t worry, as the baby is active and healthy. Try making the milk more appealing by adding extras like health mixes/ smoothie mixes/ dry fruits powder etc. Below link has details. Hope this helps
Link –
Hi Doctor,
My baby’s weight is not much of a concern (after reading your replies to previous queries). however I want to know how to work upon her immunity. I breast feed her at night and morning rest of the times she is on formula (as I keep her in the day daycare). Will any kind of food help me solve this issue? her weight is 6.4kgs and age is 9 months old but active and reaching milestones correctly
Hi Akshata,
That’s great to know that baby is active and reaching milestones. You rightly said. It’s important to boost her immune system. There are wide varieties of foods which can improve immunity.Please find link below with complete details on this. Hope this helps
Link –
I am a mother of 18 months old boy.. his current weight is 22lbs and birthweight is 8lbs. he didnot triple his weight yet.. I did try all the above foods more than 10-20times each food.. most of it ended in trash..
more than weight gian, I am concerned about his health.. his immunity is very weak and get sick very often.. he doesnt eat any solids.. once in a while(10-15days)he eats fruits.. Even before tasting the food he rejects food. if in case.. I manage to keep food in his mouth he spits it out. I talked to his pediatrician .. took all tests .. no flags yet.. Doctor says its his behaviour..
[Note: He eats junk food like chips , bondi etc.. ]
Can you please suggest any healthy nutrition mix which can be mixed in milk and will flow through nipple so I can at least give him good nutrition with milk..
Hi Dhairya,
This would help in improving feeding abilities, please don’t push him to eat. Try making meal time a fun filled one. I would suggest to use sipper bottles instead of nipple bottles. Increasing immunity is important. Add immunity boosting foods like green leafy vegetables, squash, pumpkin, pulses, peas, nuts to his diet. Use turmeric, garlic, onion, ginger while preparing the baby’s food. You can mix immuno booster health mix into his milk for best results. Please find link below with details.
Relax dear, weight is not to be worried about if the baby is healthy and active. It’s time for him to develop feeding abilities. Rejecting food is normal for his age, try feeding him more finger foods, place different food items in front of him and ignore. Let him explore, you can clean after he finishes
Link –
My daughter is delivered in 34+4 wks. Birth weight is 9 months started according to gestational age. Date of birth is November 23rd 2017.Now weight is 5.4kg only. And she is having constipation and if passing time also too much straining. Stools looks like hard small pieces, i consult so many doctors. But still she is not gaining weight and hard stool also, formula feeding and weaning started its ok.
Hi Akhila,
Baby’s weight is perfectly fine dear.Constipation is one of the most frequent problems in babies. There are few ways which have proved to help in getting relief from this. Some of them are, giving a drop of castor oil mixed with milk, feeding warm water, adding prunes, peaches, plums, peas and apricots in baby’s diet, massaging the baby’s belly with coconut oil or castor oil. Please go through the article in the below link for getting more details on this.
Link –
Hello Dr,
My baby is 10 months and 8 days now, weight 8.3kg and height 74cm. Does he weight too low?
He doesn’t really like to take formula after teething. I gave him 7-8oz in the morning and before bed but he will only take around 4-5 oz then push the bottle away. We gave him 3 times of solid food daily: lunch, tea snack and dinner. How can we solve the problem to make him drink more milk? Thanks.
Hi Dear, there is nothing to worry about the weight as far as the baby is active and healthy. You can make the milk more appealing by adding dates powder, nuts powder, dry fruits powder etc.You can also add avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc to his diet. All these are weight gaining foods and feeding with theses would definitely give best results. Reading the E-Book chubby cheeks would help you with diet plan and recipes for weight gain in depth
My baby is having milk allergy.. thus having trouble to gain weight . Please help
Hey Maggi,
There are many other sources of foods apart from Milk that you can give improve your child’s weight. And also there are many substitutes of milk which will help you in gaining an age appropriate foods.
The below given links contains the details of food products.
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Hi. My baby is 8months old and he is 6.7kg in weight. He eats well. Not a fussy eater at all.
He plays well and is achieving his milestone in time. I m concerned about his weight. What can be done so that he reaches 9kgs till his first birthday.
Your baby is active and healthy, so please don’t worry about weight. Just continue feeding with nutritious foods like avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato etc. He will automatically gain weight
Hi Dr.
My baby is of 5 yrs old & wt is 16Kg . she is active whole day but at the time of food she is getting sleepy or not intrested to eat , even she took 1 to 2 Hr to eat.
Please suggest
Hi Sameer,
This happens with kids, don’t worry, try giving different recipes of her choice. If she hates boiled veggies try roasted or fried.You can check for different nutritious recipes from our website. Hope baby enjoys it 
Baby is expecting new recipes
hi, my baby is 1.5 and his weight is only 9.3 kg. he is not gaining his weight since 4 to 5 months. also during the medical checks and test we got to know that his hemoglobin and vitamin D is also less.. m very much worried for his growth as even he is not able to speak. Please advice me some variety of foods and tonic to improve her weight and weakness.
Mamta Malhotra
Hi Mamta,
Please add spinach, lentils,beans,peas,pumpkin,tomatoes,potatoes,cereals, milk, yogurt, ghee, Ragi, Sweet Potato, Health mixes, Kerala Banana Powder, Pear, avocado, paneer, banana, coconut Oil, prunes,raisins, dates (syrup or powder) and nut powder regularly in his diet. All these are good to improve calcium, iron and also aid in weight development. No need to worry if he is active and healthy. Just feed him healthy dear.
Hello Dr
My son is 34 months and weights only 11.5 kg. He was born a healthy weight of 3.2 kg. Now he is a fussy eater and has not gained much weight and heightin last year. Looks more like a 2 yr old. He is active but is very lean and small. Any advice for weight and height gain will be helpful.
Hi Raman,
As long as your toddler is active, completing his/her milestones appropriately without any difficulties there is nothing to worry about weight and height.
The height and weight of the child is genetic. Most of the times when the children reach adolescent age their height and weight will increase naturally.
For now you can feed them many foods which helps in increasing their weight. Foods like Sathumaavu,banana,oats,coconut oil,ragi,raw kerala banana powder, peas,peach, potatoes,sweet potatoes,avocado,pear,ghee,eggs etc. can be fed to increase weight via foods.
Apart from this there are other weight gaining products from My Little Moppet that you can feed your child to gain weight and it is mentioned in the below given link.
Hi dr,
My daughter is 1 year old and her weight is only 7.9 kg, she was only on breast milk and a very fussy eater.. I tried so many receipe but everything was a failure. But she is very active , walking & has 7 teeth. She is very small in size kindly advise me, also she is reluctant to take formula & bottle ?
Hello Dinusha,
As long as your daughter is healthy, active and complete all her milestones and chores according to her age then there is nothing for your to worry about her weight. The weight may change while she is growing up and especially when she will be an adolescent.
