Why No Salt and Sugar for babies till 1 year? This must be one of the foremost doubt for all new moms who start weaning for their babies.
A couple of days back a new mom emailed me to ask “Can I add Salt to my Baby food” due to a volume of emails I receive everyday, just sent out a short reply that she shouldn’t add salt to baby food till 1 year. Immediately a reply landed in my inbox asking the reason behind the No sugar no salt rule for babies till 1 year.
Today’s article aims to tackle the “why no salt and sugar for babies” rule and provide a detailed, researched explanation for the importance of avoiding salt and sugar in a baby’s diet until 1 year of age.
Why No Salt And Sugar for Babies till 1 year ?
Let’s reason out some basic concepts first,
” Why do you think that your baby needs salt in his/ her food ? “
You think that the reason your baby is not accepting the first foods because it is bland.
This is where most of us are mistaken. Your baby doesn’t show interest in the food because they are used to breastmilk and may be hesitant to try new, unknown flavors.
For someone who has tasted only breastmilk till 6 months of age and has never experienced the taste of salt before, what is the need to add salt to their food? Let’s explore the reasons behind the “why no salt and sugar for babies” rule.
He can’t miss something that he hasn’t experienced yet !!!!
Harmful effects of adding salt to Baby Food
A baby’s salt requirement per day is less than 1 g per day (0.4g of sodium) and this is mostly met by the breastmilk or formula. So any extra salt will be a burden on the tiny kidneys and the kidney’s will not be able to function properly due to the excessive load. This may lead to kidney disease and it has also been proven to cause hypertension in the adult life. Excessive intake of salt in childhood has also been attributed to diseases as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory illnesses.¹ This is why it is important to understand why no salt and sugar for babies until 1 year of age.
The SACN ² recommends the following Salt Requirement for babies, toddlers, and children
Age | Maximum Salt Intake |
0-6 months | < 1 g (0.4g of sodium) |
6-12 months | < 1 g (0. 4g of sodium) |
1-3 years | 2 g (0.8g of sodium) |
4-6 years | 3 g (1.2g of sodium) |
7-10 years | 5 g ( 2 g of sodium) |
11 years and above | 6 g (2.4 g of s0dium) |
Some people advice to add a pinch of salt to baby food which is also equally dangerous.
While the amount of a pinch of salt may vary, Wiki calculates that 1 pinch of salt = ¼ gram.
One pinch of salt added to three meals a day equals to more than 0.75 g of salt that in addition to the salt in breastmilk or formula may skyrocket the salt consumed by the baby per day.
How to add flavor to baby food without adding salt?
You can make your baby food more interesting and tasty by adding spices appropriate to the age of the baby.
Learn ” How, when and what spices to be added to Baby Food”
How to know whether commercial Baby & children food is high in Salt?
While most of us prefer Homemade Baby food, there are few situations like traveling with babies where in we have to depend on commercial baby food.
Not only for babies, even food for children may also be high in salt, and you should always be careful while selecting the food.
The salt content is usually given as figures for sodium. As a rough guide, food containing more than 0.6g of sodium per 100g is considered high in salt ³. You can workout the amount of salt in foods by multiplying the amount of sodium by 2.5. Now, let’s move on to why no sugar for babies below 1 year:
Many mommies think that no sugar for babies also means no sweet foods for babies and refrain from giving nutritious fruits for their little ones.
By sugar, we always mean the “White Refined Sugar” not the natural sweetness of fruits and natural sweeteners.
Why is sugar harmful to Babies below 1 year?
1. Sugar is refined by lot of chemical processes which may be harmful to children.
2. Excess sugar may cause caries and tooth decay in children.
3. Excess of sugar may depress immunity.
4. Research has also shown that children fed with high sugar diet were prone to cardiovascular, diabetes and obesity.
What to substitute for sugar in baby foods?
Although your baby doesn’t need sweetening of foods daily, you can add natural sweeteners to Kheers, Porridges, baby-friendly cakes, and desserts.
