Wondering how to relieve constipation in babies quickly? Dealing with baby constipation can be distressing for parents, sometimes even more so than for the baby. The discomfort and difficulty in passing stools can cause concern and frustration. But worry not! We have compiled a list of 10 amazing ways to help you quickly relieve constipation in babies, ensuring their comfort and promoting regular bowel movements. Because, let’s face it, baby poop matters a lot! Discover these effective strategies and learn how to relieve constipation in babies quickly, restoring their digestive harmony and bringing smiles back to both baby and parent.
How do you know your little one is constipated ?
The frequency and pattern of bowel movements can vary among babies, depending on their age and feeding method. It’s important to understand that each baby has their own unique bowel movement routine, so to consider a baby constipated, there should be a noticeable deviation from their usual pattern.
In my experience at the pediatric OPD, I have encountered babies who only have a bowel movement once every four days, which is within the normal range for them. For breastfed babies, it’s generally acceptable to wait up to seven days without a bowel movement before considering it constipation. Formula-fed babies, on the other hand, should ideally have a bowel movement within four days.
If you suspect your baby is constipated and want to learn how to relieve constipation in babies quickly, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance. They can provide specific recommendations and suggest effective strategies to provide relief and restore your baby’s comfort.
Signs of constipation
Recognizing constipation in babies involves observing certain signs. If you notice the following, it may indicate constipation:
- Hard, dry, and pebble-like poop: This suggests that the poop has been in the rectum for a longer period, leading to water absorption.
- Crying or discomfort during straining to pass stools.
- Blood in stools: This could be a result of severe straining, causing the rupture of tiny blood vessels.
- Constipation accompanied by vomiting and tenderness in the belly.
If you observe these signs and want to learn how to relieve constipation in babies quickly, it’s recommended to consult your healthcare provider. They can provide expert advice and effective strategies to provide prompt relief, ensuring your baby’s comfort.
How to Relieve Constipation in babies Quickly? Effective Strategies for Fast Relief
Constipation in babies can be distressing for both parents and little ones. If you’re wondering how to relieve constipation in babies quickly, here are some effective strategies to provide fast relief and restore their digestive comfort.
- Breastmilk: Breastfeeding is a natural laxative, so continue nursing even if your baby is constipated. If signs persist after 7 days, consult a pediatrician for guidance.
- Formula-fed Babies: Consider switching to a different formula that may help alleviate constipation.
- “P” Foods: Introduce fiber-rich foods into your baby’s diet, such as prunes, peaches, peas, plums, and apricots. Prune juice can also be highly effective in relieving constipation.
- Foods to Avoid: Certain foods like carrots, rice cereal, bread, potatoes, applesauce (except for apple juice), squash, and yogurt may contribute to constipation. Keep a food diary to identify any triggers and avoid them.
- Increase Water Intake: Offer your baby water between feedings to prevent dehydration and help soften stools.
- Squatting Position: Encourage your baby to sit in a squatting position during bowel movements. This can help facilitate easier stool passage.
- Warm Water Bath: Place your baby in a tub of warm water to relax their muscles and aid in defecation.
- Castor Oil Mixture: Mix one drop of castor oil with a few drops of breastmilk and apply it to your baby’s tongue. Ensure proper hand hygiene before administering the mixture.
- Gentle Belly Massage: Lightly massage your baby’s belly using castor or coconut oil. This can help stimulate bowel movements and relieve constipation.
- Laxatives and Suppositories: These should be used as a last resort and under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as long-term reliance can be problematic for babies.
If your baby experiences fever, vomiting, incessant crying, blood in stools, or a rigid belly, seek immediate medical attention.
By implementing these strategies, you can effectively relieve constipation in your baby, promoting their digestive health and overall well-being. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider.
For more informative articles on how to relieve constipation in babies quickly, follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, or like my Facebook page, My Little Moppet.
If your baby has recently started solids, you may also be curious about the best feeding chair. Check out our detailed post: High Chair vs. Booster Seat: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Feeding Chair.