If she is a breastfed baby, and is reluctant to eat solids or liquids then you need to properly wean your child. Make her understand the importance of solid food and bribe her with the foods that she likes to eat if she has eaten what you wanted her to eat if she is reluctant to use bottle you can try sippy cup or steel glass so that she can drink any liquid freely.
Also feed her finger foods so that she can come to know the different texture of the food. The given link contains the food chart of a year old baby. This food chart will pave the way for the upcoming years of the children –
Hi am happy I stumbled on your site my baby girl is 20months and she still looks so little and I try to give her foods that’s has nutrients but I don’t see her adding any weight at all…what else do you think I should do..thanks
Hello Mariam,
As long as your lo is active and completing each milestone without any difficulties. Do not worry about their weight. Give them all the weight gaining foods in different forms. Since your baby is more than 1 year old you can try giving her various recipes in different forms to gain weight.
The below given links contains the foods which help in gaining weight and the other link contains the food products of My Little Moppet apart from the weight gaining foods this foods needs to be added into their everyday life.
Link –
Link –
Use the above given links to feed some of the weight gaining products.
Hi Doctor,
I am chathurika at Sri Lanka. My baby boy is 12months completed. But still his weight 8.5kg. He is very active. But day by day i feel he is getting thin. very difficult to feed him. Still not introduced formula milk. how can i gain weight of my baby
Hi dear,
As we always insist. Weight is not to be worried about if the baby is healthy and active.
My baby is 8months now she is not gaining her weight is 6,7
Hi Constance,
The below given links has the list of foods which help in gaining weight and along with it the products which help in gaining weight is also provided below.
Link –
Link –
Dear Mam
I have a child for 34 Months old and her weight is now 9.80 KG, Her born weight was 2.00Kg. She active and everything is fine . Eating is enough but nothing can see in her body, Please recommend any other meals or nutrients foods..?
Hello Jaseena,
As long as your daughter is healthy and completing her age appropriate tasks and milestones then there is nothing to worry about her weight. Usually children will achieve their appropriate weight at adolescent age.
You only need to feed her with the weight gaining foods, immune boosting and our weight gain products and all these is provided below in the link:
hi my baby girl is 17 month now her birth weight is 2.9 and now she is only 7.4 kg .she is very active & reaching in 7 month she is suffered from UTI but not again repeat .please suggest me what kind food should I give to him so that for her weight gain.
Hello Urmila,
As long as your child is active and completing her chores and milestones according to her age then everything is normal and there is nothing to worry about. Since you have mentioned your child had UTI it’s best you to take care of the sanitization of the entire home and the utensils apart from this you need to feed your child immunity boosting foods and also the weight gaining foods.
The links below given are immunity boosting foods, weight gain foods and our products which helps in gaining weight to your child.
My baby boy is 12 month now and his weight 8.4 kg . What can I do
Hi Thilini,
Not an issue dear. Just check whether baby is active and healthy
My baby girl is 17 month old and only 7.4kg.her birth weight is 2.9 kg.
She is very active and achieved milestone s properly.but she is not eating well.pls suggest me diet plan for her weight gain .also suggest how much quantity .
Happy that your baby is active and healthy :). Weight is not a concern dear. If you wish to increase her weight, add weight gaining foods like avocado, peas, pear, peach, dry fruits powder, ghee, oats, ragi, olive oil, bananas, raw kerala bananas, potatoes, sweet potato and health mixes in her diet.Please find weight gain health mix details in below link. Quantity to feed depends on the child. Give her what fills her belly, wait for signals to stop feeding.that’s it
Link –
Hi dr
My baby girl is 18 month now her weight 9.8 and height 78,she eats well but didn’t gain much weight
Hi dear, you can continue to give balanced diet to the baby and some babies don’t gain much weight yet are very active, so please don’t worry much. You can give these immunity boosting foods
Hi Dr..
My son is 9month old now but his weight is 6.900kg only and he looks very lean. His birth weight is 2.180kg.please suggest me some ideas to gain my baby’s weight..
Apart from following this list, you must ensure the little one stays active and is achieving other milestones well. Often kids who are lean are absolutely fit and hence do not worry much. You can also check the site for immunity boosting foods.
Dear Dr,
My baby girl is 10 month old now and her weight is 7 kg(Birth weight is 4.2). Now she not like to eat baby foods,she like to eat family foods with her 7 Years & Two years brothers .Family foods made with salt & chillies.What’s ur comments Dr.
While eating family food with siblings is very good, my recommendation usually is to avoid salt and sugar until the baby is one year. You could try to arrange a fancy plate without sugar/salt and make her sit with them and try. Or if there’s no choice give it minimally.
Hello doctor,
I am priya my baby is one year old and her weight is only 7 kg her birth weight is 1.4kg.she is active baby.she reaches her mile stone correctly…She looks very lean,,pls suggest me for her weight gain….
I am glad you observe that she’s active and successful on milestones too, that is a wonderful thing to hear. Do not worry much, you can use this article to ensure complete nutrition for your little one. Some babies tend to not gain wait especially in the initial years.
Hello Dr.
My granddaughter is 13 months and weights 18 lbs, she weighted a little over 8 lbs when she was born. I thought her eating habits are good she eats almost everything you give her her doctor is concerned and we are too. She actually eats most of the items in your page so I’m not sure what could be wrong that she’s losing weight instead of gaining it.
Hi dear, could you share more about how much weight has she lost, how about other milestones and is she keeping active otherwise? Feel free to message me here
Hi Dr!
My name is Ola from Nigeria.I’m 35yrs o age.My baby girl is 4months and 3weeks.She looks like 2months old baby.I placed her on 3months exclusive and introduced formula after 3months cos I don’t have enough milk supply.Sma gold is the formula I introduced.Is a serious issue,cos she doesn’t take and I dispose most of the prepared formula.Note:I’m on cambimazole 10mg morning and night.I have HYPERTHYROID.Can it be the reason why my daughter is not gaining weight? Thanks in anticipation.
Dear please share the exact birth weight and weight now. You can message me directly here
Hi Doctor,
My baby was born at 35 weeks weighing 2.2.Now she is one year but she look like she is 7 months old.She is active like can hear you when you talk and imitate you but she is not gaining weight at all .Medically she is fine I took her to the paeditrician which did a full blood count to see if he can find something wrong but the results came negative.Milestones also delayed I am giving her everything which is on this page to gain weight but to no avail.What might be the problem, I am worried?.
Dear what is the current weight of your little one? If the baby is otherwise active then a little delay in achieving milestones should not be a worry. However if there is a lot of delay, then you may need to seek professional help.
Hi mam this is priya from Navi Mumbai. My first child was a girl. She is 3year andd 3 months old. Her weight is only in 12 kg. But she is very active and very adamant also. She looks like very lean. Her weight is not gain becoz of her too activeness. Pls advise me some tips to change her become soft and her healthy weight gain.
Dear if your little one is active and 12 kgs, then also not to worry much. Contineu to feed variety of food options so that complete nutrition reaches her. And it is a very good sign that the baby is active. you can take dry fruits powder from the my little moppet store.