Natural Sweeteners for Baby food
1. Any fruit can be added to baby food to make them naturally sweet
2. Dates Syrup (After 8 months)
3. Honey (After 1 year)
Learn more about Natural sweeteners for Baby Food
Hope your doubts regarding the No Salt and Sugar theory is resolved now, do comment below for any other queries that need answers.
Also, if your baby has recently started on solids, you might also be wondering what kind of feeding chair is best for your baby. Check out our detailed post – High Chair Vs Booster Seat: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Feeding Chair.
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1. World Action on Salt / Salt and Children Health
2. Scientific Advisor Commission on Nutrition gov.uk
3. How much salt do babies and children need? NHS
4. Effects of salt overload on Kidneys
Hiii my baby is 4 month old now. Since birth he is on formula feed. He had constipation and colic issue for which his pediatrician suggested to add sugar to his water for formula feed the ratio she suggested is one teaspoon in 500 ml water.is it ok ? Or I am doing wrong. He is a fussy feeder is it because of suger
Hi Teena,
Sorry, we don’t recommend sugar for 4 month babies. Please have a word with your pediatrician.
Do you have a source for babies kidneys being unable to process salt? I see that a lot online but have never found a source to back it up (in fact, most of the studies on salt and infant kidney function are related to hyponatremia vs hyper).
You can check in AAP resources dear.
This article is very useful to all mothers thanks a lot mam
Thank you Priya
Thanks a lot for your lovely words of appreciation.
Though I never added sugar n salt for my elder ones food till 1 year but getting advice again n again from family to add salt n sugar in my 6months old baby food..
This article will surely let them understand why I am against salt n sugar for my baby.
Thank you so much.
Our Pleasure dear
Thank u so much. My family ppl not understanding when i say no salt sugar. This article will help me to explain them now.
Our Pleasure Deepika
Hi.. can we use jaggery in baby food? How to give ragi porridge?? My daughter is 7m old now.
Hi Poornima,
Jaggery, sugar or salt is not to be added in baby foods till baby becomes 1 year. You can add fruit purees in ragi porridge to make it sweet.
Hello ma’am ,
I am Nikki i have 10 month old son, when he is 7 month old i started giving him bland foods and mass apple.
Still now i give him mass food (Dal raise) (balnd chapati with milk )with pinch of salt because i didn’t know about this thing’s that below 1 year no salt no sugar
So what can i do now… Please suggest me right way.
Hi Nikki,
Avoid salt and sugar until baby becomes 1 year dear. You can use fruit purees or dates powder/syrup to sweeten baby food if necessary.
In your article you say breast milk or formula can fill up the salt need. Is the formula good for baby?Please answer.
Hi Nisha,
For some babies breast milk won’t be possible. For such babies, doctor’s prescribe formula milk. Salt present in the formula is enough for babies till 6 months of age.
Thanks for such a wonderful explanation. My baby of 6 months is loosing weight on a daily basis and she can eat, drink or even suck breast well, what could be the problem? And what can i do?
Weight is not a matter to be worried if baby is active and healthy. It’s time to introduce nutritious vegetables and fruits. If you want to add her weight please try sathumaavu health mix. While introducing, give little initially and follow 3 day rule.
My baby is 9months old and refused to eat and he seems to loosing weight and moreover there is cough which can be clearly heard. Guide me to get rid of this problem . We have been giving homeopathic medicine since birth as my mother doesnt allow me for allopathic doctors…
Please give lots of finger foods. Give small amounts of nutritious diet. You can get 9 months baby food chart with nutritious recipes from our website.If baby hates steamed veggies try roasted :). He would start showing interest on foods when his feeding abilities develop. There are few effective home remedies for cough. Please find it in the below link. Hope this works.
Link – https://goo.gl/VGSwmX
I have a 4 months old baby and he has a diarrhea. Can I give him a sugar and salt solution?
Hi Antonette,
Please don’t give sugar or salt for babies till 1. You can feed her with Breast milk. Increase the feeding count to keep the baby hydrated.