Concerned about your child’s weight? Explore our list of recipes for healthy weight gain and discover 10 baby weight gaining foods.
Please note that the content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not substitute medical advice. Always consult your pediatrician for any concerns or questions regarding your baby’s well-being.
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2. http://www.parents.com/baby/health/constipation/foods-that-cause-and-relieve-constipation-in-babies/
3. http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/health-concerns/childhood-illnesses/constipation-2
4. http://www.drgreene.com/qa-articles/babies-constipation/
5. http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/breastfeeding-and-constipation.html
6. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/infant-and-toddler-health/expert-answers/infant-constipation/faq-20058519
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photo credit: ulterior epicure via photopin cc
photo credit: shingleback via photopin cc
Good Afternoon Doctor.
My son is 20 months old. He is suffering from constipation. three months back we went to hospital. Doctor suggest to do scanning. But report are normal . Doctor suggest Smuth syrup and Neotomic Enema.
Neotomic Enema is good or bad for babies. Please suggest me .
Thanking you in anticipation.
Hi Sapna,
Good afternoon, Please follow the doctor’s advice. You can try these home remedies as well.
Hi my baby is 8 months old and she is not having her stools regularly after 2-3 days and that too very hard I give her dal khichdi carrot semolina banana so what should I stop to make her poop everyday ???
Try avoiding carrots for some time and add lots of fiber rich foods.Following a food diary can help you to find the foods which causes constipation in your baby.
Hi Doctor,
My son is 6 month and 4 weeks old. He is a colic child since birth and after 4 months he used to pass stools every 5-6 days. Since i started his solids he become constipated for 8 days and i have to use suppository.
I was exclusively breastfeeding him till i start his solids but now his pediatrician asked to stop breastfeed him during day and asked only to bf thrice at night. Please suggest
I would suggest you not to use suppository dear. It might become a habit if given often. Once in a while is okay. You can also try using the tips given in the article.
Toddler Magic Tea naturally-sweet, all-natural supplement helps relieve constipation, promotes healthy digestion, improves toddler’s sleeping, and helps reduce the symptoms of the common cold.
Hello doctor,
Wonderful service given by you for a new mommy like me. Thanks for that. I saw your blogs on homemade powder preparation for babies. It’s very helpful. I have few doubts on that. Please help
Can we keep the powders refrigerated?. If yes, how many months?.
Wil the refrigerated powder cause cold for my baby?
Also while preparing ragi porridge can we add 1/2 teaspoon almond powder?
And is it good to add a pinch of salt while preparing porridge?
He is not swallowing coarse powdered porridge . How to overcome it. ?
Please help me on this
My baby is 6 months old.
Hi dear, thank you for the following my blog and recipes for your baby. Yes you can keep the powders refridgerated and extend the shelf life upto 6 months from date of production. It will not cause any cold to your baby as we are going to serve it warm.
While preparing ragi porridge you can try with almond powder. I adviece you to not add salt to your baby before 1 year. You can make it finer or add fruit purees to naturally sweeten it.
Dear Dr. Hema,
Your site is extremely useful for new mothers like me and I’m very thankful to have come across this. My 10 month old baby girl has been feeling constipated lately and is straining a little to poop. She hates formula and is breastfed but I doubt if her intake is enough for a baby her age. Can you suggest ways to increase her breastmilk intake and reduce her constipation? Thank you!
Dear Pam,
To increase the intake of breastmilk is always to feed on demand and do not encourage formula through feeding bottle as the babies fed through feeding bottle do not like to work to drink breastmilk
Hi Dr,
Could you please give a sample diet chart for 2-3 days while relieving the constipation? I have been keeping my baby off the rice, since constipation is on n off. But for how long?
Are those solutions working fine? Here’s the thing, my SIL’s daughter constipate frequently. My SIL found many solutions from internet but seems like they are not working and her daughter is still suffering in constipation issue. That’s why I’m wondering the above ways whether working fine or not.
Thanks for sharing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
my sons was suffering constipation as well
appreciate your view very much !