Dear Doctor,
My son was born pre-term at 26+5 weeks with a birth weight of 770 gms. He is now 4.5 years old but weighs only 9.5 Kgs. He is very lean which really puts me into great stress. He is active though. He developed his speech late but now talks well although not fluent although he understands us very well. I am also worried as he is now in LKG and is still not able to write. He is good in oral. Please advise.
Thanks & Regards
Weight certainly is on the lower side, however m glad to hear that the little one is active and is achieving all milestones, with a little delay. You can continue to provide complete nutrition, offer variety of foods and if his appetite is less, you can give frequent meals of small portion sizes. If he is a little behind in studies, you can discuss and consider giving him more time now, perhaps an additional year if that works for you as a family.
Hello Doctor Hema Priya,
Thanks for your idea and recipes. Today i want to try either Ragi Laddu/Dryfruit laddu for my son. I need your help in getting some guidance, below I am giving my situation and problems.
As you already have kids, I don’t have to explain my pain in feeding my 18 months old son. He used to be a good eater until he turns one year. There after many changes which we can expect as per age/tastebuds… etc. My main concern is his intake of milk. He is still on breast feed during nights.
How long it is good to do breastfeed ? My son is 7 weeks early born i.e. born at 33+1 weeks with 1.8kgs weight. Now he is 18 months and weights at 8.2kgs approx. I wanted to breastfeed for longer time(atleast 2years ) as he is tiny and as I believe it helps him to gain more immunity. But my son doesn’t accept outside milk at all, which he should start consume from 1 year old and ofcourse I can’t produce enough milk for my son and based on people suggestions around me since 2 weeks I am trying to reduce feeds gradually. Until 2 weeks before, I used to breastfeed before going to bed and during mid nights (atleast 2 times he wakes up), but since 2 weeks I am reducing gradually, now I am giving him only before going to bed and not during mid nights though he gets up and ask for milk.
Here my questions/concerns are
1. But do suggest me how long it is best to breastfeed ? No use, if I do after 1 year old ? My thought used to be like, I don’t want my baby to miss single percentage of nutritions he gets from breast milk as it helps his immunity. My thinking was wrong ? Because he is tiny and early born and I can see his physical growth is not up to other kids. Being 18 months old, my son can’t stand on his own , though he walks with walker. Doctors in UK suggesting me to wait until 20 months as we have to give him extra 7 weeks period.
2. Is breastfeeding really making my son to not accept cow milk? What I should make my son to accept cow milk ? I am trying in several ways like trying with different bottles/tumblers/different milk powders (complain/horlicks) though I know its not suggestible for toddlers, atleast I want to know if he likes any of them and want to drink ?
3. Is breastfeeding make kids to go off from having food? Even night feeds have such impact?
Any suggestions would be highly appreciable.
Dear thanks for reading our articles and making the best use of them. Breastfeed ideal till 1 year should be sufficient, you must now try to give milk and other forms of milk like curd cheese etc to your little one. Also you can now start sippy cups and make them fancy drinks with some fruits and feed your baby. You can check our site for food charts of toddlers and how you can wean a breastfeeding toddler. I am sure the links will help.
Walking, ideally starts between 12 – 16 months, however as you rightly said some kids achieve milestones a little later and that is perfectly fine. Meeting a local doctor there would be ideal if you are worried. Else you can wait for few more weeks. You can try to hold hand and give small toys and encourage him to take few steps every now and then.
Hlo mam
My daughter is 1yr n 2 month old bt her weight is too low she is jz and 8.6 kg m too worried about her weight she didn’t take any homemade food what will I do
How are her other milestones achievement, like walking etc.. Is she an active baby otherwise, if so then do not worry much. Continue to feed nutrition filled food and don’t worry much.
Hi Dr Hema.
My daughter’s birth weight was 4.1 kg.
Now she is 7 months and weighs only 6.4 kg. Can u please help me in gaining my daughter’s weight ?
Keep trying these foods dear and give dry fruits powder from 8th month. As long as the baby is active do not worry about weight.
Hi myself Aditi,
I had one query m giving my dad 1.5yrs oats porridge daily with dry fruits added in it as a breakfast.
Will this reduce her weight her weight is constant since 1yr ie 10.6kg.
M confused about continuing oats.
She is very. Very active.
Pls advice.
No dear, oats doesn’t reduce weight. It is a healthy breakfast options for kids and adults both. If the baby is active then there is not much to worry about weight. Also, i think current weight is fine, perhaps height is increasing and hence there is not much visible change in weight.
My son is 11 years old .
Weight is 32 kg he looks so thin advice me how to increase his weight of his body mainly of arms
If the child is active, it is perfectly fine to let him be at the current weight dear. Ensure a balance diet for your kid.
hello! my baby is an extreme pre matured baby / 23 weeks now he is 8 monthes old bit still weight is 4kg . is these foods will help gain weight.
You can try some from this article, also you can follow food charts as shared on the site, for all age groups so that the little one gets balanced diet. It is also wise to meet the doctor, if this is a cause of worry for you.
Hi mam my premature baby his birth weight was 1.2kg he was in NICU for 22days but now he is 13months only 5kg wt to do for weight gain but baby is active more than others please help me
Hi Malini, you need not worry about his weight when he is healthy and active. Just continue to give him healthy and nutritious meals.
Hi my son is 6 n half years old but weight is just 12.5 kg. Pls tell me something to gain his weight
Many mommies ask me this and I know how it feels when kids don’t gain enough weight inspite of our efforts. Hope the doctor is fine with his weight and the child is achieving other milestones on time? This articles is all about weight gain dear, but if you are still not seeing much change, there is no harm in speaking with a doctor.
Hello Dr.
My son under weight he already 2 years 7 month but til 9.8kg.
kindly please advise to me.
thank you.
If the little one is active and is not showing any other signs of uneasiness, it is fine to be underweight. Check the article on increasing immunity also, and continue to feed variety of good food. Hope you are seeing a good pediatric also.
Hi doc,
My son is 5yrs n 15.5kg. He is very thin and of course energetic. I understand that being active is important than weight.still as a mother am always worried bout his weight.i try my best to give him healthy food. Often he eats very little esp while going school.sometimes i had to suggest some ways to increase his appetite.
It is rather natural to feel worries and concerned as a mom. But the best you can continue to do is give immunity boosting and weight gain foods. Share variety of options, if he doesn’t like whole fruit, sometimes make shakes, juices for him and ensure that meal time is not forced. It has to be fun for him to eventually enjoy food. Sit along, talk or make him sit with siblings.
HI Mam,
My baby is on teething .he is 21 months and his wight is 11 kg (birth weight 2.4 Kgs) .his paed says his weight is perfectly fyn but by face he looks week .i am worried .if he is well he is active child but if not well he is cranky ,please suggest
Hi Palvi, You need not worry much about his weight as long as he is healthy and active. you need to keep giving him variety of healthy foods, all kids to get cranky when they are sick.