Hi Dr. Hemapriya,
Is mishri (rock sugar) good for babies? My son is 5.5 months old and I have been adding just a pinch for his morning (multigrain) kanji. I didn’t see your website until after I started my son on kanji (1 tbsp (dry) .. once a day). So far he seems to be ok with it. I am under pressure to increase his kanji intake to twice a day but I would rather introduce the fruit and veggie purees before doubling his kanji doseage. I am also under pressure to start feeding dal rice (paruppu saadham) but I want to wait until my son has completed 7 months before I do so. What are your thoughts?
Looking forward to your reply ..
Hi Aarthi,
Every baby needs 6 months of exclusive breast feeding.You can gradually add solid foods after 6.While starting solids please Introduce one ingredient at a time and follow 3 – day rule.You can find 6 month baby food chart in our website to help you with.
Should a 4 month old be given sugar on their pasafyer every time they are fussy ?-
Hi Tom,
It’s not advisable to introduce sugar to babies before 1. It’s better to give normal plain pacifiers if necessary.
Hema your sprouted sathu mavu has 13mg sodium per serving…is it safe?
Hi Shivani,
That is not the added amount of sodium. It is the amount of natural sodium present in the ingredients. So it’s perfectly safe.
All doubts have been cleared by this article & forwarded to my family & friends. Thank you so much
That’s our pleasure dear
As per WHO – Honey should not be given to a child below 1 year of age. Please research well before posting. Thanks!
Hi Tanu,
We have clearly mentioned that it has to be given after 1 year. Kindly go through the last heading which says ‘natural sweeteners for baby food’
Hello, I love your blog. Is like a course to me. I would like to a meal plan for an 8months baby and 4 years toddler. Thanks
Thank you for your warm words of appreciation. Dear please visit our website for some wonderful Toddler recipes and in the search bar you can type food chart for 8 months and you shall get it.
Thank u for our guidance .I was very confused that what to feed because my baby is fed up of eating cerelac. And she finds salt tastier than sweet .sometimes I used to feed her dal porridge ,(home made) now the next month she will be 1 year ,but still she Cnt chew a grain of rice only she eats mashed one.plz advice me how to feed n make her habit of chewing. N some foods to feed .
Here are some ways you can help your toddler https://www.mylittlemoppet.com/7-easy-ways-to-help-your-toddler-chew-food/
very informative………..
should i use grind(powdered dates) for sweetness.
Yes, you can use a little to enhance the taste.
Just wondering, why popular baby food brands like cerelac contains suger, honey in their products? Can we offer such products to baby before 1yr old?
Personally I do not recommend sugar and salt for babies below one year. You can give homemade cerelac to baby https://www.mylittlemoppet.com/why-homemade-food-mixes-are-better-than-commercial-cerelac-for-babies/
and check this too https://www.mylittlemoppet.com/sathu-maavu-powder-for-babies/ or you can buy our organic range if you are pressed for time. thanks
Hi Hema, good work you have been doing,its really helpful a lot my baby clock 6month today and I started giving him homemade food today without sweetner.
hi hema.. ur article is really very helpful.. bt jst wanna know .. there is a book of one reputed aryuved master.. and he has described benefits of honey frm almost 2nd month.. so why no to honey? and plz let me know vegetarian diet fr 10months baby.. is it good to give all types of vegetables?
hi Dr hema, my baby is ten months old but starting from his fourth month he’s not feeding breast milk. so if salt and sugar is not good in baby’s food how my baby can get sugar and salt for his body?
thanks for d advice, my son is a year, n he dose not eat as he use to after six months, how can I help him ?
Dear Udy,
we have addressed more on your query in our FAQ page. Do browse it for more information
How can you think it’s alright to write like that? You write like a retarded 4 year old with a negative IQ. You’re they type of stupid that means you can’t even spell your own name. I can only imagine what a shit mother you are. Stop breeding.
Hi Dr Hema,
Thanks for sharing such a useful information. You mention research has shown that sugar intake could lead to obesity and diabetes in babies. I am interested in learning more about this.
Do you tihkn you could refer which are the specific researches that link sugar intake with obesity in 6 month old babies; i would be very much interested in reading them .
Yes will definitely share Usman
Request you to please share any official research on why no refined sugar should be given to babies before 12 months of age.