Dear Doctor, as a new mom i ve been so blessed with your posts .. i have to ask you regarding my baby boy of 7 months. He refuses to take in water because it is tasteless.. i have been getting him to drink juices like pomegranate mixing it with 1:1 juice water ratio, ensuring he atleast consumes water this way since he has started eating solids.. is this good enough?? lately he is constipated. He passes his stools everyday but it is very dry n pebble like. I doubt he feels uneasy through the day.. lower stomach is hard and he expresses pain while passing stool. What do i do to get him drink more water? Is prune juice good? How do i make prune juice for him?
Hi Imeyshika,
You don’t have to force your baby to drink water, if your baby is on breastfeed then can meet his water demands for a day, for more information read this article ” How much water does my baby need “
Hi hemapriya.my baby is 9 months old…shes taking breastfeed and formula..because my milk is not enough for her..when she is taking anti histamine cause of measles..she is constipated .she cries when she poop because of a hard tools..what am i going to do? Can anti histamine is 1 of the caused of her contioation?
Hi Mickeala, you should consult your doctor dear since your baby has measles. The cause of constipation can be body heat as well, please visit your doctor to find a cure.
Hi hemapriya!! Liked reading ur website.. will definitely try ur receipes..my baby girl is of 1yr 6 mnths.she doesn’t like water n milk.so her liquid intake is very low.I try to give her water after every 2 hrs. Difficult to feed her any other liquid like juice n soups.she ia hesitant to try new taste.low liduid intake so issue in passing urine.she feels itchy in that area after passing urine.doctor is saying to get urine taste done to check fr urine infection.she urinates 6 times in a day..pls help on how to increase her water intake.n all d best fr ur wonderful website!!
Hi trupti,
It’s impossible to say how much water any individual – baby, child or adult – needs in a day. It depends on many variables, for instance, their own metabolism, their level of activity, the weather, and the foods they have eaten that day (many foods naturally contain large amounts of liquid and others very little).
Babies and children generally don’t need any more than their thirst dictates – they just need the opportunity to decide this for themselves, in the same way that adults do. The best way to reassure yourself that your baby/toddler is having enough to drink is to offer frequent drinks, or by leaving a small cup of water within his/her reach during the day.
As a rule of thumb, after 12 months of age, if your toddler’s urine is pale yellow, then it means that he is getting enough hydration and you don’t have to worry about his water intake.
Hey I have a 2.5 yr old son n he has severe constipation problem ..I have tried all medication n even homeopathic but as soon as dosage is over.. back to same problem. ..I give him cow milk..can that be a problem. .plz help
Hi Krupali,
If you think cow’s milk might be the problem, you can stop it for a week or so and restart, give him a high fibre diet and adequate water
My baby is exclusively breastfed. She doesn’t pass stools on her own so my doc has suggested to use suppository every 3-4 days. I never tried waiting until 7 days, as baby gets uncomfortable by the 3rd or the 4th day and passes smelly gasses. the stools that she passes aft using the suppository are very soft (in fact close to liquid like).
Hi Rency,
I don’t think using suppositories regularly is a good idea as babies tend to accustomed to it and later only when you keep suppository they will pass stools. For an exclusive breast fed baby you can wait till 7 days , but since your baby is getting uncomfortable, you can give a drop of castor oil mixed with milk after 4 days, even that too, don’t make it as a habit
Thanks for info.
Such a useful post!! My ds too suffers a lot, because of constipation.
Such a useful post!! My little one too suffers a lot, because of constipation.
Hi my baby is 7months and he always suffers from constipation.and this problem is since when he was just 1month.plz suggest some foods which gives him relief from constipation.bye.
Dear Zeba,
This post has all the details
The foods you mentioned to be avoided are the most common foods we give after introducing solids. I am confused now as what to be given to my 9month baby.
Hi Arooz, IF you are baby is constipated then it is better to avoid these fruits, otherwise you can give the foods regularly
Waiting for next article��
Will post the article this week…..