Hi my name is men’s from Nigeria, my baby I was born 3.2kg, at 6months he weighed 6.2. He is now 10months , he just suddenly stuck at 6.5kgfor the past three months . And he has this hotness of head. Am so scared. Have done everything to make him add weight. To no avail. He hasn’t sprout tooth, not crawling. So filled with worry
Dear, since you are worried about a few milestones that the baby has not achieved. It is best that you meet a doctor for physical check up. If everything is well, then you can continue to offer these foods and also check the site for immunity boosting foods and give that.
My baby is 3 years 7 months and he weighs 11.5kg, the dietitian shown that he is underweight. He does not eat properly, I try all my best to feed him but his weight is still below is weight and his height as well is below his age. Kindly assist
Dear some babies remain lean and yet very active. We can continue to give these and other immunity boosting foods and nutrition filled diet. There is no such formula to otherwise change weight drastically.
Hi mam meri 7 month ki beti formula fed under weight h. Ab wo formula milk b jaldi ni piti. Kuch b khane me bhot roti h. Sleep b bhot kam leti h. I m very depressed.pls help. Never take bm so my bm is completely dried. Jabki Mai use brest feed Karanaa chahti the. Muje bhot guilt feel hota h. Matratva Ka ehsaas ni let Pai…?
Hi Pallavi, aap fikaar na karein aur solids and formula continue kijiye. Aap apni pediatrician se consult karke formula badal sakthi hain. Kyunki aap breastfeed nahi kiye hain aap abhi shuru nahi kar sakthe hain.
Hello Dr,
My baby boy is 10 month old now and his weight is 10.6 kg(Birth weight is 3.2).Can I give saththumavu health mix powder,Oats,Banana which increases weight gain?
Sure you can start with all of the options and in small portions. As long as the baby is active, don’t worry much about weight dear.
Hello Dr
My daughter is 1yr 8 months old. Her weight is 10kgs. She is not gaining weight since last 5 months. She resist to all foods. In the morning she wakes up by 7.30 she takes about 150-200ml of milk. at 10-11 she takes dalia and 2-3 she takes khichdi at 6 she takes milk/ or fruit puree and at 8 she takes again some semi solid food . She never shows any interest in food all the food that we could give her is by just diverting her attention.But for past 10 days her diet is almost reduced to 1/4th, she is not even taking milk. I visited the doctor but doctor didnt suggest anything. I am very much worried about her. how to creat her interst in food and increase her appetite. She eats chips ofently, may take one or two byes of solid food during meal time. please suggest how can i introduce solid food.
Hi Shaifali, you need not worry about it since all babies and toddlers pass through a phase of refusing solids and favouring the comfort of liquids. Keep feeding what she likes and slowly get her used to chewing solid food-
My son is 4 years 8 months, but he is under weight (13 kg) and height is only 98 cms. His birth weight was 3.5kg.
Please suggest me some weight gaining foods for rapid weight gain. Would really appreciate your help.
The weight gain foods are all mentioned in this post. You can try multigrain health drink from our store in addition to these.
Hi mam,
My kid (2.7 years old ) is not chapati .Plz guide how to encourage my kid to eat chapati.
Try giving your kid chapathi with tasty fillings like paneer or any sweet that kiddo likes. In case you can also make parathas like beetroot paratha which is colourful and tasty for your child
hi am cole from Nigeria please doctor my a month baby weighed 4.8kg and she was 4kg at birth , i don’t have enough breast milk what do i do to improve my breast milk. i need your reply on this ma’am.
This should help you with boosting breast milk
Hi mam my baby’s is not eat very low weight mam
Try some of these food options and focus on healthy and nutritious food. Some kids are lean yet very active, so don’t worry much dear.
Hi Mam my baby is 7 months old boy his weight is 7 kg. I’m worried about his weight I stated feed solid foods but still he is not gaining weight much. Can you please advice me to gain weight quickly
HI, you need not worry about your baby’s weight as long as he is healthy and active. Keep giving healthy and nutritious foods to him.
My Son is 7yrs/18kg old, he is active but nowadays looks too thin. Kindly suggest me some tips
If he is healthy and active, nothing to worry, continue to give him healthy wholesome meals.
Hi mam….My doc says.give simple carb rich foods like. Potato…Peas or commercial. Cerealac…For baby’s weight gain…And not to give ragi any other multi grain bcoz it fills the stomach…. Please enlighten….I’m so confused
Hi prerna,
Yes you can give simple carbs like potato but not commercial cerelac please, these health powders are rich in nutrients and helps a fulfilling meal for the baby, and helps in weight gain.
hi dr.hema
am a mom of 1.11yrs boy baby. he never intake any liquid food other than water. he is not taking milk (cow’s milk). still am feeding him.. nowadays his weight is not gaining and he started becoming lean. how to introduce milk to him and how to make him gain weight.can u give me any food chart.
Dear Dr. Hema,
My baby weighs 8 kgs since she was 7 months old. She is a year old now and still weighs around 8 kgs. She has stopped gaining weight.
I breastfed her for close to an year, and introduced solids after 6 months of exclusively breastfeeding. I make her eat different types of fruits and vegetables, which are always freshly cooked at home.
I also tried to make her eat saathumaavu mix with pureed apples many times, she immediately poops after eating that.
She is not drinking the multi grain mix because she does not like to drink milk.
She does not drink formula/any other milk. So I make her have curds, paneer etc.
I have also started finding lot of undigested food in her diaper for more than a month now.
I am really worried. Please help.
She is a happy and active baby.
Dear Yuvika,
There is no need to worry, she is just passing through a phase, if she is crying during pooping or have colicky pains then you have to consult your paed. You cna try the sathumaavu and multigrain health drink in different recipes as below
1. Sathu maavu Recipes for Babies and toddlers
2. Multigrain Health drink Recipes for Babies and Toddlers
Hi ma’am
My son is 17 months old he wokes up at 9am after having milk and after 1hr I’ll give him multi grains powder and idli alternate days in between 12-1pm he eats rice with dal vegs and curd, at 5pm fruits 6pm milk and at nite again Rice with vegs and dal…am I giving him food properly or do I need to change. His weight is still the same since last 3 months 9.8kgs.Im giving him above mentioned food since worry is about his weight
Dear Priya,
You are doing absolutely fine, do introduce finger foods in between and also the foods what the family has
Dear Dr.
This is aruna from Bangalore i have 2 years old baby her weight is 9 kgs and she is so lien and she will not heat properly meals, fruits and dry fruits also i am giving but having.
i am very worried about her. Please give me suggestion.
Dear Aruna,
Try to give her small meals that is calorie rich and energy rich
Hi Dr,
My daughter is 2 yr 3 mnts. She likes to have spicy fish curries. Is it harm in her age? People r advicing like d,nt give spicy food for child. Plz give a reply.
It is always better to restrict Spicy chillies for kids
Hi mam, I bought 3 instant mix for my 1.5yrs boy. As we are going to Tirupati from Coimbatore.2 to 3 days. I don’t want to give him outside foods. I bought cerelac stage 5 . Other than that I bought your instant ragi moongdal, instant wheat elachi,and instant kitchadimix how can I feed him.. shall I give all 3 in a day at 3 to 4 hrs interval.