Thank you
Manav Singh
What about palm sugar????
thnks a lot for such an informative post !! So many doubts in mind clear .
Happy that you found it useful Ankita
Thank you for this article …it has it been very helpful ??
Glad you found the article useful
Thank you for the valuable information. my baby turns 5 months in two weeks . Dr advised to give solids in 6th month beginning. Now i have started buying baby feeding equipments. can you please suggest which product is best to sterilize ( steel or plastic dishes) and if it is plastic and bpa free, can we sterilize in hot water or just washing in hot water is enough. i bought nuby easy grip bowl , but not mentioned about sterilizing in that .It is made of break resistant polypropylene .
Hi Manimalar,
For the BPA products, best to see the manufacture advice on how to sterilise it for steel ones, you can check this guide on How to sterilize baby feeding utensils
Dear hema: can you please guide me which salt is good for babies.lik iodised or table salt.thanks sana
Table salt IS iodized, you idiot. Why don’t you use what few brain cells you have to research and READ about such a basic question instead of relying on others to do the leg work for you. Lazy.
Dear hema, can u please help me which salt is good for one year baby.is it iodised or table salt or anyother
Hi Sana,
Thanks for bringing this up, Iodine was added to salt to prevent goiter which was prevalent in 1920’s and that ic continuing till date, I have given the natural sources of iodine below, if your family has these foods regularly then no need to take iodized salt, plain table salt will do.We can get iodine naturally by eating saltwater fish and seafood, kelp and other sea vegetables as well as vegetables grown in soils that contain iodine. Dairy products also provide iodine if the animals graze on plants growing in iodine-rich soils.
I agree commercial salt is not good but how about giving kids natural rock salt or sandhav name not only is it rich in several minerals it also is unprocessed and doesn’t load the body with sodium. In fact even adults should have it
Yeah, I know about rock salt, since there weren’t any sources that mentioned the use of rocksalt for babies, i haven’t added it. We use rock salt for our salads in our house.
Hi Hema
Earlier, it was stated to add some solid food to baby’s daily diet which has adeqaute sugar and salt (same solid which is consumed by adults) e.g. 2 yrs old baby is eating wit hyou in your plate, we will be sharing same food to him which we are eating so in that case, how the salt intake will be limited to 2g as stated in table?
Yes Mohit, that is a concern, actually we started having our food with less salt so that both parents and kids grow healthy
Can we use karuppatti as sweetening agent?
Yes you can definitely use karupatti as sweetening agent, it is obtained from palm sugar while jaggery is obtained from sugarcane
One of the senior most paed in Mumbai, Dr. Pankaj Parekh explained to me (when my baby was 6 months old) that normal salt & sugar is MUST in babies food.
Logic – we live in india & thus we perspire. So if we dont add salt in babies food, baby will get cramps in legs. All the internet stuff is mainly written by people living abroad where they dont perspire so much.
Infact, Hema – if u read ur own article – you have only given cons of excess of sugar. There is not a single reason why we cant add normal quantity of sugar in babies food.
Infact one paed in my vicinity expalined to me how processed white sugar is more hygenic than Mishri.
Yes I agree that we perspire a lot, but breastmilk adapts in such a way that the salt content is adjusted in it according to climatic changes, that is the reason why we stress Breastmilk is the most nutritious food for your baby. Whole life we are going to be eating foods with salt what is wrong if we can avoid salt for just 6 months in a baby’s life and promote healthy eating patterns in children.Regarding sugar, I have mentioned not to add sugar onlt till a year. Jaggery is one of the richest source of Iron and makes a perfect natural sweetner.
Hi my son will be 6 months old next month and I will start him on semi solids then. Can I add jaggrey to his meals from that time itself or do I need to wait for sometime?
Hi Neha,
When you start weaning, don’t add any sweetner, he may like it without it too, so wait for a month if he takes his food without sweetners then well and good continue the same till 1 year or else, add a teaspoon of organic jaggery powder or syrup to his food after 7 month
Really helpful thank you so much and i would like to know y no honey for 1 yr
Hi pavithra, Will post the article soon