Sorry for the delayed reply, please laways give once at home before taking it outside while on travel, yes after trying you can give all three in one day
Good day to you ma’am. I must say you Done a very good job here. please, I’d love to know if my baby girl weight is Normal. she was 3.2kg at birth, she’s 6.2months now and just 5.75kg now. she’s quite active, she can sit without support and she’s reaching her milestones well. …am just bothered about her weight as she looks skinny and doesnt even want any other food aside from breastmilk…. what can I do to help weight gain and also stimulates her appetite for other foods.
My baby has been a premature baby weighing only 1.9kg on birth and is now 16 months and weighs 10 kg .. i am worried, is he still under-weight ? Also, i give him all possible healthy foods including dry fruit powder ; 1 fruit a day and 3 cereals a day and he still does not put on weight .. he is an over-active kid and i feel he does not put on weight ‘coz of hyper-activity .. is there anything extra i can add to his diet to make him put on weight
also, i have sathu mavu powder of little moppet but my son refuses to consume .. how can i alternately add in his food.
Hi Dr hema
My baby is 10 months old, I saw ur homemade cerelac recepi, it is soo good that my child liked it.. I started giving my child porridge after seeing ur website very useful doc.. My problem is my child is not having a regular sleep and also not gaining weight.. Now she is 6.8 kg at 10 months.. At first 5 months she used to sleep at daytime and wake at night time.. But nowadays her sleeping habit is morning 1 hr sleep, aftn 1hr sleep and at night 6 to 7 hr sleep that to at regular interval I’m breastfeeding doc.. I’m having poor milk secretion from first month so v consulted a doc and gave Nestle NaN milk powder till 5 months after that my child herself didn’t liked that taste and also the bottle’s nipple smell so v left using that.. Thougt i had poor milk secretion I have not stopped my breastfeeding I’m continuing from first month till now… Now I’m giving my child different foods including ghee, butter biscuits, idly, dosa, dal rice, apple, sweet potato, beetroot, carrot.. But she is not gaining weight and not having a regular sleep. I need ur advice
Pls help me doc
hi, my baby born in 8 months and her birth weight is just 870gm since I had PIH problem. nw my daughter is 3 yes old but herather weight is 10kg. am worried abt her weight gain. what kind of food can be given to increase her weight. plz give me good suggestions.
Regards, subha
Dear Subha,
You can give all the above foods for weight and try our weight gaining foods from our store
My 1 year baby doesn’t sleep properly in nights. She needs 3 to 4 times milk in night. Drinks more milk in night than in day. Is anything wrong?. Is there any solution. How much water should be added for 500ml of cows milk for 1 year baby?
Hi Hema,
Good Day…
my baby boy is one year old but dnt eat anything apart from pureed khicdi tht also 2-3 times in day and 2-3 breastfeed thts it, his diet is very very less and dnt like sweet at all . please suggest me how to increase his hunger . also till yet not a single tooth came and having white mark on his face I guess this is due to calcium or iron def.
Just went through your article ” Top 20 Super Healthy Weight Gain Foods for babies & kids” its very clear and informative. I had a query my son 13 months of age haven’t got a single tooth- though my pediatrician said not worry uptill he is 15 months old- after which he said we will undergo some tests. Need your advise on the same.
Hi my daughter 11month old for past 7days she is not taking any solid food giving juice weight is 7.6 bw 2 .Will juice increase weight stopped feeding her Bcos of that she is not eatting ? Pls suggest me wat I should do . But she is playing well and active some time she will be dull pp
Hi Dr
My girl baby age is 3 yrs 4 months and her weight is 10.2 kg now and her birth weight is 2 kg .she is active but i am worried abt her weight .suggest any tips for her weight gain and tell me is she would be fine or should I consult a doctor reg thisI am really worried abt her
my son is 16 month old which milk is advisable 100% fresh milk or full cream or whole milk?
my son is 16 month old but height is 71 cm so what to do increase the height?
his weight around 9 kg
Hello Hema,
My lo’s is 2.5 times in 11 mo and her first tooth just sprouted with all milestones achieved well. My paed suggested me to get a deficiency checkup, I got it done and her reports are all normal with Vit D very very less. Padeac could not see anything to track her slow weight gain and has suggested to make her food to be given at smaller intervals and with more caloric content. Also, she has suggested to decrease the milk, limited only to bf at night, with no cow’s milk till 1.25 years. She eats at 9, 1pm, 5pm and 8pm, meals like 1 katori upma, daliya, 1 paranta/roti, uttapam…in middle she eats grapes, pomegranate, 1 banana,1 omellete etc etc…She also wants to eat whatever we eat, Before all main meals, bf 45 minutes before.
I have 2 questions: 1. Is the pediatrician right?
2. About Vit D, do I need to worry? What should I do to increase the Vit D naturally? She has given some sachets, with one sachet to be given every week over 10 weeks.
3. What should I do to increase the weight….Is her weight concern something, I should worry about. Thanks
Dear Aekta,
Don’t worry, my mantra is always if the baby is healthy and achieving milestones well then there is no need to worry about the weight gain
Answering your questions
1. Limiting bf to night !! I don’t think that brestfeeding should be limited, breastfeeding should be always at demand till atleast 2 years, breastmilk is the best nutritious feed a baby can get and limiting it to night is not good. So keep breatsfeeding on demand.
2. sunlight is the richest source of vitamin d, allow your little one to play out in the sun during early mornings and late evenings, that will take care of her vit d needs
3. you don’t have to worry about her weight as she is healthy and achieving her milestones well
Hope this helped
My daughter age is 10 month nd her weight is jst 6.5 kg….so please suggest/ refer me what kind food should I give her so that for her weight gain .
Please refer to the above article for weight gaining foods for babies
Hi Hema,
My self is jaji .My daughter is 5 months old her weight is 6.5 kg . I am working women. i left my daughter in my mother’s house. I gave breast milk feeding upto 6 months. Now can i give Nestle lactogen 6 months powder milk or cow’s milk??
Plz suggest me?? can i give sathu maavu powder to my baby? I am waiting for ur reply
Hi doctor, am a first time mum wt a baby girl of 9mths old. She just stop accepting breastmilk, everytime I give to her, she bite so hard n remove mouth . I notice my breastmilk is nt flowing well cos of d contraceptive am using. Av place her on Formula milk but am nt happy wt her weight 7.6kg and she was 3.9kg at birth. I also give her millet, multigrain cereals and oats but she hardly eat. Also, she thumb sucks. Pls advice me on wat to do cos am worried. NOTE : I av stop breastfeeding her.
Dear Opaleye,
Babies are always fussy eaters, so don’t worry about it, do try some finger foods to entice her to eat
Hi, Dr. Hemapriya
My self is Waheeda i have a problem of My Son who is 6 Yrs. old his height is only 100 cm and weight is 14.46. so can i get any home remedy to increase height and weight of my Son
Dear Waheeda,
Height of a person depends mainly on his genes and cannot be increased by home remedies, you can try the above foods for the weight gain
Hello Dr. Hema,
How are you?
My son turned 1 year old and can i give him cow’s milk and if yes then how much in each serving.
Can i start adding pinch of salt and sugar in foods that I give him
Dear Subha,
Please refer this post how much milk to give a toddler? Yes you can start with a pinch of salt and sugar
Hi Dr. Hema. My son 10 month old not gaining weight. Now around 7kg. His birth weight 2.68kg.
Dear Reekha,
As long as he is healthy and achieving his milestones well you dont have to worry, you can try our weight gaining health mixes to boost his weight
Hi Hema,
I have a doubt regarding how to use olive oil in cooking. I read that olive oil becomes toxic when heated or over heated. Is that true? What is the best way to incorporate it into my 19 month old sons diet?
Thanks in advance,
Dear Nithya,
Instead of cooking in olive oil, you can add it to salads
Hi Hema,
My daughter is 6 months now… Started giving semi solid foods like parupu sadam( along with potato or carrot) daily… Her birth weight was 2.95 and now she s only 5.75… She s active but looks very tiny and thin .. Apart from the above menu v also tried to give idly dipping into hot water, she doesn’t have it. .. Also she poops once in 4 r 5 days… Since she had a medical history of pneumonia at birth and later partially treated meningitis I am little confused with the foods to give her… Any food item need to be avoided?… I am literally worried about her health and weight gain…
Hi Dr, my son was 2kg at birth and a preterm. He has been on exclusive breastfeeding. He’s 3months and 3weeks buh his weight is 3.4kg. Can I start giving him formula or solid so he can add more weight? Thank you.
Hiii hema my daugher is 1 yr old and her weight is jst 6 kg plzz help me out to gain her weight…her born weight is 3.5
Hi Doc
Thanks for the good job.
My baby BW was 3.85kgs, she was well, but at 6 months she was very sick. She wasn’t able to double her B.W but did 7.2kgs. She recovered after almost 3 months of being unwell. Shes done all her milestones very well, shes very active,walking,singing and talking alot. Shes a good feeder but adds very little. Currently shes 14 months and weighs 9.4 kgs. i would like her to add a little, what do i do? kindly advice. Thanks
Dear Kiki,
Sorry to hear that your baby had a rough time during early days, do try the above mentioned foods for weight gain, especially the Sathumaavu Powder for Babies
Hi Dr Hemapriya,
Can babies digest grains due to amylase not been produced – I was looking to start giving our lo (14 mo) some grains like oats/lentils but was reading online about this… He has just started taking solids at about 14 months and at present taking bone broth, pureed veggies/fruits, whole milk yogurt – I am going to try ragi this afternoon…
Dear Bosky,
Definitely babies can digest the grains, our Indian tradition and even WHO advice to start all cereals and grains as early as possible
Good luck with ragi
My baby is 13 month old. And weight is 8 kg we use food ragi once rice twice and cereals two times in a day. her weight is 2.5kg at birth so please help me to gain her weight.
Dear Ramling,
Please refer to the above post for foods to increase your baby weight
Hi Dr Hema
Very informative website. Much appreciated.
My daughter is 2 years old. She is still not started talking. Not responding to her name (No issues in hearing). Not sure whether she understand what we say. And very less eye contact. But she could hum some nursery rhymes and lot of babbling. She is very active and healthy. Can you please tell me your suggestions.
Dear Priya,
Did you talk with your pead about this, we need further investigations to know what might be the issue be
Hi mam, my boy reach 18 months, his birth weight is 3.33. Now he is 10.2. Is this normal. Doctors says he is good.He is very active and reach there milestones. He is fussy eater but not gaining more than than.some times force to give(carrot, kichadi like )he vomited. what to do… please help..
Dear Sathya,
Yes if he is active and healthy then there is no need to worry, please do not force feed, try to include his favourite food in a day so that haves one full meal well
Hi Cheryl,
You can try the foods mentioned in this article regularly for her to attain weight
Hi Doctor,
My 5 months and 2 weeks old baby girl was 3.2 kg at birth, and was 5.2 kg at 3 months old. right now am not sure of her age but she looks so small like a baby of 2 months old. shes not gaining any weight and looks skinny. please doc, i just need your advice on the weight gain food to give her.
thanks .
Please wait till 6 months to give solids after which you can slowly add the weight gaining foods in her diet
Dear Dr Hema,
My son is 2.7 years old. He weighed 2.94 kgs at birth. However, his weight gain over the years has been considerably slow. He weighed only 7.5 kgs at 1 year and 10 when he was two. Presently, he is only 10.6 kgs heavy. As a baby, he had been fed pureed food without much variety and even at 31 months he cannot chew properly and tends to puke everytime solid food is given to him. He was never very interested in food and has not tried to explore new tastes. He needs to be distracted with games or videos or songs everytime he is fed. I am trying to bring in changes in the methods of feeding by allowing him to have free play ( baby led weaning, though it is quite late for the same)so that he may develop positive association with food and he can come out of his aversion towards eating. But am afraid these changes in the method have had a side effect. His intake of food has gone down since force feeding has been stopped. Being a working mother i have time constraints and the attendant I have to depend on is not quite effective. Am extremely worried. Although My son is active , he is extremely thin-built, underweight and appears sickly.As a working mother I feel tremendously guilty of not having done enough. How can I possibly himprove the situation?
Hi Shilpi,
I can totally understand what you are going through, it is good that you have started to train him in self feeding now (not late at all), what I would suggest is let him eat by himself, try supplementing that by high energy nutrient rich foods like sathumaavu or multigrain health drink once a day so that his nutrient needs are met. Though he needs the daily dose of vegetables and fruits, this might help in the initial few days when you are trying BLW with him. Also pack in snacks like homemade cookies, roasted chick peas (rich in protein)
Hope this helps
All the Best
Hi Dr. Hema. I have a son who just turned 10months and he only weights 7.4 kg. I want to know if its still normal? Also is it because i never breastfed him? And what are the best weight gaining foods that i can give him? Thank you.:)
Hi Pamie,
Thank you visiting MyLittleMoppet.
You can read this post on Standard Weight and Height Charts for Babies where you can check if your baby is in the right growth pattern. All the foods listed in the above article helps in weight gain
Hello Dr,
My daughter is 21months old and presently weights 8kg. Her parternal grandmother is a petite woman and she takes after her in everything. Her birth weight was 2.5kg. Initially i thought her low weight was hereditary but her pediatrician said she is too small for it to be genetic. She is a very active and smart child. She also speaks well for her age. I am so worried, please advise.
Dear Toyin
Nearly 80% of the queries I receive every day are about babies’ weight, particularly about how to know if they are underweight and what to do if that is the case. Being chubby isn’t necessarily a sign of good health, since an obese baby is prone to several health problems throughout his life. As long as your baby’s diet is adequate and balanced you don’t have to worry about his weight.
My mantra is always :
” As long as the baby is active and healthy, there is no need to worry about the weight gain”
However, it is important to keep an eye on a baby’s weight, since being either underweight or overweight can put the baby at risk of many illnesses. So here is an article that can help you to know if your baby is in ideal range in height and weight.
How to know whether my baby is underweight ?
It is important to remember that if you’ve had a premature baby or multiples, the standard numbers may not apply, and it’s best to consult your paediatrician in such cases. In any case, these numbers are not set in stone and will vary from baby to baby. Even siblings can show different patterns in gaining weight; it doesn’t matter as long as the baby is healthy, active and developing normally otherwise.
Hi Hema – I have also subscribed to your site approx 2 months earlier. My 8.5 month old baby boy has been exclusively breastfed for first 6 months and has all throughout shown a very healthy weight gain till 7 months. In fact he doubled his weight before 4 months itself prob becoz I also had a milk oversupply issue.
However in the past 1.5 months he appears to have gained just 200 gms. His birth weight was 2.7 kgs and a week ago it was 7.63 kg.
He’s currently on semisolids thrice a day; he’s unable to take in mashed food as of now..need to blend before giving him. As of now he’s having the following..Spinach puree/Dal khichdi blended/Apple n carrot puree/Apple n pear puree/Banana puree/Ragi porridge/ Wheat based cerelac. I plan on starting oats n sooji kheer this week..will prob need to blend oats as well.
I have also ordered sathi maava n dry fruit powder from your website store. Someone recommended a bottle of formula milk once at night as its got more fat; however my sister suggested I avoid formula if am able to feed him on demand. Whenever I breastfeed my baby he’s done in almost 5-7 mins so I guess my milk is not less.
He’s just cut his 4th tooth as well; he doesn’t exactly crawl but cruises fwd easily ; sits well with support and for a few mins without support.
Do let me know your thoughts n advice.
Hi Nayana,
Thank you for the detailed information about your baby, the percentage of weight gain per month slowly decreases as the baby grows older, so you don’t have to worry about, you are absolutely doing good in terms of the menu, you can go ahead with it and start introducing other foods as well, you can slowly increase the consistency of the food to little lumpier tendency, if you are having adequate breastfeed then it is better to go with it instead of formula
Hope this helps
Dear Dr Hema,
My daughter is 13 months and her weight is 21 lb i.e 9.5 kgs , as per chart it seems alright but she looks very lean and her cheeks are getting thinner, she even did not started walking.Me and my family members are really worried about her health ,she tries to walk and in 2-3 steps she just sit and she is not willing to walk .
I also need to know about the protein ,what can i give her currently I am giving her lentils only for protine .
Hi Shweta,
As you have mentioned she is attaining her weight as per her charts so don’t worry about that, and each baby is different and may achieve their milestomes differently, so please wait she will start walking
yes lentils are a good source of vitamins that you can include regularly in her diet
Happy parenting
Hello madam,
en magalukku 2 years and 10 month agirathu. aval sariyaga sappiduvathu illai, milk mattum than athigam sappidukiral, enaku avalukku enna kodupathu endru theriya villai.
compel a ethum koduthal vomit seigiral avalukku enna kodupathu endru kooravum enaku English la type panna varala athan ippadi thavaraga ninaikka vendam.
Thank you
Hello Jenifer,
Neengal sathu maavu kalantha paal kudungal, athu weight nangraga gain aagum. Intha vathiyil pillaiyal fussya taan irupaargal, naam taan different varieties kooduka vendum, Engal FAQ paguthiyai vaasikavam, athil evarana common problemku thirvu yelzuthi ullaen
Hi Dr Hema.
My daughter’s birth weight was 3.5 kg.
Now she is 2 yrs n 8 months and weighs only 13 kg. Can u please help me in gaining my daughter’s weight ?
One more concern is that she has not yet started speaking . She understands what we say and speaks only few words like mamma,baba ,bye.
How to make her speak up ?
Please help.
Thanks in advance
Hello Amirtha,
Thank you for writing to me. First, check if your daughter’s weight is in the correct range, then please read our FAQ section where we have dealt how to increase the weight gain in babies.
It is ok Amirtha, each baby is different and may achieve their milestones in their own pace. You can check this article on Tips to make your toddler talk through day to day activities
My son is 21 months old and weighs just 8.5. Suffeers rickets….how can weight b increased
Hi kiran,
Can you please send his reports confirming Rickets to my mail id so that I can review and advice
Dr my son is 6 months i am giving him apple puree and carrot puree. Then ragi porridge, from when should I add ghee to his porridge
Hi dharani,
You can start adding by the end of 6 month
hi Dr hema,
my baby is 14 months old,his weight 12kg & his birth weight was 2.9 kg. he have a problem of potti, in a day he use to 6 times .poti is like losse motion , I give him medicines advicing dr. but its not working. 2 times he have rice with fish & veg ,2times Cerelac & 1time milk . please reply me Dr, truly I am worried about this.
If he doesn’t cry or pass blood or pass watery stools then you don’t have to worry about, it may be normal physiological process
Hi Dr.Hema,
My Girl baby is 9 months now and she is only have 6.1 kg weight. Her birth weight is 2.45kg.
And she is never shown any interest while eating I always forced her to eat . And she closed her mouth very tightly while eating. I am really wonder ,why didn’t she never feel any hungry.
Kindly give me any guideline to feel her more hungry so that she can eat properly I guess.
Am awaiting for your reply.
Saranya NarendraKumar
Hi saranya,
It is always better not to give any appetite stimulants for the baby, do check our FAQ page to know how to make the baby eat
Hi Hema,
Thanks for your reply.
And one more thing which made me very worrying is ,my daughter’s teeth is not yet started. She completed her 9 months on July 28th.
What is the reason behind this ?
And how could I concentrate more on her diet chart ?
Kindly reply me.
Saranya Naren.
Hi Saranya,
Do check this FAQ for your queries
Thanks Hema.
Hi dr hema
My baby has jst turned one yr old bt his weight remain constant from last two months.his weight is 10 kg
What was his birth weight
my baby 1 year old and she’s weight just 7.5 kg .
plz give me suggetion for increase her weight
Hi madhu,
As long as she is active and healthy, you don’t have to worry about the weight, try to include the foods listed above in her diet regularly
Mam I,m kabita… I didn’t have breast milk ….since 4 months my baby was at that time. Now she is 1 year old… And is not gained weight well.. Plzzz help me I want she will look healthy ….
Please give her nutritious and healthy homemade food, if she is healthy and active you need not worry about her weight.
My son is 11 years old…..his weight is 20kg now……under weight only……but he look so lean…..i want my son look chubby….plz suggest some foods which make my baby chubby
Hi Sivagami,
you can give the foods listed above for weight gain, as long as he is healthy and active you don’t have to worry about his weight
Hi ggday my son will be 7 months next week & i gave him sum broccoli today,did i introduce it to him too soon????
You can give after 8months
My baby is 8 months old…..his weight is 8kg now……ideal weight only……but look so lean…..i want my baby look chubby….plz suggest some foods which make my baby chubby
Hi agila,
As long as the baby is active and healthy you don’t have to worry,you need a healthy baby not a chubby baby,
Hieee. . is thr anything tht can increase d appetite of d baby.. my son is 9 months old..
Hi Aly, at 9 months, no need for appetite stimulant, feed according to baby hunger cues,
Hi Hema,
This website of yours is very helpful and has all the possible information required to raise a child well. I really appreciate your efforts and would like to thank you for sharing your knowledge with others. My son is 8 and a half months old. The only problem I’ve been facing ever since he’s born is that he poos a lot. 4-5 times is normal for him. Nothing remains in his stomach and has become very fussy about eating. I give him banana or apple puree for breakfast and then ragi porridge for lunch and later give him boiled potato followed by moong dal kichidi. He doesn’t eats much and whatever he eats he removes it through potty. Please suggest me something that will help me to reduce his poo.
Thanks a ton.
hi Dipti,
It is normal for babies to poop as soon as they eat, that is because of the peristaltic movement of the gut, when a new food lands up in the stomach then shortly a peristaltic wave starts and moves up till rectum, moving the digested food from the large intestine to rectum and then as stools. So don’t worry about it,
Hi Dr, i am a single mother and my son is 1.8 yrs old. His birth weight was 2.8 kgs and now he is 8.9 Kgs. His height is 2.7”
Could you please guide me that he is going in a write path or not.
He is a bit fussy eater. He is very active but hasn’t started speaking.
Hi seema,
As long as your baby is active and healthy and achieving milestones properly, you don’t have to worry.
Thank you Dr for your reply
Hi Hema
very nice details given.. We elders take oats to keep weight in control. But will it help in increasing weight for babies?
Hi Vidhya,
In adults, when we eat oats, they help us feel full for longer time and thereby satiety is achieved earlier
My baby is 18 months old and not gaining weight…what to do?????
Hi Smitha,
How much is the birth weight?
My baby girl is 14 month old and only 6.9 kg.her birth weight is 2.1 kg.
She is very active and achieved milestone s properly.but she is not eating well.pls suggest me diet plan for her weight gain .also suggest how much quantity .
Hi Smita,
As long as the baby is active healthy and acheiving the milestones properly, you don’t have to worry about her weight, I do customize diet plans for babies, you can write to me at for more details.
my baby weight is very low. he is 10 month old baby. weight is just 6 kg, can you suggest healthy food?
Hi Jeena,
As long as your baby is active and achieving the milestones properly, you don’t have to be worried. You can introduce the foods mentioned in this article slowly,
Hi my daughter will b 2 yr old within a month Bt she is only 9 kg. I want to increase her weight pls suggest me something
You can try recipes based on the above suggestions
DR Hema,
Please give some ideas for my daughter’s tiffin.She is not yet into self feeding ( feeds only biscuits, eggs, potato chips sometimes on her own though) ..
You can make egg chapati rolls, just she can bite into it, potato tikkis etc
Hi Dr Hema,
My daughter is 22 months old. Birth weight was 2.9Kg, now she is 9.8kg… He is active & reaching her milestones. Does she seem to be underweight? Doctor says “She is ok , but i would have been happier if the weight was slightly more than this!!!”
.. Can you suggest some ideas for healthy weight gain recipes for her age?.
Also, I have recently admitted her to a preschool, as she is not yet into self feeding ( feeds only biscuits, eggs, potato chips sometimes on her own though) .. please give some ideas for her tiffin. For her meals she generally eats rice/dal,soup (in mashed format) ,porridge. Still has the tendency to swallow food (chews sometimes though).
Need some tips to adjust her to the school. Currently she is crying so hard that she sometimes vomits
Sorry …for such a lost post :). Awaiting a reply from you.
My daughter’s 7 th year started but her weight is 19 only pls suggest me how to increase her weight
As long as she is active and healthy, you don’t have to worry about her weight. try to include all the above mentioned foods more in her diet
My baby is 12 month old and only 7.5 kgs.. I have tried giving her food which helps in weight gain but still she is not putting on weight.Her birth weigh was 3kgs. M so worried hema
Is she active and reaching her milestones properly Manasa?
Hi dear…. Ma baby is 8mnths old…. N he w is just 6.3kg…. She is fussy eater…. She is active just d problem is she don’t eat n thus her underweight…. Very worried fr d same… Wat should I do
Try to give her finger foods, introduce new variety every day
Hi Dr am new to this website and must say it is very useful.
My baby is 6.5 months so can u pls tell from when can I introduce dry fruits powder and wheat?
Her weight gain is good and she is on bf + offering formula once a day after she turned 6 monthd but she takes hardly 2 oz. I add scoop of formula in her semisolid instead of bm. She is reaching milestones but concern is she wants to sleep after every 2 or 2.5 hours. Sometimes seems tired after 1.5 hours of waking up. What can I include in her diet to keep her more active.
Hi Ruchi,
Wheat and oats you can introduce after you have introduced the basic first foods, dry fruits powder can be given from 8 months of age, as some babies might be allergic to dry fruits. Just give her healthy nutritious food, it is ok if she is tired, let her sleep, babies tend to sleep a lot atleast till they start crawling and sitting (because that is when fun times begin with exploring and reaching out for things)
Thanks Dr Hema.
Hi Dr i am new to your blog and must say this ablog gas everything i wanted to look fir.
From which month can I introduce oats, wheat and dry fruit powder given above. My baby is 6.5 months old. Her weight gain is adequate and is reaching milestones but sometimes wants to sleep after just 1.5 or 2 hours of waking up. Is that ok? What can I include in her diet to keep her active?
Were can I buy that powder n do I missed it in her foods
Hi Vanessa,
Which powder you want?
The sathumaavu powder really helped in gaining weight and its my daughters favourite.thanks a lot Dr.Hema.
shes 14 months old and she hasnt tripled her birth weight.she was 3.4 kg at birth..only the weight issue otherwise shes very active and reaching all the milestones
Hi Suji,
If she is active and reaching all milestones then you don’t have to worry
My daughter age is 1.5 year nd her weight is jst 7.5 kg….so please suggest/ refer me what kind food should I give her so that for her weight gain .
All the above given foods are excellent foods for weight gain, try to include these foods as much as you can in her diet
I never knew that ragi, oats and pear help kids to gain weight. Thanks for sharing!
Glad to be of help
Hello Dr.
My son age is 22 months and his weight is 8.1 kg, please suggest me what kind food should I give to him so that for his weight gain. His birth weight was 2.5kg
Hi Lovely,
You can give all the above mentioned food for your baby , did you check with his paediatrician about his low weight ? If not, please do as soon as possible
Hi Doctor,
my baby is 1 year three moths and can only 6kg, she is very thin and light, what should i do to help her gain weigh and height? can milk at super market be considered as fresh cow milk?
Do not worry if your baby is healthy and active. If you can give fresh organic milk directly sourced from a milkman, it is the best. Otherwise you can go for full cream packed milk.